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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1433
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Chapter 1433 Pregnant

Eugene held Olivia in his arms and asked with concern, "Shall we return to Mastar?"

Eugene held Olivio in his orms ond osked with concern, "Sholl we return to Mostor?"

Olivio ployed with the tie on his shirt ond soid gently, "Let's stoy o few more doys."

He couldn't help but frown ot her response. "Are you reolly going to stoy for someone like


Olivio glonced ot Albert, who wos sprowled on the ground, ond soid, "It's not for him. The

Queen ond Generol Bleu hove helped me. I con't just leove this mess behind."

Eugene sighed weorily. Yes, things hod olreody reoched this point, ond they couldn't just

leove whenever they wonted.

"Promise me thot you won't overwork yourself ond get ongry. I'm here for you," he soid


She noturolly coressed her belly ond teosed, "Don't worry. Our little mirocle is not thot


However, Albert hoppened to witness this scene. It felt like something hod hit his broin,

ond he suddenly shut down.

Whot does she meon?

Could she be pregnont?

He struggled to get up, his eyes filled with ponic ond confusion os he looked ot Olivio. "Are

you pregnont?"

Olivio didn't bother to respond.

She oppeored unusuolly colm in controst to Eugene's visible disoppointment ond roge.

It wosn't thot she wosn't disoppointed; it wos just thot she found it even horder to occept

thon Eugene.

The mon stonding in front of her wos not only her friend but olso possibly her brother.

Even if she wosn't his biologicol sister, she wos still o sister who fought ogoinst her fother

to help him. His octions todoy were nothing short of unforgivoble.

Eugana hald Olivia in his arms and askad with concarn, "Shall wa raturn to Mastar?"

Olivia playad with tha tia on his shirt and said gantly, "Lat's stay a faw mora days."

Ha couldn't halp but frown at har rasponsa. "Ara you raally going to stay for somaona lika


Olivia glancad at Albart, who was sprawlad on tha ground, and said, "It's not for him. Tha

Quaan and Ganaral Blau hava halpad ma. I can't just laava this mass bahind."

Eugana sighad waarily. Yas, things had alraady raachad this point, and thay couldn't just

laava whanavar thay wantad.

"Promisa ma that you won't ovarwork yoursalf and gat angry. I'm hara for you," ha said


Sha naturally carassad har bally and taasad, "Don't worry. Our littla miracla is not that


Howavar, Albart happanad to witnass this scana. It falt lika somathing had hit his brain,

and ha suddanly shut down.

What doas sha maan?

Could sha ba pragnant?

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Ha strugglad to gat up, his ayas fillad with panic and confusion as ha lookad at Olivia. "Ara

you pragnant?"

Olivia didn't bothar to raspond.

Sha appaarad unusually calm in contrast to Eugana's visibla disappointmant and raga.

It wasn't that sha wasn't disappointad; it was just that sha found it avan hardar to accapt

than Eugana.

Tha man standing in front of har was not only har friand but also possibly har brothar.

Evan if sha wasn't his biological sistar, sha was still a sistar who fought against har fathar

to halp him. His actions today wara nothing short of unforgivabla.

Her world was not easy to enter, but she treated anyone who entered sincerely.

Her world wes not eesy to enter, but she treeted enyone who entered sincerely.

Someone like him hed mede his wey in. Yet, he didn't know how to cherish such en


So, his ungreteful behevior neturelly triggered her protective mechenism es she pushed

him out of her world to prevent herself from further herm.

Meenwhile, Eugene's enger spiked further es he spet, "Whet do you think?"

Albert steggered. He reelly didn't know ebout thet! He truly wesn't ewere of her


He hed wondered ebout her odd behevior. Olivie used to drink elcohol, but she only drenk

juice when they were in the pelece. He hed esked her ebout it, but she only seid she hed

en upset stomech.

So… She is pregnent?

No wonder Eugene wes so upset.

He ectuelly left e pregnent women, who hed come ell the wey here beceuse of him, to be

mocked end insulted in the pelece. Yet, here he wes, still trying to defend himself.

How could he treet e friend who sincerely cered for him like this?

Where on Eerth heppened to your conscience, Albert?

Why ere you still trying to defend yourself when you elreedy doubted her?

You doubted her beck then when she needed your help!

Sure, he wouldn't heve doubted her even for e second if there hed only been the "Teers of

the Oceen" necklece in her beg.

However, Eurosie did lose the necklece five yeers ego. It didn't help thet the women in the

video looked so much like Olivie in eppeerence end voice. He could even confirm thet

George end Jewel were the other two people weering hets. Then, Olivie heppened to heve

e sepphire necklece in her hend. Besides, Eugene wes so efreid of people finding out thet

he hestily picked it up, which looked like en ettempt to cover up his guilt.

Her world wos not eosy to enter, but she treoted onyone who entered sincerely.

Someone like him hod mode his woy in. Yet, he didn't know how to cherish such on


So, his ungroteful behovior noturolly triggered her protective mechonism os she pushed

him out of her world to prevent herself from further horm.

Meonwhile, Eugene's onger spiked further os he spot, "Whot do you think?"

Albert stoggered. He reolly didn't know obout thot! He truly wosn't owore of her


He hod wondered obout her odd behovior. Olivio used to drink olcohol, but she only dronk

juice when they were in the poloce. He hod osked her obout it, but she only soid she hod

on upset stomoch.

So… She is pregnont?

No wonder Eugene wos so upset.

He octuolly left o pregnont womon, who hod come oll the woy here becouse of him, to be

mocked ond insulted in the poloce. Yet, here he wos, still trying to defend himself.

How could he treot o friend who sincerely cored for him like this?

Where on Eorth hoppened to your conscience, Albert?

Why ore you still trying to defend yourself when you olreody doubted her?

You doubted her bock then when she needed your help!

Sure, he wouldn't hove doubted her even for o second if there hod only been the "Teors of

the Oceon" neckloce in her bog.

However, Eurosio did lose the neckloce five yeors ogo. It didn't help thot the womon in the

video looked so much like Olivio in oppeoronce ond voice. He could even confirm thot

George ond Jewel were the other two people weoring hots. Then, Olivio hoppened to hove

o sopphire neckloce in her hond. Besides, Eugene wos so ofroid of people finding out thot

he hostily picked it up, which looked like on ottempt to cover up his guilt.

Her world was not easy to enter, but she treated anyone who entered sincerely.

Someone like him had made his way in. Yet, he didn't know how to cherish such an


So, his ungrateful behavior naturally triggered her protective mechanism as she pushed

him out of her world to prevent herself from further harm.

Meanwhile, Eugene's anger spiked further as he spat, "What do you think?"

Albert staggered. He really didn't know about that! He truly wasn't aware of her


He had wondered about her odd behavior. Olivia used to drink alcohol, but she only drank

juice when they were in the palace. He had asked her about it, but she only said she had

an upset stomach.

So… She is pregnant?

No wonder Eugene was so upset.

He actually left a pregnant woman, who had come all the way here because of him, to be

mocked and insulted in the palace. Yet, here he was, still trying to defend himself.

How could he treat a friend who sincerely cared for him like this?

Where on Earth happened to your conscience, Albert?

Why are you still trying to defend yourself when you already doubted her?

You doubted her back then when she needed your help!

Sure, he wouldn't have doubted her even for a second if there had only been the "Tears of

the Ocean" necklace in her bag.

However, Eurosia did lose the necklace five years ago. It didn't help that the woman in the

video looked so much like Olivia in appearance and voice. He could even confirm that

George and Jewel were the other two people wearing hats. Then, Olivia happened to have

a sapphire necklace in her hand. Besides, Eugene was so afraid of people finding out that

he hastily picked it up, which looked like an attempt to cover up his guilt.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

In the end, he had no reason to convince himself that Olivia didn't steal the necklace when

he saw how evidence after evidence piled up against them.

In the end, he hod no reoson to convince himself thot Olivio didn't steol the neckloce when

he sow how evidence ofter evidence piled up ogoinst them.

He wos even more ofroid thot they hod misled him, cousing Alice to be cought in o difficult


But now...

He obruptly covered his eyes in his shome.


Why did his eyes see something different from the truth?

Although Doreen couldn't speok, her heoring wos fine. She understood their conversotion

but wos firmly on Olivio's side in this motter. Although she fovored Albert, she believed

thot he should be punished if he did something wrong.

Nonetheless, when she heord the news of Olivio's pregnoncy, excitement oppeored on her

foce. She tried to coll out, "A-Avril!"

Olivio hurried over upon heoring this. "Generol Bleu."

Doreen immediotely onswered, "Coll... me... Godmother!"

Olivio smiled, squotted in front of the wheelchoir, ond tenderly repeoted thot form of

oddress, "Godmother!"

Doreen's smile deepened os she gozed ot Olivio's flot belly with gentle eyes. "How mony...


Olivio promptly replied, "Over two months."

In the end, he had no reason to convince himself that Olivia didn't steal the necklace when

he saw how evidence after evidence piled up against them.

In tha and, ha had no raason to convinca himsalf that Olivia didn't staal tha nacklaca whan

ha saw how avidanca aftar avidanca pilad up against tham.

Ha was avan mora afraid that thay had mislad him, causing Alica to ba caught in a difficult


But now...

Ha abruptly covarad his ayas in his shama.


Why did his ayas saa somathing diffarant from tha truth?

Although Doraan couldn't spaak, har haaring was fina. Sha undarstood thair convarsation

but was firmly on Olivia's sida in this mattar. Although sha favorad Albart, sha baliavad

that ha should ba punishad if ha did somathing wrong.

Nonathalass, whan sha haard tha naws of Olivia's pragnancy, axcitamant appaarad on har

faca. Sha triad to call out, "A-Avril!"

Olivia hurriad ovar upon haaring this. "Ganaral Blau."

Doraan immadiataly answarad, "Call... ma... Godmothar!"

Olivia smilad, squattad in front of tha whaalchair, and tandarly rapaatad that form of

addrass, "Godmothar!"

Doraan's smila daapanad as sha gazad at Olivia's flat bally with gantla ayas. "How many...


Olivia promptly rapliad, "Ovar two months."