All In The Family: 2 During that tI had filled out from my scrawny pubescence. I was now six feet, blond with green eyes, and a hundred and seventy-five pounds. I played baseball in the spring and basketball in the winter. Swould think I was built slim but I worked out regularly and what I had was very solid. I guess I am attractive, as I never had a problem attracting sof the prettiest girls in school.
Dania had grown into a beautiful woman at five foot seven, about a hundred and twenty pounds, long blond hair, green eyes and built like an athlete -- long and lithe with beautifully shaped legs that go on forever connected to this amazing butt. (I wouldn't be human and male if I hadn't noticed.) She played tennis and volleyball and turned every male head in her very brief outfits. She worked out in our hgym withto stay that way.
The more tI shared with her, the more beautiful she got toand the more I fantasized about her. When no one else was around I would walk around in my underwear and Dania would lounge around in hers or sshorty pajamas. I still used to try to sneak looks at her in the bathroom or in her bedroom when she was completely undressed. She had a sensational body that clothes couldn't hide. Sometimes I would catch her checkingout as I worked out in our gym. When I caught her she would quickly turn away and that just added to my fantasy. I even stole a pair of her underwear just so I could smell her. I would jerk off as I fantasized about her fucking someone and felt guilty at the st-- she was my step-sister but she was the sexiest thing I had ever seen! The spring of our senior year, the four of us went out for a special dinner at a fancy restaurant to celebrate being "legal" and getting into the college of our choice. During dinner we started talking about our plans for the last summer before college. Dad and mom (what we both had started calling them much to their delight) said they had rented a cabin on a private lake in upstate New York for the summer for the four of us. It was to be our last summer to really be together for quality. Dania and I both said it would be great to just chill out before our next big life events -- college and career.
The plan was that Dania and I would drive up with all the baggage a couple of days before and set the place up. Dad would finish a scheduled trial and Mom would close up the Connecticut house. They said we were responsible nineteen year olds and they could trust us not to kill each other. They would fly up later and meet us. Dad would stay for two or three weeks and then he would spend every other week. We thought it was a grand plan and we jabbered all evening about it like little children -- all four of us.
When the day finally arrived, it took us most of a day to drive up. We talked all the twe drove planning what we were going to do all summer. Talking was something we had been able to do from the very first. We stopped only for food, gas or a break. When we arrived we hurriedly unpacked the car, put all the food and clothes away and settled in for sdinner. Dania opted to cook because she was sure I could burn water. She made this incredible stir-fry.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtWe decided to open a bottle of wine, which is pretty much all we drank other than beer. We continued our conversation from the road trip talking about life in general, the breakup with our "steadies" that had happened the prior month, the scollege we were both going to in Boston, and what a wonderful summer vacation we were going to have. We put on the raas background. Somewhere along the line we opened a second bottle. Then we heard this song we both loved and I guess that second bottle of wine had gotten to us a little. I don't know why to this day I did it, but I asked Dania to dance. She smiled a little, then grinned and said 'Sure, why not?' We swayed to the music, it was a slow dance after all, and I could feel her body relaxing into mine. Something about this dance was different. I had never noticed how perfect a fit we were to each other - as if we had been made that way. We danced in perfect synchronization as if she could anticipate my very next step and I hers. I could make out every outline of her body and felt her hips brushing againstas my leg slid between hers. I started to get a hard-on and was relieved when the song ended.
But we lingered there for a minute enjoying the closeness. She felt so good in my arms -- better, I thought, than anyone had ever before. She felt ... ideal. Dania was flushed a little and so was I and we both were breathing harder than normal. She looked up atand we just stared at each other for what seemed like forever lost in each others gaze. Then the spell broke -- we decided we were both tired from the trip, and probably a little drunk. I was so turned on by what happened I couldn't stand it. I had a hard tfalling asleep. I couldn't get her out of my mind.
About two in the morning I heard this terrible noise from outside. It sounded like animals waging their own brand of war. It was scary. I sleep nude, so I put on my robe and went downstairs to see if I could see what was going on. As I turned the corner at the bottom of the stairs I ran into Dania. She was tying on a thin white robe and looked really frightened. I put my arm around her and we went into the great room of the cabin. I turned on the outside lights and went onto the porch. Off in the clearing was a pack of wild dogs and a bear in a heated battle. I went inside and saw her shaking on the couch.
"You all right?" "No I'm scared to death - that noise really frightened me." So I sat down and put my arm around her, pulled her close, and spoke to her to calm her down. I told her everything would be all right and that she would be safe as long as I was around and we had bullets for the gun. She laughed and asked what gun. As I pointed to a rifle mounted above the mantle, my arm brushed her beast. It was soft and yielding and her nipple immediately hardened and stuck out under her robe. I got flustered and told her I was sorry. She looked atand softly said -- "It's OK Dan -- no foul." We sat there holding each other,in only a robe and she in hers. As she clung closer, her robe opened slightly and her breast got exposed along with her thigh all the way up to her crotch. Clearly she slept in the nude too. She made no move to close up. It was all I could do to stay calm. What a beautiful sight -- more perfect than I had remembered or even fantasized about. I couldn't help my new tent but she either didn't notice or didn't care to.
After a while things seem to quiet down outside and inside.
"Let's go to sleep and plan the next two days in the morning" she suggested.
Reluctantly, not wishing to give up the wonderful view or the feeling of having her close, I agreed and we headed upstairs. No sooner had we reached the top, then the noise started again -- only louder. Dania freaked and grabbed hold ofshaking like a leaf.
"Pleeeaaase I'm really frightened Dan. Can I sleep next to you tonight? I'll feel a lot safer" she pleaded.
I was stunned and excited at the thought of sleeping with her. "Sure, but we will have to use the master bedroom -- we only have singles." If you're loving the book, nel5sis where the adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you! "OK" and that was that. I threw on sshorts and she stayed in her robe and we got under the covers. Needless to say, I didn't sleep very well that night. I could sense her next to-- the warmth of her body, the smell of her hair, the mounds of her breasts and the points of her nipples under my arms as I held her all night. At spoint I could feel her butt up against my crotch and it was all I could do to keep it in line. Exhausted, I finally fell asleep.
The next morning, I awoke to find I was alone. The smell of bacon frying in the kitchen and toast in the toaster madehungry. Still in just my shorts I brushed my teeth and headed to the kitchen. There she was, happy as a clam cooking breakfast -- still in her short white robe.
"Hey Dan" -- she said -- "want sbreakfast?" As she turned to handa cup of coffee she flashed a breast and one long leg all the way to her shaved pussy. I was mesmerized at the sight. She turned around as if she hadn't noticed.
"Hey -- Dan -- you slept in. Didn't the telephone wake you up?" "No-- I guess I was DTW." I answered.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"Dad and Mom won't be up until Saturday late. Dad said the trial is running longer than he expected and Mom elected to stay as long as we were getting along OK. She called to let us know and told us not to get in any trouble. I told her there was nowhere to get in trouble up here -- we were 30 miles from nowhere and there aren't any clubs around that we knew about. So we have the place to ourselves until then." "That's cool" I said.
While she was talking and cooking I was staring at her, I couldn't help myself. I just was intoxicated by the lines of her body under the robe and the way the robe clung to her. She was so stunning - long blond hair, shapely and toned legs, that great ass, those upturned tits, that shaved mound, and those eyes -- enough to sink a ship. My memory of sleeping together last night unleashed those familiar stirrings in me. My body was reacting to the sexual thoughts about my sister again! "Dan" she said. "Dan" this tlouder. "Earth calling Dan. Are you here? You have this strange look on your face -- are you OK?" "Fine, I was just thinking how great you look this morning." "Pervert! You seestanding here with only a robe on and you're getting off thinking about it. Just chill."
As I looked down my shorts looked like a tent with a pole in the middle. I in had a huge hard-on/She looked down at the stas I did and giggled. "Is that because of me" she asked coyly.
I blushed -- "Ah, I guess so. It appears to have a mind of its own!" When she smiled her whole face lit up and I was a goner.
Raising her eyebrow she teased "And what were you thinking about? m Anything I would want to know?" She really knew how to get to me.
—— I just sat down -- a little embarrassed. During breakfast I was thinking about how open about sex we had becsince losing our virginities on the snight; how we had shared the adventure with each other and how we teased each other ever since. Not when the folks were around however --they wouldn't understand. We had decided that they weren't brought up to be as open with the opposite sex as we had becnor did they have the opportunity to be as close to siblings of the opposite sex growing up. The will be updated first on this website. Cback and continue reading tomorrow, everyone! mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLliIofifl0&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1