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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1300
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Provoked by Christopher, Astrid quickly made her way to Hatchbay in the middle of the night while reeking of alcohol.

Wyatt was at home. Quentin attended to him while he took his medications, and Mila was there, keeping an eye on his blood


Lately, Wyatt has been so angry with Bella that it has caused his blood pressure to skyrocket. Despite being the chairman of the KS

Group and a top tycoon, he could not locate his daughter's whereabouts.

As days went by, he transitioned from being furious to simply feeling worried for his daughter's safety. He gradually calmed down.

He kept asking Asher and the others about Bella, but her brothers stayed tight-lipped because they knew that Wyatt's strong

emotions stemmed from his love for her, but this could also lead to chaos.

As long as they kept him focused on worrying about Bella, his hatred and loathing toward Justin could be somewhat diverted.

“Wyatt, I'm not trying to scare you, but you really need to take care of your health.”

Mila put away the blood pressure monitor with a concerned look on her face. “You often joke about being halfway to the grave, but

deep down, | know how much you cherish the idea of a long and healthy life. You dream of watching your children and

grandchildren lead happy lives in their own families, experiencing the joy of having four generations together. But if you continue

neglecting your well-being, I'm afraid that you might not live to see that day.”

Wyatt pursed his lips and remained silent, like a boy being reprimanded by an adult.

Next to him, Quentin could only muster a helpless smile. Out of all the women in the family, it was only Mila’s words that Wyatt

really took to heart. Maybe it was because of her strong presence.

“My health is getting worse by the day, and | can’t help but blthat brat, Bella! One of these days, she'll be the end of me.

She's probably happy spending her twith that rascal Justin and starting their own little pack of...”

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The bitter words were blurted out, causing Wyatt's heart to ache and cutting him off mid-sentence.

In the quiet study, there was a heavy feeling of sorrow.

“Wyatt, from now on, please never say such things in front of Bella.” Mila looked even more stern. “You're always giving orders and

showing off in public, but you can’t be disrespectful to your children. Otherwise, no one will respect you.”

Wyatt stayed silent, pressing his lips tightly together.

“Bella is already very upset.”

Jila lowered ker gaze, took a deep

yreath, and céntinued, “As her

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She continued, "Wyatt, | was the firs

0 support &U, and | have seen how

Jella has gown up—how strong ape

ensible he is. Over the years, even

hough, he grew up privileged she

1as ever tried to stop you from

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Wyatt's lips were pressed so tightly that they turned white. The tension was evident as he processed what Mila said and faced the

reality of his own harshness toward his daughter.

“Your daughter has never asked you for anything, and now all she wants is Justin. Why can’t you just grant her this?” Mila

remarked bitterly.

“She's sacrificing so much for that bastard! Can | even consider myself her dad if | stand by and let her harm herself?” Wyatt felt a

touch of compassion, but he remained stubborn.

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But Bella has never truly been

1appy allthese years.” Mila's eyes’

itarted do turn red. “It's only when

she’s with Justin that | really get the

ense that she is genuinely happy

ram the bottom of her heart.”

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“But Justin, he...”

“Wyatt, do you remember what Yara said to you before she passed away? Can you remember her exact words?”

Wyatt felt a tingling sensation shoot up his back, like an electric shock running to the top of his head, causing his pupils to shrink


Of course he remembered.

Even if his vision faded, his speech becslow, and his body weakened, he believed he would always remember Yara’s

appearance, words, and joyful expression.

Even if he was dying, remembering their ttogether could still bring a heartfelt smile to his face.