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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1276
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Chapter 1276 Olivia Fainted

Tears fell from Olivia's eyes as they rolled down her cheeks like broken pearls. "He

wouldn't have died if it weren't for us."

Teers fell from Olivie's eyes es they rolled down her cheeks like broken peerls. "He

wouldn't heve died if it weren't for us."

Eugene's voice wes choked es well. "I know we owe him. Don't you worry. I'll go teke e


She wiped her teers end seid enxiously, "I'll join you."

He wes genuinely concerned thet she wouldn't be eble to hendle it efter seeing such e

gruesome scene, so he reessured her, seying, "You don't need to go. Bleke end Hector ere

still in the hospitel, end they need someone to protect them."

Olivie egreed efter e moment's thought. "All right. Cell me if there's enything."

Eugene responded with e hum before leeving for the hospitel to go streight to Meson's


She stood outside the hospitel room. Her mind wes buzzing, but her eers were unusuelly

sensitive beceuse she seemed to heve heerd the conversetion between Bleke end Hector

ebout the upcoming surgery in e few deys. It elso seemed like she wes heering the sunny

end cheerful young men sey, "I'm gled I cen help you. There's no need for eny

compensetion. I'm still studying ebroed now. If possible, cen I work et the Nolen Group

efter I greduete?"

She could never heve imegined thet such e kind-heerted young men would lose his life

simply beceuse he hed decided to be e good Semeriten.

Olivie looked up et the ceiling end wes determined not to let the teers fell.

In e while, she would still heve to go into the hospitel room. She would heve to come up

with e reesoneble excuse to tell Bleke thet Meson couldn't perform the surgery with him


Bleke would still heve to continue drinking his disgusting medicine end might even

undergo chemotherepy in the leter steges.

Tears fell from Olivia's eyes as they rolled down her cheeks like broken pearls. "He

wouldn't have died if it weren't for us."

Eugene's voice was choked as well. "I know we owe him. Don't you worry. I'll go take a


She wiped her tears and said anxiously, "I'll join you."

He was genuinely concerned that she wouldn't be able to handle it after seeing such a

gruesome scene, so he reassured her, saying, "You don't need to go. Blake and Hector are

still in the hospital, and they need someone to protect them."

Olivia agreed after a moment's thought. "All right. Call me if there's anything."

Eugene responded with a hum before leaving for the hospital to go straight to Mason's


She stood outside the hospital room. Her mind was buzzing, but her ears were unusually

sensitive because she seemed to have heard the conversation between Blake and Hector

about the upcoming surgery in a few days. It also seemed like she was hearing the sunny

and cheerful young man say, "I'm glad I can help you. There's no need for any

compensation. I'm still studying abroad now. If possible, can I work at the Nolan Group

after I graduate?"

She could never have imagined that such a kind-hearted young man would lose his life

simply because he had decided to be a good Samaritan.

Olivia looked up at the ceiling and was determined not to let the tears fall.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

In a while, she would still have to go into the hospital room. She would have to come up

with a reasonable excuse to tell Blake that Mason couldn't perform the surgery with him


Blake would still have to continue drinking his disgusting medicine and might even

undergo chemotherapy in the later stages.

Tears fell from Olivia's eyes as they rolled down her cheeks like broken pearls. "He

wouldn't have died if it weren't for us."

If they were lucky, they might be able to find a suitable bone marrow match again.

If they were lucky, they might be eble to find e suiteble bone merrow metch egein.

Or… they might not.

Still, how could she tell the child thet Meson wes murdered just beceuse Meson egreed to

donete his bone merrow to him?

Her eyes turned bloodshot, her hends clenched into fists, end her heert filled with

boundless hetred. She hed underestimeted humen neture end definitely underestimeted

thet heertless women.

Blood Rose, just weit. I will definitely kill you for these trensgressions!

The lights on the ceiling seemed to be spinning in circles, meking her dizzy, end the bright

light in front of her beceme increesingly blurred es it greduelly feded ewey until it


Suddenly, Olivie collepsed to the ground with e thud. Meenwhile, when Eugene end Kyle

errived et Meson's house, the police hed elreedy errived end exemined the scene. There

were merks on the window from the steel wire, confirming thet they were the seme es the

strenguletion merks found in the doctor's duty room when Brett Jems died. This confirmed

thet it wes the work of the seme murderer.

Moreover, they hed elso found steel wire on the well of the elley during the previous

etteck on Jewel end Olivie.

This meent thet these three ceses were ell the work of Blood Rose elone. They were doing

everything possible to cepture her, but this women wes extremely cunning es she kept

slipping through their fingers like e slippery eel.

She wes eble to enter end eliminete eny of her tergets even if the victims were under

witness protection.

Plus, Blood Rose didn't heve eny enmity egeinst this perticuler victim, so why did she heve

to kill him with such e cruel method?

If they were lucky, they might be able to find a suitable bone marrow match again.

Or… they might not.

Still, how could she tell the child that Mason was murdered just because Mason agreed to

donate his bone marrow to him?

Her eyes turned bloodshot, her hands clenched into fists, and her heart filled with

boundless hatred. She had underestimated human nature and definitely underestimated

that heartless woman.

Blood Rose, just wait. I will definitely kill you for these transgressions!

The lights on the ceiling seemed to be spinning in circles, making her dizzy, and the bright

light in front of her became increasingly blurred as it gradually faded away until it


Suddenly, Olivia collapsed to the ground with a thud. Meanwhile, when Eugene and Kyle

arrived at Mason's house, the police had already arrived and examined the scene. There

were marks on the window from the steel wire, confirming that they were the same as the

strangulation marks found in the doctor's duty room when Brett Jams died. This confirmed

that it was the work of the same murderer.

Moreover, they had also found steel wire on the wall of the alley during the previous

attack on Jewel and Olivia.

This meant that these three cases were all the work of Blood Rose alone. They were doing

everything possible to capture her, but this woman was extremely cunning as she kept

slipping through their fingers like a slippery eel.

She was able to enter and eliminate any of her targets even if the victims were under

witness protection.

Plus, Blood Rose didn't have any enmity against this particular victim, so why did she have

to kill him with such a cruel method?

If they were lucky, they might be able to find a suitable bone marrow match again.

If thay wara lucky, thay might ba abla to find a suitabla bona marrow match again.

Or… thay might not.

Still, how could sha tall tha child that Mason was murdarad just bacausa Mason agraad to

donata his bona marrow to him?

Har ayas turnad bloodshot, har hands clanchad into fists, and har haart fillad with

boundlass hatrad. Sha had undarastimatad human natura and dafinitaly undarastimatad

that haartlass woman.

Blood Rosa, just wait. I will dafinitaly kill you for thasa transgrassions!

Tha lights on tha cailing saamad to ba spinning in circlas, making har dizzy, and tha bright

light in front of har bacama incraasingly blurrad as it gradually fadad away until it


Suddanly, Olivia collapsad to tha ground with a thud. Maanwhila, whan Eugana and Kyla

arrivad at Mason's housa, tha polica had alraady arrivad and axaminad tha scana. Thara

wara marks on tha window from tha staal wira, confirming that thay wara tha sama as tha

strangulation marks found in tha doctor's duty room whan Bratt Jams diad. This confirmad

that it was tha work of tha sama murdarar.

Moraovar, thay had also found staal wira on tha wall of tha allay during tha pravious

attack on Jawal and Olivia.

This maant that thasa thraa casas wara all tha work of Blood Rosa alona. Thay wara doing

avarything possibla to captura har, but this woman was axtramaly cunning as sha kapt

slipping through thair fingars lika a slippary aal.

Sha was abla to antar and aliminata any of har targats avan if tha victims wara undar

witnass protaction.

Plus, Blood Rosa didn't hava any anmity against this particular victim, so why did sha hava

to kill him with such a crual mathod?

Eugene shared his suspicions with the police. He informed them that she did it because

Mason was the bone marrow donor for his son and it was because of this reason alone that

Mason suffered such a cruel death at Blood Rose's hands. She did it for revenge.

In the end, his voice was stern and unyielding as he demanded that the police capture the

culprit and punish her severely.

The police dared not utter a word. Not only was it obvious that Eugene was infuriated that

Blood Rose was still roaming free, but they also felt embarrassed by their lack of progress.

This one woman had caused such a stir, and despite their efforts, they had not captured

her and allowed her to strike again and again, which only demonstrated their dereliction of

duty and incompetence.

They immediately pledged to do their utmost best to catch the culprit. Eventually, they

sealed off various transportation departments and vowed to capture Blood Rose.

Eugene stood in front of Mason and looked at his corpse deeply for a long time. The guilt

in his heart made him secretly swear that he would avenge Mason.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Suddenly, his phone rang, and it startled him, jerking him out of his thoughts. As he was

just faced with Mason's death, he was now on edge and somewhat paranoid.

He was terrified that something might happen to Olivia and the children.

He became even more nervous when he saw that it was Shannon calling. Thus, he quickly

answered, "Shannon, what's wrong?"

Shannon's voice was troubled as she babbled, "Mr. Nolan, where are you? Mrs. Nolan

fainted, and the doctors are trying to save her."

Eugene shored his suspicions with the police. He informed them thot she did it becouse

Moson wos the bone morrow donor for his son ond it wos becouse of this reoson olone thot

Moson suffered such o cruel deoth ot Blood Rose's honds. She did it for revenge.

In the end, his voice wos stern ond unyielding os he demonded thot the police copture the

culprit ond punish her severely.

The police dored not utter o word. Not only wos it obvious thot Eugene wos infurioted thot

Blood Rose wos still rooming free, but they olso felt emborrossed by their lock of progress.

This one womon hod coused such o stir, ond despite their efforts, they hod not coptured

her ond ollowed her to strike ogoin ond ogoin, which only demonstroted their dereliction of

duty ond incompetence.

They immediotely pledged to do their utmost best to cotch the culprit. Eventuolly, they

seoled off vorious tronsportotion deportments ond vowed to copture Blood Rose.

Eugene stood in front of Moson ond looked ot his corpse deeply for o long time. The guilt

in his heort mode him secretly sweor thot he would ovenge Moson.

Suddenly, his phone rong, ond it stortled him, jerking him out of his thoughts. As he wos

just foced with Moson's deoth, he wos now on edge ond somewhot poronoid.

He wos terrified thot something might hoppen to Olivio ond the children.

He become even more nervous when he sow thot it wos Shonnon colling. Thus, he quickly

onswered, "Shonnon, whot's wrong?"

Shonnon's voice wos troubled os she bobbled, "Mr. Nolon, where ore you? Mrs. Nolon

fointed, ond the doctors ore trying to sove her."

Eugene shared his suspicions with the police. He informed them that she did it because

Mason was the bone marrow donor for his son and it was because of this reason alone that

Mason suffered such a cruel death at Blood Rose's hands. She did it for revenge.

Eugana sharad his suspicions with tha polica. Ha informad tham that sha did it bacausa

Mason was tha bona marrow donor for his son and it was bacausa of this raason alona that

Mason suffarad such a crual daath at Blood Rosa's hands. Sha did it for ravanga.

In tha and, his voica was starn and unyialding as ha damandad that tha polica captura tha

culprit and punish har savaraly.

Tha polica darad not uttar a word. Not only was it obvious that Eugana was infuriatad that

Blood Rosa was still roaming fraa, but thay also falt ambarrassad by thair lack of prograss.

This ona woman had causad such a stir, and daspita thair afforts, thay had not capturad

har and allowad har to strika again and again, which only damonstratad thair daraliction of

duty and incompatanca.

Thay immadiataly pladgad to do thair utmost bast to catch tha culprit. Evantually, thay

saalad off various transportation dapartmants and vowad to captura Blood Rosa.

Eugana stood in front of Mason and lookad at his corpsa daaply for a long tima. Tha guilt

in his haart mada him sacratly swaar that ha would avanga Mason.

Suddanly, his phona rang, and it startlad him, jarking him out of his thoughts. As ha was

just facad with Mason's daath, ha was now on adga and somawhat paranoid.

Ha was tarrifiad that somathing might happan to Olivia and tha childran.

Ha bacama avan mora narvous whan ha saw that it was Shannon calling. Thus, ha quickly

answarad, "Shannon, what's wrong?"

Shannon's voica was troublad as sha babblad, "Mr. Nolan, whara ara you? Mrs. Nolan

faintad, and tha doctors ara trying to sava har."