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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 987
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Chapter 987

“Besides, you're aware of my youngest daughter's condition, too. If

we were to divorce, I'd have to send Shannon abroad, as far away as

possible. | fear parting ways with her mother would be too much for

Carrie to bear. I'm worried that it'll exacerbate her illness.”

Paul nodded in understanding, acknowledging the complexity of the


“I asked you to track the whereabouts of Justin. Have you found out where he’s gone?” Gregory inquired.

Sorry, Chairman Salvador. As you know, Mr. Salvador is quite adept

at remaining undetected. He's made it clear he doesn’t want anyone

to know where he is, so it’s been impossible to track him down.” Paul

responded, expressing a sense of resignation.

Gregory remained silent as he dialed Justin's number on his phone,

After several attempts, Justin finally answered.

“It’s late. Do you need anything?”

“Justin, I...”

“If you're trying to convinceto attend the project meeting, s your effort. | won't be going.” Justin's tone was

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icy, devoid of any

trace of father-son affection in their conversation.

Gregory pursed his lips, his voice low as he asked, “Justin, are you

free tomorrow? I'd like you to accompanyon an errand.”


Chap 987

“Where to?”

To visit your mother.”

The words hung heavy in the air, plunging Justin into a silence that ssent shivers down his father’s spine.

Though separated by the phone line, Gregory could still feel the chilllling frost emanating from his own son’s end

of the conversation.

“Areeyyoujoking? Did you hear what you just said?”

“I'm goidoking, Justin. I'm serious about it.”

Gregoryytootkaaddeep breath, feeling an unfamiliar sense of unease and shanne despite his position as the

leader of the Salvador


“I know i haven't'todone enough over these years. Even though your mother is no longgerhhere with us, |

haven't fulfilled my duties as her husband. | haven't paid my respects to her or spent twith her. I've

truly been lacking.””


Justin let out a bitter laughh hhis voice tinged with resentmen

you saying that with just a fewwords, you can erase 23 years

of debt and pain? Do you, estteened Chairman Salvador, believe

deserve that? Do you think youuddeserve to stand before my mothe

Forget it. My mother hasbyyhkeenside every year, and she’s doin

great up there. Don’t delude yoursshinto thinking you can go bother her again.”

“What nonsense is this? | am her husband, the one she once loved

Chapter 987

the most!”

Gregory's cheeks flushed with shame, but his pride would not allow his own son to trample on him. He retorted

with red eyes, like a child defending itself, “You have no idea how deep her feelings were for

1. Why shouldn't | go see her?”

“Even if my mother once loved you...

Justin's voice trembled with anger, sounding hoarse and alarming. “

The moment she leaped from the balcony of Tideview Manor, she stopped loving you. Sometimes, | truly believe

that her choice to leave in such an extrway, amidst all her pain, was a blessing. Staying alive by your side,

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enduring your emotional abuse every day, watching you share a bed with other women while pretending to be a


wife. That agony is worse than death itself. Her love for you was the

greatest source of her suffering.”

In an instant, the horrific image of Mary's tragic death flooded

Gregory's mind once again.

He shuddered violently, his phone nearly slipping from his grasp.

breath becheavy and sluggish, alarming Paul, who hesitated

interrupt the father-son dialogue.

“I'm not sure what has gotten in you to make such a request, but |

want to make it clear that you have no right to stand before my

mother. Not now, not ever.”

After saying his piece, Justin did not wait for Gregory's response before hanging up the phone.

Gregory, feeling drained, broke out in a cold sweat, his complexion


Chapter 987


“Chairman Salvador? Chairman Salvador? Are you okay?” Paul asked


“Could you please fetcha glass of water?” Gregory requested

weakly, feeling more depleted than he had ever felt before.