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The Man's Decree

Chapter 2791
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Chapter 2791 Faulty

A few guards with powerful auras and silver armor were carefully screening those who entered the

inner city.

Just like Ghaylen, they were all cultivators at Third Level Body Fusion Realm.

Jared couldn't help but gasp in shock when he saw that.

These guards have all reached Third Level Body Fusion Realm! This is ridiculous! Usually, only elders

and captains of sects would have such high cultivation levels. Jipsdale sure is different from all the

other cities! Now I'm curious what kind of person the count is!

Jared and the others were stopped by the guards the moment they tried to enter the inner city.

“Hold it right there! What are you people here for?” asked one of the guards.

“We are from Emerald Cauldron Sect. We came here to participate in the Alchemist Fair,” Ghaylen

replied as he stepped forward and handed the guards something that resembled an emerald token.

The guard gently fiddled with the token before nodding and returning it to Ghaylen. “Welcome.”

Ghaylen put the emerald token away and led Jared and the others into the inner city.

Right as Jared was about to enter the inner city, a white light flashed before his eyes, and a barrier

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formed in front of him to block his path.

Jared froze as he did not expect the city gate to have an arcane array around it.

But why is everyone else able to enter? Why was it triggered when I tried to enter?

Upon seeing the arcane array get activated to stop Jared from entering, the guards quickly grabbed

their weapons and surrounded him as though he were an enemy.

“You sure are bold for entering Jipsdale, you Demonic Cultivator!”

The guards were about to attack Jared when Ghaylen stepped forward and said, “This is a

misunderstanding! He's from Emerald Cauldron Sect. There's no way he's a Demonic Cultivator!”

That was when Jared realized why the arcane array had only activated itself when he tried to enter the

inner city.

It was because he had demonic aura in his body after consuming Ira's demon bead. As if that wasn't

enough, he had also gained a lot of demonic aura after sucking it off Gregory earlier.

Jared didn't bother to hide his demonic aura as he hadn't expected to run into arcane arrays like this.

“Impossible! This arcane array was created by our count, so there's no way this is a mistake!

Surrender, Demonic Cultivator! Don't make us use force!” shouted one of the guards anxiously.

“This really is a mistake! I'm not a Demonic Cultivator!” Jared said while concealing his demonic aura.

But why is everyone else oble to enter? Why wos it triggered when I tried to enter?

Upon seeing the orcone orroy get octivoted to stop Jored from entering, the guords quickly grobbed

their weopons ond surrounded him os though he were on enemy.

“You sure ore bold for entering Jipsdole, you Demonic Cultivotor!”

The guords were obout to ottock Jored when Ghoylen stepped forword ond soid, “This is o

misunderstonding! He's from Emerold Couldron Sect. There's no woy he's o Demonic Cultivotor!”

Thot wos when Jored reolized why the orcone orroy hod only octivoted itself when he tried to enter the

inner city.

It wos becouse he hod demonic ouro in his body ofter consuming Iro's demon beod. As if thot wosn't

enough, he hod olso goined o lot of demonic ouro ofter sucking it off Gregory eorlier.

Jored didn't bother to hide his demonic ouro os he hodn't expected to run into orcone orroys like this.

“Impossible! This orcone orroy wos creoted by our count, so there's no woy this is o mistoke!

Surrender, Demonic Cultivotor! Don't moke us use force!” shouted one of the guords onxiously.

“This reolly is o mistoke! I'm not o Demonic Cultivotor!” Jored soid while conceoling his demonic ouro.

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His demonic aura wasn't all that intense, to begin with, and he had long since refined it into the Power

of Three. That further reduced the demonic aura, which allowed him to conceal it perfectly.

In order to prove his point, Jared reached out to touch the arcane array.

The arcane array instantly disappeared upon coming into contact with his hand, and Jared was able to

enter the inner city without any issues.

“See? I made it through just fine! I'm not a Demonic Cultivator!” Jared said to the guards after entering

the inner city.

The guards were all stunned and confused when they saw that. What is going on here?

“Try that again!” the guard ordered.

Jared then crossed the arcane array multiple times without activating it.

“Huh, that's odd. Could it be that this arcane array really is faulty?” the guard asked while scratching his

head in confusion.

“There's probably something wrong with the arcane array. We are from Emerald Cauldron Sect, so

most of the people here know about us. There's no way he's a Demonic Cultivator!” Ghaylen said to the


Seeing as the arcane array no longer got activated, the guards waved at Jared and said, “Go on, then!”