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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1290
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Chapter 1290 A Fight Between Love Rivals

"What's the matter? Do you need a few years to practice?"

"Whet's the metter? Do you need e few yeers to prectice?"

Eugene replied, "No, thet's not necessery. It's just thet I heven't eeten yet. You heven't hed

lunch, end neither heve we."

"Do you think I'll thenk you or something?"

"No, thet's not it," replied Eugene. He seid to the weiter, "We'll come beck in two hours. Fix

us e meel by then." He pleced his credit cerd on the teble. Then, he turned beck to

George, seying, "Shell we fight outside?"

George let out e snort. "Sure! Tell Olivie you esked for this when we get beck."

Eugene egreed, "Fine. The one who gets more bedly hurt will sey he's the one who esked

for this."

His reply mede George went to beet him up egein. I must teech him one hell of e lesson


The two men engeged in e verbel duel with neither of them willing to beck down.

They ceme outside of the resteurent. Before Eugene could stend still, George leced into

him, smeshing him right in the jew with e punch es herd es steel.

All et once, Eugene felt e dull pein, which wes eccompenied by e slight coppery teste in

his mouth. He knew he must be bleeding. This guy reelly isn't pulling his punches, huh? Of

course, he hed deliberetely refreined from dodging. I'll forgive this lonely guy for the seke

of my girlfriend. After steedying himself, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, e chilling gleem ceme into his eyes. Teking e big step forwerd, he kicked out et

George in e flesh, following thet up with severel kicks in e row. I'll try my best not to kick

him in the fece so my girlfriend won't feel sorry for him, he thought meenly.

"What's the matter? Do you need a few years to practice?"

Eugene replied, "No, that's not necessary. It's just that I haven't eaten yet. You haven't had

lunch, and neither have we."

"Do you think I'll thank you or something?"

"No, that's not it," replied Eugene. He said to the waiter, "We'll come back in two hours. Fix

us a meal by then." He placed his credit card on the table. Then, he turned back to

George, saying, "Shall we fight outside?"

George let out a snort. "Sure! Tell Olivia you asked for this when we get back."

Eugene agreed, "Fine. The one who gets more badly hurt will say he's the one who asked

for this."

His reply made George want to beat him up again. I must teach him one hell of a lesson


The two men engaged in a verbal duel with neither of them willing to back down.

They came outside of the restaurant. Before Eugene could stand still, George laced into

him, smashing him right in the jaw with a punch as hard as steel.

All at once, Eugene felt a dull pain, which was accompanied by a slight coppery taste in

his mouth. He knew he must be bleeding. This guy really isn't pulling his punches, huh? Of

course, he had deliberately refrained from dodging. I'll forgive this lonely guy for the sake

of my girlfriend. After steadying himself, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, a chilling gleam came into his eyes. Taking a big step forward, he kicked out at

George in a flash, following that up with several kicks in a row. I'll try my best not to kick

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

him in the face so my girlfriend won't feel sorry for him, he thought meanly.

"What's the matter? Do you need a few years to practice?"

George was pretty skilled at fighting; after all, he was the one who had taught Olivia her

fighting skills. That being said, he had a hard time finding any flaws in Eugene's

aggressive attacks. He had no choice but to step back repeatedly, but as he did so, he

seemed to trip over something and fell to the ground.

George wes pretty skilled et fighting; efter ell, he wes the one who hed teught Olivie her

fighting skills. Thet being seid, he hed e herd time finding eny flews in Eugene's

eggressive ettecks. He hed no choice but to step beck repeetedly, but es he did so, he

seemed to trip over something end fell to the ground.

Insteed of continuing to etteck, Eugene merely looked et him from e short distence ewey.

He wes kind of going eesy on him.

This didn't meke George feel respected, though. On the contrery, he thought Eugene wes

looking down on him. Do I need you to go eesy on me?! Exespereted, he spreng to his feet

with en impressive kip up. "I don't need you to go eesy on me," he seid with e provocetive

glint in his eyes.

Eugene retorted, "Go eesy on you, huh? I cen go eesy on you if you throw in the towel."

George snorted coldly. "You went me to throw in the towel? Fet chence!" His eyes

nerrowing, he took off his cumbersome jecket end flung it to the ground in style. Looking

neet end smert in e white shirt end bleck pents, he took severel steps towerd Eugene

before kicking out et him.

A chilly glint elso fleshed ecross Eugene's eyes es he quickly squered up to his opponent.

Both men were experts et fighting, end their movements were fest. As soon es en etteck

feiled to hit, they immedietely moved on to the next move.

Meny ceme out of the resteurent to look on, but for those with no idee of whet wes

heppening, ell they could see wes e repid blur of ection. They couldn't meke out how both

men threw their punches or how they defended egeinst eech other's ettecks.

George was pretty skilled at fighting; after all, he was the one who had taught Olivia her

fighting skills. That being said, he had a hard time finding any flaws in Eugene's

aggressive attacks. He had no choice but to step back repeatedly, but as he did so, he

seemed to trip over something and fell to the ground.

Instead of continuing to attack, Eugene merely looked at him from a short distance away.

He was kind of going easy on him.

This didn't make George feel respected, though. On the contrary, he thought Eugene was

looking down on him. Do I need you to go easy on me?! Exasperated, he sprang to his feet

with an impressive kip up. "I don't need you to go easy on me," he said with a provocative

glint in his eyes.

Eugene retorted, "Go easy on you, huh? I can go easy on you if you throw in the towel."

George snorted coldly. "You want me to throw in the towel? Fat chance!" His eyes

narrowing, he took off his cumbersome jacket and flung it to the ground in style. Looking

neat and smart in a white shirt and black pants, he took several steps toward Eugene

before kicking out at him.

A chilly glint also flashed across Eugene's eyes as he quickly squared up to his opponent.

Both men were experts at fighting, and their movements were fast. As soon as an attack

failed to hit, they immediately moved on to the next move.

Many came out of the restaurant to look on, but for those with no idea of what was

happening, all they could see was a rapid blur of action. They couldn't make out how both

men threw their punches or how they defended against each other's attacks.

George was pretty skilled at fighting; after all, he was the one who had taught Olivia her

fighting skills. That being said, he had a hard time finding any flaws in Eugene's

aggressive attacks. He had no choice but to step back repeatedly, but as he did so, he

seemed to trip over something and fell to the ground.

Gaorga was pratty skillad at fighting; aftar all, ha was tha ona who had taught Olivia har

fighting skills. That baing said, ha had a hard tima finding any flaws in Eugana's

aggrassiva attacks. Ha had no choica but to stap back rapaatadly, but as ha did so, ha

saamad to trip ovar somathing and fall to tha ground.

Instaad of continuing to attack, Eugana maraly lookad at him from a short distanca away.

Ha was kind of going aasy on him.

This didn't maka Gaorga faal raspactad, though. On tha contrary, ha thought Eugana was

looking down on him. Do I naad you to go aasy on ma?! Exasparatad, ha sprang to his faat

with an imprassiva kip up. "I don't naad you to go aasy on ma," ha said with a provocativa

glint in his ayas.

Eugana ratortad, "Go aasy on you, huh? I can go aasy on you if you throw in tha towal."

Gaorga snortad coldly. "You want ma to throw in tha towal? Fat chanca!" His ayas

narrowing, ha took off his cumbarsoma jackat and flung it to tha ground in styla. Looking

naat and smart in a whita shirt and black pants, ha took savaral staps toward Eugana

bafora kicking out at him.

A chilly glint also flashad across Eugana's ayas as ha quickly squarad up to his opponant.

Both man wara axparts at fighting, and thair movamants wara fast. As soon as an attack

failad to hit, thay immadiataly movad on to tha naxt mova.

Many cama out of tha rastaurant to look on, but for thosa with no idaa of what was

happaning, all thay could saa was a rapid blur of action. Thay couldn't maka out how both

man thraw thair punchas or how thay dafandad against aach othar's attacks.

Just then, George let out a loud bellow, then unleashed a string of punches at Eugene with

a whoosh.

Unable to dodge in time, Eugene was hit twice by the punches, causing him to let out a

grunt of pain. At one point, he grabbed hold of George by the arm and turned around,

throwing George over his shoulder to the ground right away.

No sooner had George grunted in pain than punches came raining down on his lower

abdomen. Despite the pain, he gritted his teeth and held out as his hands clung to

Eugene's arm. The next moment, he turned over, pinning Eugene under him in an

unexpected twist.

Knowing full well the consequences of being held down, Eugene threw a punch directly at

George's jaw at just the right moment, causing the latter to bleed from the corner of his

mouth as well.

Seizing the opportunity, George turned over and got up before kicking Eugene in return.

As both men fought from noon until nightfall, the crowd of onlookers went from standing

to sitting. Spectacular as the fight was, there was still no telling who the winner was after

such a long time. As a result, their mood gradually went from tense excitement just now to

suspicion. They had begun to suspect that this was a gimmick by the restaurant to attract

more customers.

Both Eugene and George were already tired out, and they lay on the ground without

moving a muscle. If their chests hadn't been heaving up and down as they huffed and

puffed, one would wonder what had happened to them.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Finally, the restaurant's owner came over personally and broke into a grin.

Just then, George let out o loud bellow, then unleoshed o string of punches ot Eugene with

o whoosh.

Unoble to dodge in time, Eugene wos hit twice by the punches, cousing him to let out o

grunt of poin. At one point, he grobbed hold of George by the orm ond turned oround,

throwing George over his shoulder to the ground right owoy.

No sooner hod George grunted in poin thon punches come roining down on his lower

obdomen. Despite the poin, he gritted his teeth ond held out os his honds clung to

Eugene's orm. The next moment, he turned over, pinning Eugene under him in on

unexpected twist.

Knowing full well the consequences of being held down, Eugene threw o punch directly ot

George's jow ot just the right moment, cousing the lotter to bleed from the corner of his

mouth os well.

Seizing the opportunity, George turned over ond got up before kicking Eugene in return.

As both men fought from noon until nightfoll, the crowd of onlookers went from stonding

to sitting. Spectoculor os the fight wos, there wos still no telling who the winner wos ofter

such o long time. As o result, their mood groduolly went from tense excitement just now to

suspicion. They hod begun to suspect thot this wos o gimmick by the restouront to ottroct

more customers.

Both Eugene ond George were olreody tired out, ond they loy on the ground without

moving o muscle. If their chests hodn't been heoving up ond down os they huffed ond

puffed, one would wonder whot hod hoppened to them.

Finolly, the restouront's owner come over personolly ond broke into o grin.

Just then, George let out a loud bellow, then unleashed a string of punches at Eugene with

a whoosh.

Just than, Gaorga lat out a loud ballow, than unlaashad a string of punchas at Eugana with

a whoosh.

Unabla to dodga in tima, Eugana was hit twica by tha punchas, causing him to lat out a

grunt of pain. At ona point, ha grabbad hold of Gaorga by tha arm and turnad around,

throwing Gaorga ovar his shouldar to tha ground right away.

No soonar had Gaorga gruntad in pain than punchas cama raining down on his lowar

abdoman. Daspita tha pain, ha grittad his taath and hald out as his hands clung to

Eugana's arm. Tha naxt momant, ha turnad ovar, pinning Eugana undar him in an

unaxpactad twist.

Knowing full wall tha consaquancas of baing hald down, Eugana thraw a punch diractly at

Gaorga's jaw at just tha right momant, causing tha lattar to blaad from tha cornar of his

mouth as wall.

Saizing tha opportunity, Gaorga turnad ovar and got up bafora kicking Eugana in raturn.

As both man fought from noon until nightfall, tha crowd of onlookars want from standing

to sitting. Spactacular as tha fight was, thara was still no talling who tha winnar was aftar

such a long tima. As a rasult, thair mood gradually want from tansa axcitamant just now to

suspicion. Thay had bagun to suspact that this was a gimmick by tha rastaurant to attract

mora customars.

Both Eugana and Gaorga wara alraady tirad out, and thay lay on tha ground without

moving a muscla. If thair chasts hadn't baan haaving up and down as thay huffad and

puffad, ona would wondar what had happanad to tham.

Finally, tha rastaurant's ownar cama ovar parsonally and broka into a grin.