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The Protector Novel

Chapter 2729
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The Return of the God of War Chapter 2729

Levi Chickens Out

Someone is here again!

Levi had already detected the arrival of his foe, surprised that the Lab of Gods had moved

so quickly and had sent another fighter to take his life so soon.

Mutant Number Three and Fearsome Number Four senses also alerted them to the arrival

of an unfriendly party.

Although the heads of the few countries gathered on the island had fighters with them,

those fighters were far from being elites and were still clueless about the approaching


Soon, a powerful voice boomed through the air. “Meet your end, Levi!”

The skies above the island changed instantly as if a sudden storm had arrived.

The fighters that came with the heads of the many countries immediately went into high

alert mode and gathered around their respective bosses as they scanned around for the

source of the disturbance.

In a flash, a dark figure appeared, darting across the air like a firebolt.

Great Void had made his appearance.

His presence brought an eerie and dark mood. It was as if a black hole had appeared and

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was ready to swallow everything near it.

The heads panicked and instinctively ran away from the sudden intruder.

It was only when they were a safe distance away that they stopped to take a good look at

Great Void.

“Stop him!” Keerea’s head shouted an order, and the fighters surrounding him

immediately charged toward Great Void.


A horrifying scene unfolded! Those fighters were instantly devoured by Great Void, and all

that was left of them were their skeletons.

It was a spine-chilling sight and everyone gasped in horror.

Right before their very eyes, their compatriots were devoured alive!

“He is from the Lab of Gods! Retreat! Quick!”

Many fighters were still valiantly trying to fend off Great Void, but they all met a tragic


The casualty count was mounting as none of them could stand up to Great Void’s power.

Some of them attempted to use their sophisticated weapons on Great Void, but to their

astonishment, he could devour even such weaponries.

All these high-tech weapons could not harm him and he easily fended off their attacks.

And without fail, the attackers were devoured.

Everyone panicked as that was their first encounter with the Lab of Gods’ elite fighters,

and chaos ensued.

A moment ago, they were discussing plans to counter Lab of Gods. Without any warning,

their opponents came attacking and showed them the destructive powers they possessed.

The hope they had a minute ago that an alliance could defend themselves from the Lab of

Gods’ attacks was gone, and everyone felt dejected.

The instinct of most people was to flee, but their heads stayed put instead.

They had their gaze intently fixed on Levi, clearly signaling to him to resolve that crisis

and prove to them what he had just promised.

They wanted to see how Levi was going to handle the situation.

Alas, to everyone’s surprise, Levi fled instead!

He jumped into the sea, swam to the nearest boat and fled!

Those on the island were speechless.

It was only a short while ago that Levi bragged about having trump cards to counter the

Lab of Gods, painting a rosy picture for all of them.

The next moment, when the Lab of Gods came attacking, he was the first to flee!

Everyone was stunned by his action and stood there dumbfounded.

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Even Great Void was taken aback by the unexpected twist in the event.

Before he embarked on the mission, he was a little worried. He rehearsed different

scenarios in his head, and he was concerned Levi would be too much for him to handle.

He also came prepared that Levi probably had top fighters protecting him.

After all, no one could discount the possibility that Levi had a part to play in Lucifer, Jester

King, Hell Witch, and Kraken’s disappearance.

He came with a cautious heart, but the outcome was so bizarre that he couldn’t come to

terms with it for a moment.

Levi fled at the first possible chance? That was a scenario he had never thought of!

However, on second thought, it was a logical decision for Levi.

When faced with an opponent so strong that you stood no chance against him, the only

rational thing to do was to flee!

Who in the right mind would stay and face certain death?

When Great Void transmitted the visuals back to the Lab of Gods, his team was briefly

taken aback by what they saw too. Then, there was a sigh of relief from all.

Levi’s action was perfectly normal and rational. He made the right decision to flee!

“Void God, your mission is to kill Levi. Leave the rest alone!” Mr. X ordered.

“Understood. My target is only Levi!”