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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 710
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Chapter 710 Crazy Idea

He gradually stopped what he was doing and narrowed his eyes at her. His lips were pursed as a displeased look

spread across his face.

“Is that really what you think? After all that we've been through, this is what it comes down to?”

Veronique turned away slightly.

She genuinely wished Scarlett was carrying his child. That way, he could be saved.

The more time she spent with him, the more she understood his thoughts, and her certainty that he would take his

own life after her death also intensified. How can I bring myself to let him do that? He's still so young. With his

exceptional medical skills, he undoubtedly has a bright future ahead. I cannot drag him down with me and cause his

life to end so early.

Veronique knew nothing she said could persuade Justin otherwise. Even if he promised her he would live well, as

soon as she expired, she was sure he would immediately follow suit. I'm too familiar with his personality.

“Justin, I suppose I must be an unforgivable sinner in your parents' eyes. I can't blame them for thinking that. After

all, they've spent so many years and effort to nurture their son until he could finally make them proud.

Unfortunately, he was ultimately burdened by me, so their hatred toward me is completely justifiable. Nevertheless,

I don't want to ruin the Xuereb family's hope, so please promise me you'll live well. Even after I'm gone, you must

live on and raise Zephyr. Can you do that for me?”

Justin slumped down on the edge of the bed, looking somewhat dejected as he sighed. “Why are you forcing me like

this? You should know that, in a world without you, I will only live on like a walking corpse. Only by dying can I be

completely free from this torment.”


Veronique knocked over the water glass on the bedside table and gazed at him with an agonized expression,

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sobbing, “I don't want you to perish alongside me.”

“He won't be doing that because you may not die, after all.”

A man's nonchalant voice sounded at the door. Justin and Veronique instinctively turned to look in that direction.

“Zain Bryne? Are you Bailey's disciple?”

Zain nodded slightly and replied in a flat tone, “I've been staying in your laboratory for almost a month, yet you've

never taken notice of me, Mr. Xuereb. It seems I still have a long way to go before completing my training.”

Justin slowly got to his feet and walked toward the door. “I've occasionally heard of your name on the global

platform, but I never expected you to be Bailey's mentee. I wonder what you meant when you mentioned

Veronique may not have to die, Mr. Bryne? Don't tell me you've developed an anticancer medication?”

Zain arched his brow. “Anticancer medications can only slow down the spread of the cancer cells, not solve the

problem fundamentally. However, I do have a method to completely eradicate Ms. Revelle's illness.”

Eradicate the illness? Justin sized Zain up and smiled. “You're quite confident for a young man. I doubt even your

mentor would dare to say such a thing. Even the new anticancer medication she successfully developed a few

months ago could only prevent the spread of cancer cells, not completely terminate the root cause.”

Zain wasn't infuriated after listening to Justin's doubtful remarks. Instead, he uttered casually, “Using poison to fight

poison is an essential part of the study of medicine. We can also attempt a similar approach by targeting cancer

cells with cancer cells.”

Justin raised his brows as a hint of surprise flashed across his eyes. He wiped the smile off his face and asked

solemnly, “How do you plan on achieving that?”

“It's simple. We'll transplant a different type of cancer cell into her body, then use drugs to catalyze their growth,

allowing the two strains of cancerous cells to attain mutual enhancement and inhibition. I figure there are two

possible outcomes in the end. First, the two types of cancer cells will merge, in which case her death will be

inevitable. Second, the two types of cancer cells will destroy each other, and she'll ultimately be cured of this

terminal disease.”

Justin's eyelids twitched after he heard the explanation. This method is unheard of and can even be considered

wildly imaginative. We're not filming a superhero movie or writing a fantasy story where the main character will

never die no matter what happens. “Young man, you're still too naive and haven't grasped the importance of life to

a medical practitioner. Experimenting with human lives is something I don't suppose your mentor taught you. It

would be best if you go back and reflect on yourself to avoid going astray. Ultimately, that will only bring harm to

yourself and others.”

Zain merely grinned in silence and shifted his attention to Veronique. “Are you willing to die just like that, Ms.


Veronique pursed her lips. No, I'm not. That's why...

She propped herself up on the bed and said with a hoarse voice, “I was also a medical student. After listening to

your elaboration, I think what you suggested is ridiculous, but miracles happen in the field of medicine all the time.

Perhaps we can give it a try. Let me ask you this. What is the probability of survival?”

Zain answered, “Fifty percent, since the idea of countering poison with poison also has a success rate of fifty

percent. Hence, it's an even chance between life and death. Whether you can survive depends on your luck.”

Eradicate the illness? Justin sized Zain up and smiled. “You're quite confident for a young man. I doubt even your

mentor would dare to say such a thing. Even the new anticancer medication she successfully developed a few

months ago could only prevent the spread of cancer cells, not completely terminate the root cause.”

Justin narrowed his eyes at Veronique and chimed in solemnly, “Don't take this crazy idea seriously.”

Staring at him, Veronique retorted, “What is my survival rate if I don't take his suggestion? Perhaps even lesser than

five percent? Following his method, I'll get an even chance between life and death, and I consider that a win, so why

can't I take the idea seriously?”

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Justin was stunned. Maybe I should meet with Bailey and question her about this young man's background.

Noticing Justin had fallen silent, Veronique turned to look at Zain and chirped, “We'll do as you say. You can implant

a different type of cancer cell into my body at any time. If you can cure my condition, you'll be the pioneer in this


Zain spread his hands indifferently. “Fame and fortune are not what I'm after. I just like taking risks. Still, I should

advise you not to celebrate too early because I cannot accomplish a treatment plan like this alone. I need

somebody else to assist me.”

“Who is that? Is having the help of a renowned doctor like your mentor insufficient? I doubt anyone in this world can

match your mentor's medical skills.”

“I'm not seeking assistance in medical skills. Instead, I'm looking for someone adept at developing toxins. As I

mentioned, we need to catalyze the growth of the foreign cancerous cells using a drug, and this drug I refer to is a

toxin. Many years of clinical trials have shown us traditional medicines are ineffective in catalyzing the elimination

of cancer cells. In that case, we'll overthrow all those theories. Instead of using drugs, we'll use poison.”

Justin parted his lips and was about to argue, but Veronique stopped him by shooting him an icy look.

“Developing toxins? If one were to ask who has the most expertise in that area, the answer would have to be the

Yablon family, a prestigious family specializing in creating poisons. The legendary Soul Reaper, the world's first

peculiar and incurable poison, was invented by a talented member of the Yablon family. Are you planning to ask us

to request help from the Yablon family to work with you?”

Zain arched his brow. “Beautiful women are indeed intelligent. You're right. I'm seeking the assistance of a member

of the Yablon family, specifically Cameron Yablon, the heir of the household. He's a poison-making aficionado. If you

can convince him to collaborate with me, I guarantee you'll have a seventy percent chance to survive.”

Seventy percent? The inclusion of the heir of the Yablon family alone can increase the success rate by twenty


Justin gradually regained his composure and asked with a frown, “Does Bailey know about this idea?”