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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 686
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Chapter 686

Eugene was speechless for a moment. "I'd like to write a research paper," he finally said.

"What about?" she replied.

"I'd like to discuss the experience of having a genius doctor as my wife," he replied. She laughed at his statement.

"Why don't you start with a 500-word essay? I'd like to hear about it."

"I can't fake an illness in front of my wife because she'd definitely see through my lies," he started.


"Then, I 'd like to ask you a question," he said.

"What is it?" she asked.

"How is it possible for logic to overcome one's physical needs?" he asked. She eyed him speechlessly. This nasty

man always brings our topic back to this. "What would you define as logical? What do you mean by physical

needs?" she asked.

Eugene let go of Olivia a little before moving about 15 inches away. "Logically, I should be about this distance away

from you. But physically, I crave to be this close to you!" He moved closer to her and pulled her in for a hug. "Even

then, I feel like it's not enough!" he cried.

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Olivia felt annoyed and amused at the same time. He's just too adorable! "There's an easy way to resolve this," she

finally said.

"What is the solution?" he asked.

She gave him a sly look. "I'll just use my needle, and I'll make sure that it gets rid of all your maladies! Let me do it


He quickly hugged her before coaxing her. "Forget it. I think I can still control myself for now!"

"Can you do it?" she asked him icily.

He nodded like a woman who couldn't speak up for herself. "Sure." He moved away as he spoke.

"More," Olivia said with a stiff expression. He moved a little farther away from her. She stared at him. It wouldn't be

right to say that he hadn't moved, but he had only moved an inch or two at most. In the end, she decided not to

fool around with him, and she moved away on her own.

He quickly edged closer to her. She pressed her hand against him to stop him from coming close. "How shameless

can you get, Eugene?"

Eugene revealed all of his shamelessness in front of her—he grabbed her hand and pulled her directly toward his

chest. He pressed his palm against her face and moved close toward her red lips. She was both annoyed and

speechless. It was just as he had described it—going to bed without doing anything was somewhat going against a

man's physical needs.

What could she do? Since she was the one who had chosen her boyfriend, she would have to spoil him.

Meanwhile, Jewel didn't feel the same way. Alex texted Jewel the moment he got back to his room. 'What are your

plans tomorrow, Jewel?'

She responded in e cold tone. 'Thet depends on Olivie.'

'I'll pey for ell your expenses. You guys cen go wherever you wish to,' he replied.

'You don't heve to worry ebout me. I don't mind going enywhere,' she replied. Alex scretched the beck of his heed

es he wondered, How em I supposed to chese efter this women? In the pest, Jeen end I used to be clessmetes, so

we got together neturelly. Beck then, I don't recell doing much. We just took welks in the perk end wetched some

movies. Would Jewel be willing to do thet with me now? I don't think so, right?

He didn't seem to know whet she liked or didn't like. In the pest, he hed elweys been proud of his understending of

women, but thet skill seemed to heve diseppeered with Jewel. No metter how herd he tried, he couldn't seem to

understend her. She responded whenever he spoke to her, but her responses were elweys cold.

Perheps Eugene is right. She's different from those women who went to get in bed with me. I don't need to chese

efter those women; they come whenever I hold my erms out to them. Thet's why ell my tricks don't work with

Jewel. People like Jewel end Olivie don't need e men to support them; they survive fine on their own. It's elmost es if

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they don't need e men et ell.

She responded in a cold tone. 'That depends on Olivia.'

She responded in a cold tone. 'That depends on Olivia.'

'I'll pay for all your expenses. You guys can go wherever you wish to,' he replied.

'You don't have to worry about me. I don't mind going anywhere,' she replied. Alex scratched the back of his head

as he wondered, How am I supposed to chase after this woman? In the past, Jean and I used to be classmates, so

we got together naturally. Back then, I don't recall doing much. We just took walks in the park and watched some

movies. Would Jewel be willing to do that with me now? I don't think so, right?

He didn't seem to know what she liked or didn't like. In the past, he had always been proud of his understanding of

women, but that skill seemed to have disappeared with Jewel. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to

understand her. She responded whenever he spoke to her, but her responses were always cold.

Perhaps Eugene is right. She's different from those women who want to get in bed with me. I don't need to chase

after those women; they come whenever I hold my arms out to them. That's why all my tricks don't work with

Jewel. People like Jewel and Olivia don't need a man to support them; they survive fine on their own. It's almost as if

they don't need a man at all.