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The Protector Novel

Chapter 2727
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The Return of the God of War Chapter 2727

No Giving Up

Lucifer and his team were not back yet and did not dispatch any news to Diviniteria. Their

friends back at Diviniteria were unsettled. Even Mr. X couldn’t stay calm and collected


He wasn’t too worried when they were late for a couple of hours, but to be delayed for five

hours and not send any updates was simply not their usual style.

Looked like they had met with a mishap.

Soon, Diviniteria was rife with speculations and rumors.

“They can’t possibly have difficulty in dealing with Levi, can they?”

“Is Levi so powerful that the four of them could not finish him off?”

“How is that possible? Don’t we all know what Levi was capable of? Any one of them could

have finished him off, let alone four of them working as a team!”

“Don’t tell me something was wrong in our intelligence gathering? Could it be that instead

of the news we received that Levi was alone and unprotected, he was actually surrounded

and guarded by many of his fighters?”

Someone threw up another possible scenario but was quickly shot down by another.

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“That wouldn’t explain! Even if Levi had his fighters protecting him, it would not make any

difference. Even if they were of Divine Brigadier’s caliber, they would not have been able

to save Levi. Lucifer, Jester King, Hell Witch, and Kraken would have still been able to

finish Levi off and escape unscathed!”

Everyone at Lab of God had unwavering faith in the capabilities of Jester King and his

other three mates.

They had a pretty good idea of the abilities of the fighters of Erudia and knew it was

impossible they could kill or trap the four elites from the Lab of Gods.

“Something else must have happened! Get someone to check it out this instant. See if

there is news of Levi’s death, or if there are any unusual movements in Erudia!” Mr. X


The sophisticated intelligence network of Diviniteria went to work immediately, and within

a few minutes, they came back with updates.

“That is strange! There is no unusual news coming from Erudia, and not a single change in

their defense movement and deployment!”

That surprising news astounded everyone.

“What? Nothing? If something bad had happened to Lucifer, Jester King, Hell Witch, and

Kraken, that news will definitely result in a huge uproar in Erudia. Yet you are telling us

nothing unusual is detected in Erudia?”

Something was definitely amiss!

“Levi is still patrolling around Raysonia. Looks like he has not met Lucifer, Jester King, Hell

Witch, and Kraken!”

Another update came in, and the news left everyone dumbfounded.

That meant Lucifer, Jester King, Hell Witch, and Kraken had mysteriously disappeared and

did not head to Erudia nor went to confront Levi!

Lab of Gods’ intelligence department had tapped into all their channels, but none of them

came back with any news of the four nor any leads that could point to where they could


As the four had tapped on Kraken’s superpowers and left for the mission via the

underwater route, they left no detectable traces of their movement aboveground.

All the evidence pointed to only one possibility. After setting off for their mission, they had

disappeared into the sea before they could reach Erudia or kill Levi.

It had been more than seven hours after their expected return, and they were still missing

in action.

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Mr. X was not about to give up on his four top subordinates, so he sent out more people to

search on the open seas. Even if he could not find them alive, he would want to know

what had happened to them.

“What about Levi?” someone asked.

After all, the four had set out to kill Levi, but he was still alive, so they could possibly

gather some clues from him.

“That’s right! If we want to know whether their disappearance had anything to do with

Levi, then we should send someone after Levi again! We can combine the mission to kill

Levi with our search for Lucifer, Jester King, Hell Witch, and Kraken!” It was a great plan

that could kill two birds with one stone.

“That’s right! Levi has to die! It would also be a good opportunity to find out if their

disappearance had anything to do with him,” concurred Mr. X.

The next problem would be to identify the fighter to send on the new mission. The four

who disappeared were highly skilled, so the next person had to be more powerful than

them in order to successfully accomplish the mission and send back useful intelligence.

After glancing through the room, Mr. X’s gaze fell on someone standing in a corner.

He was fully covered in a black battle suit, and only his piercing dark eyes were visible.

The sight of him reminded one of the black hole. He had such an intense aura that one

would involuntarily want to keep a distance from him for fear of suffocation.