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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 991
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Chapter 991

In this era where profit came first, only a handful of directors were willing to invest a ton of time, énergy, and

money to shoot a film or series that might flop.

“I’m not trying to outdo the classics.”

Chloe raised an eyebrow slightly, asking, “Then what’s your plan?”

“I want to make films that reflect the current social phenomena.”

“Current social phenomena?”

The man nodded affirmatively, “Yeah, like you, straight–shooting, sharp as a tack, no–nonsense, and sometimes not

so nice.”

Chloe halted her steps/slowly turning around to look at him. A trace of a smirk appeared on her face.

“You’re saying I’m, straight–shooting, and not nice enough?”

“Yes, but a lot of people like you, right?”

Chloe tilted her head slightly, asking, “Are you complimenting me?”

“I’m just telling it like it is. Ms. Summers, do you see ‘not nice‘ as a form of compliment?”

Chloe chuckled lightly, “A person who is overly nice in this society will likely not make it.”

One can be nice, but not too nice.

Otherwise, some people would take advantage of your niceness without end, demanding unreasonably from you.

When you couldn’t satisfy them, you would become the most unforgivable villain in the world.

“I couldn’t agree more with you.” the man whispered.

Chloe arrived at Winston’s crew, and the experienced ones recognized her at a glance. Chloe greeted them, and

soon Manuel brought several boxes of coffee and tea with a few people, distributing to each crew member.

The crew was visibly thrilled.

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Chloe felt a bit uncomfortable in this atmosphere, so Winston took her for a tour around the set in the film city.

Unexpectedly, they ran into Danielle who was currently filming.

Danielle was clearly surprised to see Chloe. “Ms. Summers?”

Chloe looked at her, also somewhat surprised. “Ms. Danielle.”

“Ms. Summers, what brings you here?”

“Just hanging around.”

Danielle nodded at Winston. She was about to collaborate with Winston on a new film, and they’d already met


“Danielle, someone sent flowers again.” Someone yelled from behind. Chloe glanced at the large bunch of bright

red roses, smiling, “You get back to work..\”

Danielle hastily signed for the flowers. Watching Chloe and Winston’s retreating figures, she hurried to catch up.

“Ms. Summers.”


Danielle bit her lip, whispering, “Ms. Summers, do you know where Seth has been lately?”

Chloe’s forehead slightly creased, “Ms. Danielle, you’re his girlfriend.”

Was it appropriate to ask her this?

Danielle bit the corner of her lip, looking somewhat aggrieved.

“I was just asking casually. I’ve been filming these days and I’m curious about what he’s been up to….”

“I regret to inform you that I’m not in the habit of prying into people’s private lives. If you want to know, you can

call him directly.”

Danielle took a deep breath, feeling a bit disappointed, “I… we had a little argument recently.”

Chloe paused slightly, “So you’re waiting for him to apologize to you?”

Danielle didn’t respond.

Chloe suddenly recalled Hugo in the orphanage and Cicely at No.8 Mansion, a chill running through her. She was not

sure why, but she was curious. Although Seth appeared well–dressed, elegant and generous, it was clear at a

glance that he was not a good person, full of malice, emotionally cold, a typical chauvinist-

How could he possibly apologize to a woman?

Chloe didn’t plan on staying with Danielle any longer. She decided to end the conversation and leave, but as if

Danielle had read her mind, she whispered,

“You also think that he won’t apologize to a woman, don’t you?”

Chloe didn’t speak, but Danielle affirmed with a flat voice, “He will.”

He would for a woman who was unreasonably demanding, even running around half the city in the pouring rain,

bringing back her favorite dish from a certain restaurant, or coaxing her to eat in all sorts of ways. Regardless of

whether his feelings were genuine, it can’t be denied that he knew how to please women.

The most unreasonable, most temperamental woman in the world might just be her. Correspondingly, the man who

knew best how to please and coax women, could only be him.

Chloe gave a faint smile, full of confusion.


“I don’t really know him. If you say he will, then just keep waiting and see.”

Apparently, Danielle had been waiting, but she was not in a position to tell her all these things.

Driving back to the company, after going back and forth, she only got a script in hand. The cover had the

scriptwriter’s name and phone number. She scaned it, opened the script, leaned back in her chair, and started

reading casually.

But this casual reading turned into an hour.

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It was not until her secretary came in to deliver files that her train of thought was interrupted.

Chloe closed the script, rubbing her brow.

This script…

Her gaze fixated on the phone number on the cover. Many things flashed across her mind, the characters in the

script, the plot, and the Beverly she saw in the news….

After a long while, she picked up the phone and dialed the number on the cover. The call was answered almost

immediately, an expectant voice coming from the other end.

“Hello? This is Melvin.”

Chloe’s eyes remained on the neat and forceful signature on the cover, saying, “I’m Chloe from Starlight

International. I’m… quite interested in your script today. I suggest we sign a contract immediately, and also, I’m

willing to offer you the position of producer. What do you think?”

The producer was the person in charge of the crew, who had the power to decide which director and actors to

choose. They were responsible for controlling the shooting quality and progress. From the creation to the release of

the film, they were key people in the whole process.

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone. About a minute later, a deep and bitter laugh came


“… Ms. Summers, your success isn’t just a fluke.”

Chloe didn’t respond, her voice icy cold.

“Whether I succeed or not isn’t your concern! What matters is, you’ve only got this one shot to change your fate.”


Melvin stood in silence for a while after hanging up, then started laughing.

It didn’t matter what others were doing, what matters was your own performance.

Humans were just born selfish!

So, this woman Chloe, her success wasn’t just a fluke….