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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 1575
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Chapter 1575

The teachers dining in the cafeteria all overheard Wayne uttering “psycho”.

Honestly, this lady had been acting pretty weird from the start.

The teachers instantly got up, quickly evacuating the students and called for security

Watching the crowd orderly moving away from her, fleeing the cafeteria, the woman panicked, Tm not crazy!

They’re talking nonsense! You don’t have to be scared of mell

Wayne looked at her coldly.

“Do you really think you are helping your daughter?”

The woman glared at him spitefully, “Of course I am.”

“No, you are destroying her.” Wayne lifted his chin slightly, looking at her with contempt, I don’t get why you’d treat

your daughter like this. Just because you couldn’t have a son doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your daughter’s

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happiness to satisfy your selfish desires.”

“Easy for you to say. If you wanted a son and couldn’t have one, wouldn’t you treat your daughter the same way?”

The woman retorted sarcastically

“I wouldn’t do something like that. I would love and respect my children, regardless of their gender” Wayne said

without hesitation.

The woman continued to mock him. “You’re just saying that to my face!”

Wayne realized, this woman was beyond saving.

“To prevent this nutjob from hurting anyone, restrain her.” Wayne told security.

Leaning on his cane, he went to find Ivy.

“You can’t leave! You hit me, you can’t just leave!” The woman struggled to her feet, trying to lunge at Wayne.

But she was immediately pinned down by the security guards who had arrived.

“You awful, child-beating mother!” One of the security guards shouted angrily. Women like you don’t deserve to be


The woman tried to scream, but a security guard grabbed a cloth from a nearby table and shoved it into her


Ivy chased after Alison as she ran out.

Alison headed straight for the rooftop of the library, which was on one of the upper floors.

“Stop following me!” Alison turned to look at Ivy, breaking down, “I don’t need your pity, your pity only makes me

feel more pathetic

Tm not pitying you!” Ivy said gently, “I just want to tell you that you don’t need to apologize to me, you haven’t

done anything wrong!”

“No, I did do something wrong!” Alison grabbed her own hair, tears streaming down her face, “My birth was a


She looked at Ivy. “Did you know? Before my mom got pregnant, she always wanted a son. She thought a son could

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give her a sense of security But when I was born and she found out I was a girl, she turned into what she is now!

“Is being a girl wrong?” Ivy asked.

Alison looked at her, “sn’t it?”

“Of course not, my mother told me that women are the most beautiful creatures in the world. They say God

created women because he saw the suffering of mankind and hoped they could make the world more beautiful,

gentle and colorful. Being a daughter is not a mistake, it’s a gift, it’s a


Ivy never knew someone could think of being a female as a mistake.

Her mother and great grandmother loved her very much, and she never had such thoughts.

For Alison, what Ivy just said was completely unfamiliar to her.

Sometimes her mother would not call her by name, but would call her things like burden, bad luck

And the reason she was given these labels was simply because she was not the son her mother wanted

“I’m really envious of you” Alison wiped her tears and looked at the clear blue sky again, I hope if I have a next life,

I can be as lucky as you to have

parents who won’t reject you because you’re a girl. No, I don’t want to be a girl anymore, I hope in my next life, I

can be a boy!”