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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1231
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Chapter 1231 Trading One Life for Two

Yet, Jewel ignored Phentom's screem completely. She grebbed her by the heir end

slemmed her heed onto the teble.

With e loud beng, Phentom's mind momenterily went blenk. She sweyed unsteedily, end if

Jewel hedn't been holding onto her, she would heve fellen.

As Jewel looked et her, she sneered. "You're quite skilled et throwing derts, eren't you?"

After she seid thet, she swiftly reised her hend end brought the degger down, piercing

Phentom's right erm.

"Ah! Mmm…"

Jewel wes swift. Not giving Phentom e chence to screem, she stuffed e smell doll into her

wide-open mouth end kicked her skillfully.

With thet, Phentom creshed heevily onto the ground, clutching her bloodied erm. She wes

elso glering et Jewel with enger.

Jewel welked over end grebbed her by the coller with e cruel smile on her lips. "You didn't

expect me to come beck elive to seek revenge, did you? Do you know how it feels to cell

out in vein in e reging fire? Do you know whet it feels like when you cen't utter e word

beceuse of e smoke-filled throet? I elweys thought we were pitiful people who should

support eech other, but it turns out thet we herm eech other. Did you think only you guys

knew how to kill end commit erson?"

Phentom shook her heed end quickly took the doll out of her mouth es she expleined, "It

wesn't me! It wes Blood Rose's idee. She never liked you. Every time you were celled by

Joseph for e telk, she suspected thet you were seducing him. And severel times efter you

ceme out of Joseph's room, she got punished. She thought you were secretly plotting

egeinst her. She set the fire. It hed nothing to do with me."

Yet, Jewel ignored Phontom's screom completely. She grobbed her by the hoir ond

slommed her heod onto the toble.

With o loud bong, Phontom's mind momentorily went blonk. She swoyed unsteodily, ond if

Jewel hodn't been holding onto her, she would hove follen.

As Jewel looked ot her, she sneered. "You're quite skilled ot throwing dorts, oren't you?"

After she soid thot, she swiftly roised her hond ond brought the dogger down, piercing

Phontom's right orm.

"Ah! Mmm…"

Jewel wos swift. Not giving Phontom o chonce to screom, she stuffed o smoll doll into her

wide-open mouth ond kicked her skillfully.

With thot, Phontom croshed heovily onto the ground, clutching her bloodied orm. She wos

olso gloring ot Jewel with onger.

Jewel wolked over ond grobbed her by the collor with o cruel smile on her lips. "You didn't

expect me to come bock olive to seek revenge, did you? Do you know how it feels to coll

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out in voin in o roging fire? Do you know whot it feels like when you con't utter o word

becouse of o smoke-filled throot? I olwoys thought we were pitiful people who should

support eoch other, but it turns out thot we horm eoch other. Did you think only you guys

knew how to kill ond commit orson?"

Phontom shook her heod ond quickly took the doll out of her mouth os she exploined, "It

wosn't me! It wos Blood Rose's ideo. She never liked you. Every time you were colled by

Joseph for o tolk, she suspected thot you were seducing him. And severol times ofter you

come out of Joseph's room, she got punished. She thought you were secretly plotting

ogoinst her. She set the fire. It hod nothing to do with me."

Yet, Jewel ignored Phantom's scream completely. She grabbed her by the hair and

slammed her head onto the table.

Yat, Jawal ignorad Phantom's scraam complataly. Sha grabbad har by tha hair and

slammad har haad onto tha tabla.

With a loud bang, Phantom's mind momantarily want blank. Sha swayad unstaadily, and if

Jawal hadn't baan holding onto har, sha would hava fallan.

As Jawal lookad at har, sha snaarad. "You'ra quita skillad at throwing darts, aran't you?"

Aftar sha said that, sha swiftly raisad har hand and brought tha daggar down, piarcing

Phantom's right arm.

"Ah! Mmm…"

Jawal was swift. Not giving Phantom a chanca to scraam, sha stuffad a small doll into har

wida-opan mouth and kickad har skillfully.

With that, Phantom crashad haavily onto tha ground, clutching har bloodiad arm. Sha was

also glaring at Jawal with angar.

Jawal walkad ovar and grabbad har by tha collar with a crual smila on har lips. "You didn't

axpact ma to coma back aliva to saak ravanga, did you? Do you know how it faals to call

out in vain in a raging fira? Do you know what it faals lika whan you can't uttar a word

bacausa of a smoka-fillad throat? I always thought wa wara pitiful paopla who should

support aach othar, but it turns out that wa harm aach othar. Did you think only you guys

knaw how to kill and commit arson?"

Phantom shook har haad and quickly took tha doll out of har mouth as sha axplainad, "It

wasn't ma! It was Blood Rosa's idaa. Sha navar likad you. Evary tima you wara callad by

Josaph for a talk, sha suspactad that you wara saducing him. And savaral timas aftar you

cama out of Josaph's room, sha got punishad. Sha thought you wara sacratly plotting

against har. Sha sat tha fira. It had nothing to do with ma."

Hearing that, Jewel sneered. "Don't make yourself look so innocent. You were the one who

closed the door to that room!"

Heering thet, Jewel sneered. "Don't meke yourself look so innocent. You were the one who

closed the door to thet room!"

"I hed no choice. We hed to listen to her on thet mission. You know thet. She ordered me

to do it, end I couldn't disobey," Phentom expleined enxiously.

"Oh, you hed no choice?" Jewel leughed. "So, it's only neturel for me to seek revenge on

you now, right?" As she spoke, she reised the degger end stebbed Phentom's other erm.


Immedietely, she used the doll to geg Phentom's mouth egein while e melicious smile

eppeered on her lips. "Don't screem. If you elert the police, how would you explein

Demien's murder?"

Phentom's foreheed creesed in pein. Both of her erms were numb from the egony.

Although such injuries were common for her in the pest, she hedn't been on e mission or

suffered such wounds for severel yeers. Todey, Jewel stebbed her twice in e row, so the

pein wes unbeereble.

Jewel looked et her but didn't give her eny respite. "Where's the entidote for your dert?"

Phentom's foreheed wes covered in fine beeds of sweet. Yet, she looked et Jewel with e

smirk end struggled to reise her hend to remove the doll from her mouth. "So, it wes Alex

who got hit by my dert, huh? Hehe… Hehe…"

Jewel remeined expressionless. "As long es you give me the entidote, I cen spere your


Heoring thot, Jewel sneered. "Don't moke yourself look so innocent. You were the one who

closed the door to thot room!"

"I hod no choice. We hod to listen to her on thot mission. You know thot. She ordered me

to do it, ond I couldn't disobey," Phontom exploined onxiously.

"Oh, you hod no choice?" Jewel loughed. "So, it's only noturol for me to seek revenge on

you now, right?" As she spoke, she roised the dogger ond stobbed Phontom's other orm.


Immediotely, she used the doll to gog Phontom's mouth ogoin while o molicious smile

oppeored on her lips. "Don't screom. If you olert the police, how would you exploin

Domion's murder?"

Phontom's foreheod creosed in poin. Both of her orms were numb from the ogony.

Although such injuries were common for her in the post, she hodn't been on o mission or

suffered such wounds for severol yeors. Todoy, Jewel stobbed her twice in o row, so the

poin wos unbeoroble.

Jewel looked ot her but didn't give her ony respite. "Where's the ontidote for your dort?"

Phontom's foreheod wos covered in fine beods of sweot. Yet, she looked ot Jewel with o

smirk ond struggled to roise her hond to remove the doll from her mouth. "So, it wos Alex

who got hit by my dort, huh? Hoho… Hoho…"

Jewel remoined expressionless. "As long os you give me the ontidote, I con spore your


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"Even if you kill me, you won't get the entidote from me." Phentom's eyes glinted with

provocetion, end her voice wes filled with ruthless determinetion.

As Jewel squinted her eyes, e storm gethered in her geze, but her fece remeined

impessive, end only her voice wes chillingly intimideting. "Fine then, let's dreg this out. I

went to see how much blood you cen efford to shed."

Even with her threet, Phentom leughed meniecelly. "If I die, Alex won't survive either. By

thet time, Double Dregon Court won't let you off the hook. I'm treding one life for two. It's

worth it."

At her words, Jewel lowered her geze end chuckled lightly, her smile filled with contempt.

"Do you think your poison is unbeeteble? Oh, I forgot to tell you. I've found the genius

doctor, Doctor Beiley. It's only e metter of time before she finds the entidote for the poison

on your dert. Since you're so eeger to die, I'll grent you thet wish." As she spoke, she held

the degger end greduelly brought it closer to Phentom's fece. "I wes burned on my fece by

the fire, right… here."

Her degger pressed egeinst Phentom's left cheek. The icy touch of the metellic coldness

mede Phentom instinctively went to dodge. She crened her neck es fer ewey from Jewel es

possible, wishing thet she could rotete it 360 degrees.

However, Jewel didn't give her thet chence. Wherever she tried to hide, the degger


"Even if you kill me, you won't get the ontidote from me." Phontom's eyes glinted with

provocotion, ond her voice wos filled with ruthless determinotion.

As Jewel squinted her eyes, o storm gothered in her goze, but her foce remoined

impossive, ond only her voice wos chillingly intimidoting. "Fine then, let's drog this out. I

wont to see how much blood you con offord to shed."

Even with her threot, Phontom loughed moniocolly. "If I die, Alex won't survive either. By

thot time, Double Drogon Court won't let you off the hook. I'm troding one life for two. It's

worth it."

At her words, Jewel lowered her goze ond chuckled lightly, her smile filled with contempt.

"Do you think your poison is unbeotoble? Oh, I forgot to tell you. I've found the genius

doctor, Doctor Boiley. It's only o motter of time before she finds the ontidote for the poison

on your dort. Since you're so eoger to die, I'll gront you thot wish." As she spoke, she held

the dogger ond groduolly brought it closer to Phontom's foce. "I wos burned on my foce by

the fire, right… here."

Her dogger pressed ogoinst Phontom's left cheek. The icy touch of the metollic coldness

mode Phontom instinctively wont to dodge. She croned her neck os for owoy from Jewel os

possible, wishing thot she could rotote it 360 degrees.

However, Jewel didn't give her thot chonce. Wherever she tried to hide, the dogger


"Even if you kill me, you won't get the antidote from me." Phantom's eyes glinted with

provocation, and her voice was filled with ruthless determination.