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The Protector Novel

Chapter 2382
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Chapter 2382 The Invincible Divine Brigadier

But before he could get in, the guards stopped him. “Hold it. Who goes there?”

“I am…”

Just before the divine brigadier could answer, someone ran up to him and bellowed, “Sir!

It’s good to see you!”

And then the man bowed before the divine brigadier fervently.

“The divine brigadier? Is that true? He’s back? He’s really back?”

“The divine brigadier is back!”

“He’s back!”

Roars of welcome swept through The Cardinal Hall, and everyone heard it loud and clear.

When they knew the divine brigadier had come back, everyone erupted into cheers.

Even the fighters in solitary training came out to welcome him.

Most of the time, only four of the twelve divine generals were on duty, but since the divine

brigadier had returned, all twelve came out to see him.

The whole reason they went into solitary training in the first place was to await the divine

brigadier’s return.

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Even the ancient fighters showed up, and on top of that, a lot of the fighters of Eragon

came to The Cardinal Hall as well.

This was the biggest event of The Cardinal Hall for a long time to come. Back then, a lot of

people objected when the divine brigadier said he’d leave for solitary training. But that

would take a long time, and he was The Cardinal Hall’s leader.

It’d be akin to a king leaving his empire for years. That was impermissible, and it was the

same for The Cardinal Hall. The leader had to be around to keep the place safe, but the

divine brigadier insisted on leaving. He wanted to get stronger and reach new heights.

That was why he left everything behind and went into training. More power. But before his

departure, he left a message. “When I return, I shall be the strongest man on earth.”

Now that he finally made his return, everyone thought he was already invincible. Why else

did he come back then?

“Greetings, sir!”

“Long live the divine brigadier!”

Everyone knelt before him and cheered, celebrating his return. The divine brigadier was

their leader and the strongest fighter among them. With him at the helm again, nothing

could stop The Cardinal Hall.

“We have long awaited this, divine brigadier.”

The divine generals were shedding tears of joy. When he left back then, they knew he

might never come back, for it was almost an impossible task to become the strongest

fighter on earth.

He could spend his whole life chasing the top and still end up with a few fighters rivaling

him in strength. No matter the era, nobody had the right to call themselves invincible. Not

when there might be a lot of fighters out there rivaling them in strength.

There was always someone more powerful out there. It was an insurmountable task.

Everyone was already prepared for the divine brigadier to never return. That was why they

raised Edmund up. They wanted him to take his father’s place and become The Cardinal

Hall’s new leader.

The Cardinal Hall spent a lot of resources raising Edmund up. Even the divine brigadier left

a lot of things for him before he left, just so his son could get stronger.

The place where Edmund went into solitary training was where Skyward Sword was

sealed. Yes, the divine brigadier did that on purpose. He wanted to make Edmund stronger

using the sword’s Solaris Energy.

They made all those preparations because they realize the divine brigadier might never

return. It had never occurred to them that the divine brigadier would make his eventual,

majestic return one day.

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Everyone had been waiting fervently, even though the chances were slim. However, now

that the divine brigadier had returned, they knew he was already the strongest man on


Well, he was not exactly the strongest. But at least he was the strongest among all the

fighters he knew, including those who were in hiding.

Because he knew he was already the strongest among them, the divine brigadier made

his return. That was his vow, and it was time to fulfill it.


Edmund came to kneel before his father, and tears of joy streamed down his cheeks.

Then, he hugged his father tight.

“I have awaited you for a long time now!” Edmund cried like a child.


A young lady showed up, and she was in tears as well. This lady was none other than the

divine brigadier’s youngest daughter.

“Welcome back, divine brigadier, sir!”

“Congratulations on your return! May your reign live long!”

Everyone in The Cardinal Hall sent their heartiest congratulations to the divine brigadier.

Excitedly, Edmund asked, “Father, now that you’re back, does that mean you’re the

strongest man on earth?”

The divine brigadier almost slipped and fall.

I just got beaten, you brat.