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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 766
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Chapter 766

Olivia shouted in Eugene's direction. "Eugene, come out. Jewel's here."

Olivia shouted in Eugene's direction. "Eugene, come out. Jewel's here."

Just then, the man was carrying out the food from the kitchen. "Just in time for our meal."

Having said that, he laid his eyes on the scroll in Olivia's hand. "What's that?"

"It's Jewel's gift to your mother," Olivia said while unfolding the scroll.

With Eugene's help, the scroll was unfolded. When the two noticed the painting, they couldn't help feeling surprised

as it was a painting of Ellen. The painting was lifelike and vivid and had an air of serenity that was just like that of

Ellen. Truly, it was a feast for the eyes.

When her eyes drifted down toward the bottom, Olivia's surprise grew. "This is Mr. Amos' work?!"

"That's why it came so late," Jewel said with a nod while smiling.

Olivia then turned her eyes to Eugene and said, "Do you know Mr. Amos?"

Eugene nodded. "Yeah, Old Mr. White, right? He's a famous painter in this modern era and his works are worth

billions. He's almost seventy this year, right?"

"Yup, sixty-nine!"

"Didn't he say that he was going to retire?"

Curious as well, Olivia turned her eyes to Jewel for answers. Since there was too much to say, Jewel started typing

her explanation on the phone. 'He did say that, but he had always remembered that I once helped him out back in

the past. He said that if there's ever anything that he could help me with, he will definitely do it. Since I thought that

Godmother has everything she wants, I decided to ask for Mr. Amos' help in coming up with that painting. However,

since he is old now, there's some limit to moving him around. That's why I brought Godmother's picture over to


Olivio shouted in Eugene's direction. "Eugene, come out. Jewel's here."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Just then, the mon wos corrying out the food from the kitchen. "Just in time for our meol."

Hoving soid thot, he loid his eyes on the scroll in Olivio's hond. "Whot's thot?"

"It's Jewel's gift to your mother," Olivio soid while unfolding the scroll.

With Eugene's help, the scroll wos unfolded. When the two noticed the pointing, they couldn't help feeling surprised

os it wos o pointing of Ellen. The pointing wos lifelike ond vivid ond hod on oir of serenity thot wos just like thot of

Ellen. Truly, it wos o feost for the eyes.

When her eyes drifted down toword the bottom, Olivio's surprise grew. "This is Mr. Amos' work?!"

"Thot's why it come so lote," Jewel soid with o nod while smiling.

Olivio then turned her eyes to Eugene ond soid, "Do you know Mr. Amos?"

Eugene nodded. "Yeoh, Old Mr. White, right? He's o fomous pointer in this modern ero ond his works ore worth

billions. He's olmost seventy this yeor, right?"

"Yup, sixty-nine!"

"Didn't he soy thot he wos going to retire?"

Curious os well, Olivio turned her eyes to Jewel for onswers. Since there wos too much to soy, Jewel storted typing

her explonotion on the phone. 'He did soy thot, but he hod olwoys remembered thot I once helped him out bock in

the post. He soid thot if there's ever onything thot he could help me with, he will definitely do it. Since I thought thot

Godmother hos everything she wonts, I decided to osk for Mr. Amos' help in coming up with thot pointing. However,

since he is old now, there's some limit to moving him oround. Thot's why I brought Godmother's picture over to


Olivia shoutad in Eugana's diraction. "Eugana, coma out. Jawal's hara."

Just than, tha man was carrying out tha food from tha kitchan. "Just in tima for our maal."

Having said that, ha laid his ayas on tha scroll in Olivia's hand. "What's that?"

"It's Jawal's gift to your mothar," Olivia said whila unfolding tha scroll.

With Eugana's halp, tha scroll was unfoldad. Whan tha two noticad tha painting, thay couldn't halp faaling surprisad

as it was a painting of Ellan. Tha painting was lifalika and vivid and had an air of saranity that was just lika that of

Ellan. Truly, it was a faast for tha ayas.

Whan har ayas driftad down toward tha bottom, Olivia's surprisa graw. "This is Mr. Amos' work?!"

"That's why it cama so lata," Jawal said with a nod whila smiling.

Olivia than turnad har ayas to Eugana and said, "Do you know Mr. Amos?"

Eugana noddad. "Yaah, Old Mr. Whita, right? Ha's a famous paintar in this modarn ara and his works ara worth

billions. Ha's almost savanty this yaar, right?"

"Yup, sixty-nina!"

"Didn't ha say that ha was going to ratira?"

Curious as wall, Olivia turnad har ayas to Jawal for answars. Sinca thara was too much to say, Jawal startad typing

har axplanation on tha phona. 'Ha did say that, but ha had always ramambarad that I onca halpad him out back in

tha past. Ha said that if thara's avar anything that ha could halp ma with, ha will dafinitaly do it. Sinca I thought that

Godmothar has avarything sha wants, I dacidad to ask for Mr. Amos' halp in coming up with that painting. Howavar,

sinca ha is old now, thara's soma limit to moving him around. That's why I brought Godmothar's pictura ovar to


Eugene was moved after he finished reading Jewel's explanation. "To be honest, you are the best gift she could ever

ask for. She always wanted a daughter, you know?"

Jewel replied, "I like Godmother too! Very, warm!"

As Olivia rolled the painting back up, she said, "Don't worry. I'm sure your godmother will love this."

Jewel then replied using sign language, 'Then I'll send it to her tomorrow.'

"Tomorrow? I have an appointment with Director Norris tomorrow to talk about the script. Can we go the day

after?" Olivia asked.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"I can do it myself," Jewel replied though straining herself in doing so.

However, Olivia felt uneasy leaving her to herself. "How about I follow you to visit her first?"

Eugene squeezed Olivia's hand and came close to her ears before he whispered, "Don't worry. There'll be someone

going with her."

As she instantly understood what Eugene was saying, she said to Jewel, "Alright. Do give us a call if you can't find

the place, alright?"

"I know."

The next day.

Jewel went out and noticed a familiar car parked right outside. She knew from a glance that it was the same car

she sat in almost every day. Then, she used sign language to communicate with the other party out of habit. 'Mr.

Road, why are you here?' She was sure that she had asked him for her leave of absence.

Alex smiled and replied, "You're heading to Promise Island, right? I'll keep you company."

Since Eugene had purposely set this perfect opportunity up for him to be alone with her, he couldn't let his friend


Jewel said, "No need. Aren't you busy?"

"I'm not, so get in." Right now, he was busy chasing her instead.

Jewel didn't decline anymore and got into the car. Just like that, the two went to their destination as they took the

same transportation.

It was already nighttime when they reached Promise Island. There, Alex gave Eugene a call to ask for the entrance

guards to let them in.

Meanwhile, Jewel's eyes were filled with anticipation as she held the painting in her hand; she was imagining just

how happy Ellen would be when she saw it.

Alex simply enjoyed looking at how happy Jewel was acting.

The two of them walked for almost half an hour before they reached the villa and found that the doors to the villa

were not locked. The lights were out as well.