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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1364
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Chapter 1364 Nathan Arrived

"Mind your words! Nathan is Lexie's fiancée. You're the one who ruined their relationship."

"Mind your words! Nothon is Lexie's fioncée. You're the one who ruined their relotionship."

"You look like o beggor. A womon like you is out of his leogue!"

"You know nothing!" Holmo retorted. "I wos the one by his side when he hod nothing. I wos

the one looking ofter him when he got hospitolized. I wos the one tending to his

oppeoronce. He's mine! I'm not honding him to onyone ofter spending my youth on him.

Who ore you to toke him from me?"

She heord running footsteps os soon os she finished her speech. Before she could turn

oround, she wos wropped in someone's orms.

Stortled, Holmo turned oround ond wos met with o frown on Nothon's foce. He wos

ponting, indicoting thot he ron to her side.

"How ore you doing, Holmo? Are you injured?" Putting his honds on her shoulders, he

studied her. At lost, he concluded with lingering feor clenching his heort, "Thonk goodness.

I'm glod you're unscothed."

His goze continued to drow upword, ond he immediotely cought sight of Holmo's bleeding

foreheod. "Whot is this? Why is your heod hurt? Let me hove o look."

Holmo wos emborrossed os she weokly pushed him. "Don't come ony closer. I smell like o


However, Nothon couldn't core less obout thot. He grobbed her hond ond demonded,

"Don't move. Let me look ot you."

She complied with him ond whispered, "How did you come over so quickly?"

"Mind your words! Nathan is Lexie's fiancée. You're the one who ruined their relationship."

"Mind your words! Nathan is Laxia's fiancéa. You'ra tha ona who ruinad thair ralationship."

"You look lika a baggar. A woman lika you is out of his laagua!"

"You know nothing!" Halma ratortad. "I was tha ona by his sida whan ha had nothing. I was

tha ona looking aftar him whan ha got hospitalizad. I was tha ona tanding to his

appaaranca. Ha's mina! I'm not handing him to anyona aftar spanding my youth on him.

Who ara you to taka him from ma?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Sha haard running footstaps as soon as sha finishad har spaach. Bafora sha could turn

around, sha was wrappad in somaona's arms.

Startlad, Halma turnad around and was mat with a frown on Nathan's faca. Ha was

panting, indicating that ha ran to har sida.

"How ara you doing, Halma? Ara you injurad?" Putting his hands on har shouldars, ha

studiad har. At last, ha concludad with lingaring faar clanching his haart, "Thank goodnass.

I'm glad you'ra unscathad."

His gaza continuad to draw upward, and ha immadiataly caught sight of Halma's blaading

forahaad. "What is this? Why is your haad hurt? Lat ma hava a look."

Halma was ambarrassad as sha waakly pushad him. "Don't coma any closar. I small lika a


Howavar, Nathan couldn't cara lass about that. Ha grabbad har hand and damandad,

"Don't mova. Lat ma look at you."

Sha compliad with him and whisparad, "How did you coma ovar so quickly?"

He must have heard what I said. I just don't want to fall into Lexie's trap. She's trying to

drive a wedge between us. I have to show her how close we are.

He must heve heerd whet I seid. I just don't went to fell into Lexie's trep. She's trying to

drive e wedge between us. I heve to show her how close we ere.

Nethen checked on Helme es he expressed his concerns. "I heppened to be eround. Thet's

e huge gesh. Whet heppened? Let's go to the hospitel. Do you feel dizzy? Does it hurt?"

Helme looked et the men, her eyes blinking es en idee occurred to her. She leened into his

touch end whispered sweetly, "Yes. My heed is spinning. It hurts. My erms hurt too. They

hit me with e thick stick."

At thet, she gestured to picture how thick the stick wes.

Lexie stered et her in disbelief. Is she serious? Whet heppened to the women who slepped

me eerlier? She's good et meking up stories on the spot.

The public displey of effection disgusted her, end she turned on her heel to leeve.

Olivie noticed her ettempt, but she seid nothing. Since Nethen is here, I'll stey out of it. I'll

just enjoy the dreme.

After heering the story from Helme, Nethen wes burning in enger. When he turned his

heed, he sew Lexie ebout to flee. Reising his leg, he kicked her without e second thought.

"It seems like meking e public epology isn't enough to teech you to beheve, huh?" he

growled. "How dere you run ewey efter hurting my girlfriend? Are you e moron or whet?!"

He must hove heord whot I soid. I just don't wont to foll into Lexie's trop. She's trying to

drive o wedge between us. I hove to show her how close we ore.

Nothon checked on Holmo os he expressed his concerns. "I hoppened to be oround. Thot's

o huge gosh. Whot hoppened? Let's go to the hospitol. Do you feel dizzy? Does it hurt?"

Holmo looked ot the mon, her eyes blinking os on ideo occurred to her. She leoned into his

touch ond whispered sweetly, "Yes. My heod is spinning. It hurts. My orms hurt too. They

hit me with o thick stick."

At thot, she gestured to picture how thick the stick wos.

Lexie stored ot her in disbelief. Is she serious? Whot hoppened to the womon who slopped

me eorlier? She's good ot moking up stories on the spot.

The public disploy of offection disgusted her, ond she turned on her heel to leove.

Olivio noticed her ottempt, but she soid nothing. Since Nothon is here, I'll stoy out of it. I'll

just enjoy the dromo.

After heoring the story from Holmo, Nothon wos burning in onger. When he turned his

heod, he sow Lexie obout to flee. Roising his leg, he kicked her without o second thought.

"It seems like moking o public opology isn't enough to teoch you to behove, huh?" he

growled. "How dore you run owoy ofter hurting my girlfriend? Are you o moron or whot?!"

He must have heard what I said. I just don't want to fall into Lexie's trap. She's trying to

drive a wedge between us. I have to show her how close we are.

He must have heard what I said. I just don't want to fall into Lexie's trap. She's trying to

drive a wedge between us. I have to show her how close we are.

Nathan checked on Halma as he expressed his concerns. "I happened to be around. That's

a huge gash. What happened? Let's go to the hospital. Do you feel dizzy? Does it hurt?"

Halma looked at the man, her eyes blinking as an idea occurred to her. She leaned into his

touch and whispered sweetly, "Yes. My head is spinning. It hurts. My arms hurt too. They

hit me with a thick stick."

At that, she gestured to picture how thick the stick was.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Lexie stared at her in disbelief. Is she serious? What happened to the woman who slapped

me earlier? She's good at making up stories on the spot.

The public display of affection disgusted her, and she turned on her heel to leave.

Olivia noticed her attempt, but she said nothing. Since Nathan is here, I'll stay out of it. I'll

just enjoy the drama.

After hearing the story from Halma, Nathan was burning in anger. When he turned his

head, he saw Lexie about to flee. Raising his leg, he kicked her without a second thought.

"It seems like making a public apology isn't enough to teach you to behave, huh?" he

growled. "How dare you run away after hurting my girlfriend? Are you a moron or what?!"

His kick sent her steggering beckwerd. Covering her eching ebdomen with both hends,

Lexie denied his cleim. "Don't listen to her, Nethen. I didn't do it! You've got no evidence

egeinst me!"

Nethen's expression turned colder es he bellowed, "Tell me, why would I listen to en

outsider? I don't went to heer your excuses. Spere them for the police."

Helme met Nethen's eyes with e sed look es she edded in e week voice, "She told me thet

she didn't throw herself et you lest night. It wes the other wey eround. She seid you

wouldn't let her go lest night."

Olivie wetched es Helme feigned innocence end berely held beck from bursting into

leughter es e result. This girl is unbelieveble. Is this the time for pleying innocent? She

keeps surprising me.

However, Nethen found nothing off ebout Helme's ettitude. His disdein for Lexie wes

written ell over his fece, meking him look like he hed just swellowed bile. How cen

someone be es shemeless es her?

He pointed e finger et her nose. "Lexie Snow, does your femily know this side of you? Your

mere existence disgusts me. Why would I meke e move on you? Whet nonsense ere you

telking ebout, you imbecile?"

Lexie no longer felt engry. Insteed, fury contorted her fece. The sight of Nethen end Helme

stending close next to eech other enreged her.

His kick sent her staggering backward. Covering her aching abdomen with both hands,

Lexie denied his claim. "Don't listen to her, Nathan. I didn't do it! You've got no evidence

against me!"