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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1299
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Axel had concrete and irrefutable evidence. The instant Theodore entered the prosecutor's office, he realized he was in big trouble.

Astrid was typically domineering and arrogant. At such a critical moment, no one was willing to help her. Everyone avoided her like

the plague.

She had no option but to follow her father’s and brother's orders to host a press conference for a public apology on behalf of the

Iverson family. It felt like she was just being used by the Iverson family.

Why did she have to deal with this humiliating task? Just because she was Lance’s daughter?

The men in the Iverson family, who were related to her by blood, chose this crucial moment to push her into the public eye. They

hid behind her like turtles, retreating into their shells. Was this how they should act?

The press conference was scheduled for the day after tomorrow.

Lately, Astrid felt like each day dragged on forever. She lost her appetite, had trouble sleeping, and was constantly irritated. Every

second was excruciatingly painful.

She ended up spending a whole afternoon by herself in the wine cellar, drowning her sorrows in alcohol. As she thought about how

all her hard work had gone to waste, she cried out loud in the lonely wine cellar.

“Rather than sitting here in tears, maybe you should think about why things have ended up like this.”

Astrid suddenly stopped crying as she noticed Christopher coming toward her with a mocking grin.

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“Why... Why?”

“Yes, why indeed?”

Christopher casually took a seat opposite her, grabbed a wine glass, and poured himself sred wine. “Why have you

consistently protected Theodore’s years of hidden embezzlement, acceptance of bribes, and enjoyment of the favors people sent

his way without ever being exposed all along? Why did everything suddenly fall apart now, instead of earlier or later?”

“Yeah, why...” Astrid, feeling a bit tipsy, found her thoughts all jumbled. She could not figure anything out.

“Don’t you remember what you did lately?”

With that comment, Astrid suddenly clicked. “Wait... Is it linked to the Thompson family? Are they behind this?!”

“You're not completely hopeless when it comes to being stupid.”

Christopher happily took a sip of his

red wine. mater how recklessly

Theodore behaves in private, the ~~

. Ne

Thomps@n family has no beef with

him. way would they go out of their

way target him? It's clear that

fram the beginning, they weren't

after him.”


“The Thompsons are coming after me?!” Astrid’s face showed pure panic as she got up, accidentally knocking over her chair.

“Now, sis, you're in a tough spot.

Even if you held a press conference

and try to fixthings for the Iverson N

family, itwon't make muchofa ©

difference. What's done is done.Do

you réally think the Thompson?

familly will let you off so easily?

@ging after your husband-was just

the start. There's more tféuble

coming your way.” Content belongs

to novelenglish.net

Astrid grabbed her head in fear, screaming uncontrollably. Her hysterical screams echoed through the entire wine cellar.

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Christopher quickly covered his ears, watching her as if she were crazy.

“No... No! | haye nothing to do with

Amelia... | dit do anything wrong.

It was ally Charles’ doing... They,

can't aodtiseunfairly like this

They can't treatlike that!” Astrid

mutered to herself as she dashed

asthe door. Content belorigs to


Shortly after, Taylor glanced around as he cin from outside and poured Christopher a glass of wine at the table.

“Mr. lverson, do you know where that crazy woman went?”

“If I'm not wrong, Astrid has likely headed to Yara Park.”


Taylor couldn't believe it. “The Thompson family had a big argument with the Iverson family recently. Now, that crazy woman is

only going to escalate the situation between the two families.”

“lt doesn’t matter. She is her own person, and | am mine. Whatever she does, it only hurts herself in the end. Why should | be


Christopher sipped his drink with a dark gleam in his eyes. “Let her go. She’s headed for embarrassment. | want her to be

consumed by bitterness. When that happens, she'll beca ticking tbomb, ready to explode on certain people.”