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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1336
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“Love rival?” Bella propped her cheek with her left hand while tossing a blueberry into Justin's mouth with her right. “You, Ryan

Hoffman, have a love rival? That's unheard of.”

Justin scoffed derisively, “My sister is practically under house arrest with you. Apart from you and your female secretary, who does

she even meet? She has no social life, so where could your love rival possibly cfrom? Her dreams?”

“That's right!” Ryan slammed his palm on the table, his voice cracking with urgency.

Recalling the previous night, Ryan heard his girlfriend murmuring another man’s name, Ralph.

She called out another man’s nin her dreams!

Ryan felt his heart shatter into fragments like broken glass.

“You don’t mean my brother, Ralph, right?” Bella looked at him with a chilly gaze.

Justin froze, wondering how this was linked to Ralph Thompson.

Ryan's eyes widened, staring at Bella with admiration. “Bella, how did you know? Are you a psychic?!”

“Psychic, my foot.”

Bella was beyond exasperated. “It's obvious from your expression. Last night, | noticed how you were staring at my brother. It was

as obvious as a sore thumb. | immediately felt something was off. Mr. Hoffman, are you perhaps making a mountain out of a

molehill? The Thompson men are all men of integrity, certainly not the type to be homewreckers. Don’t see every man who chats

with Carrie as a rival.”

“Ralph isn’t that kind of person. Ryan, you shouldn't suspect Bella's brother,” Justin said as he wrapped his arms around his petite

partner, also finding Ryan's suspicions somewhat ridiculous.

Ryan sighed heavily, knowing it was better not to continue this line of thought to avoid sounding like a whining kid.

“Ah... No wonder you're in a rush to register your marriage with Carrie. It's all because you're feeling threatened.”

Bella quickly figured out Ryan’s concerns and lightly chided him, “Hey! Are you really getting worked up over something so trivial?

How immature.”

Ryan pressed his lips together in embarrassment, remaining silent.

“Let's think about the marriage registration more before making a firm decision.”

As Justin's expression grew stern, he spoke seriously. “Right now, you need to handle your family issues first. Once you're firmly

established at the Hoffman Group, everything else will fall into place.”

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Still, Ryan felt uneasy.

His wife could only be Carrie. Yet, it was not certain that she would choose him as her husband. He genuinely feared that some

other man might easily sway her because she was so innocent.

When love ran deep, it often made people have a fear of loss.

As they were finishing their breakfast, lan cback with updates.

“Young Madam! You're so good at predicting things. Charles Iverson got arrested!”

lan looked at Bella with eyes full of admiration, utterly in awe of her foresight. “The media has swamped the entrance of the police

station now. The police have gathered detailed evidence regarding Charles raping multiple women, among them were two minors!”

“Damn! He's the worst of the worst!” Ryan exclaimed angrily, slamming his fist on the table.

Hearing of Charles’ brutal acts, Justin was deeply angered as well.

Yet, amid his fury, his admiration for his partner only deepened. He instinctively held Bella's smooth shoulders tightly and drew her

into his arms, cherishing her like a priceless gem.

“Bella, Ryan wasn’t wrong. You really are divine, incredibly intelligent, and as stunning as an angel.”

“Of course! Enough with the smooth talk.”

sella playfully chided, although she

secretly enjoyed the flattery. “It's a

shame, thou that Charles got

aught omcamera completely nude:

sreporters were live streaming

he arrest and didn't even havedime

0 gehsor it. Oh.. 'mabit ©

lis ppointed | missed outon suche

hrilling broadcast. The uncensored

ootage must've been quite a



Justin found himself both entertained and bewildered by his partner's bold statement, sometimes verging on the wild. Initially, he

was not used to it, but he found it utterly appealing.

A woman as fierce and feisty as Bella perfectly matched his taste.

“All the videos online now are censored, but if you want, Bella, | can find you the original version.” With that, Ryan winked at Bella.

The couple stared at him, their faces etched with bewilderment. They were speechless.

Was he genuinely clueless or just pretending to be naive?

“Now that Astrid and Charles are out of the picture, it's as if James’ arms were broken.”

Justin's expression grew Icy. HIS

ace was covered in frost. “With his

siblings gong hell share the same

ate. James'must be in utter panic,

1OW. Sogh the entire Iverson Group

vill CS) nto a battleground betweer

iimand Christopher. James tacks

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$% fight with Christophe will be like

hat of a snake and a scorpion

rapped in the scage. It'll be

Juite the spectacle.” Content

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Bella furrowed her delicate brows,

not showing any sign of triumph.

“Don’t celebrate too early. The

Iverson ants much stronger than

we anticjpated. Yesterday, | o>

contacted my elder brother to buya

large qumber of the Iverson Group's

sto while they were plummeting,

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mpting to gain controls™


Unexpectedly, there wasca master

manipulator behind the scenes at

the Iverson Group, injecting

substantial funds to stabilize the

situation. This averted my brother's



Justin's brows furrowed deeply. “So, is this manipulator Christopher Iverson?”

“If he can manipulate the elections in Sentania, do you think he wouldn't have the ability to control the stock market? After laying

low in Sentania for fifteen years, he’s definitely back, well-prepared to take over the Iverson Group.”

Bella closed her eyes, clenching her shining white teeth. “The Iverson Group cannot fall into his hands.”

“Even if we can’t stop him, it doesn’t matter.” Justin's eyes softened as he gently kissed Bella's forehead. “It would be the greatest

humiliation for him if the Iverson Group that he schemed to acquire turned out to be an empty shell and a mess.”

Bella's eyes sparkled, nodding in agreement.

“By the way, Mr. Salvador, Young Madam. There's one more thing.”

With no tto drink water, lan hurriedly continued his report. “I'm not sure if this counts as news, but Christopher has bought a

private jet that arrived last night in Savrow. Wow... | saw the photos taken by my subordinates, and that plane is incredibly

luxurious! It's even more high-end than your model, Mr. Salvador. It was truly extravagant!”

Justin's expression darkened. “If you like big planes that much, join him then. Let him give you a ride.”





