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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 583
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Chapter 580 Is The Rescue Unsuccessful

Zeke rushed to the scene after receiving the news of the car accident, but when he arrived, Bailey and the rest had

already been taken away.

Instead of rushing to the medical base, he stayed at the scene to command the traffic police to investigate the

matter thoroughly.

Meanwhile, Bailey ordered someone to send the unconscious Felicity to Justin's medical base.

As soon as she arrived at the destination, she went straight into the operating room.

Gerald and the Chivers family arrived one after another, and they all gathered along the corridor.

Glen asked Andy in a deep voice when he noticed the man was covered in blood. “What happened? How could a

massive car accident occur in broad daylight?”

Andy lowered his head slightly and tried to remain composed as he briefly recounted the situation at the scene.

Upon hearing that, Edmund knitted his brows and asked, “Is Bay all right?”

“Yes. Mrs. Luther managed to shove her out of the car right before the collision. Though she tumbled on the ground

a few times, her thick clothing prevented her from sustaining any major injuries,” Andy explained.

Edmund heaved a sigh of relief and turned to Glen, saying gravely, “Someone must have orchestrated this. I will

investigate the accident site. Please take care of things here.”

With that, he turned around and was ready to leave the medical base.

“You don't have to go, Mr. Edmund. Mr. Zeke had rushed to the scene as soon as he heard about the accident.

Since he hasn't yet returned, he's probably still there investigating.”

Glen looked at Edmund and bobbed his head in response. “If that's the case, you don't have to go. Zeke is Bay's

brother, so I'm sure he will do everything possible to find out who is responsible for the accident now that his sister

is involved in such a serious incident. Please call Artemis and Simon and let them know Felicity is in critical

condition. Ask them to come as soon as possible.'“

“Got it,” Edmund replied.

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In the operating room, Bailey cast a worried glance at Felicity, who had a shard of broken glass in her hair.

“Do we have CT scan results?” Bailey inquired.

“Yes.” A female doctor hurried over with several color ultrasounds in hand. “Here, take a look.”

The color drained out of Bailey's face after she examined the CT scan results.

“Ms. Bailey, I must inform you that Mrs. Luther's condition is critical. We should consider issuing a critical condition

notice to mitigate the risks we are taking. If her condition worsens and leads to a fatality, we may face legal

repercussions,” the head of the Luther Group's medical team advised.

His formal response agitated Bailey. “Stop babbling. Get out of here if you're scared of the legal repercussions.”


After glaring at the hesitant experts, Bailey scoffed, “Luther Group had spent thousands and millions on the medical

team, yet you're afraid of being held accountable. The company might as well disband the medical team to avoid

wasting money on you bunch of incompetent cowards.”

“You!” the head of the medical team was rendered speechless. He flung his sleeve angrily and stormed out of the

operating room.

Bailey continued, “If you fear the risk of death, accountability, and trouble, leave the operating room right now. If

Mrs. Luther fails to make it, then it will be her fate, but I'm willing to take a gamble and do whatever it takes to save

her life.”

Another two left after the remaining experts looked directly at each other for a few seconds.

In the end, only Bailey and a female doctor were left in the operating room.

“I have faith in your medical expertise, Ms. Bailey. And I believe you can work wonders,” the female doctor

responded confidently.

“You have faith in me? Bailey arched a brow. “What makes you think I can pull off a medical miracle? The CT scan

results show the glass is lodged in the central nervous system. The slightest mistake can result in nerve damage, or

even worse, instant death. I'm sure you're aware of that.”

The doctor pressed her lips before gritting her teeth. “Luther Group paid for my medical education and provided

me with opportunities to gain clinical experience under Mr. Xuereb's tutelage. I'm not afraid to take on this


Bailey responded with a grin and kept mum. She then focused on formulating a treatment plan based on the CT

scan results in her hand.

Meanwhile, Glen looked at the medical experts with a scowl when he heard them complaining about Bailey.

Rage boiled inside Glen. “Bay is right. The Luthers had raised a bunch of ungrateful, worthless cowards. Get out of

my sight, all of you!”

The head of the medical team's face darkened. He gritted his teeth and explained, “The glass is lodged in the

central nervous system of the brain. If we operate, the patient will die for sure. Even if she survives, she'll remain a

vegetable for the rest of her life. Old Mr. Chivers, you can't just allow her...”

Glen retorted, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. “And what are the chances of survival if you don't perform

the surgery?”

His formal response agitated Bailey. “Stop babbling. Get out of here if you're scared of the legal repercussions.”

The medical team head was bereft of words upon hearing his remark.

Glen knew the patient would die even faster if they refused to carry out the procedure. I see... They're so afraid of

taking responsibility that they would come up with all sorts of excuses. What a bunch of cowards.

Glen snorted twice and commanded, “Stop making a fool of yourself here anymore. What you can't do doesn't

mean Bay can't do it.”

A few experts peered into each other's eyes before slinking back to the operating room.

Meanwhile, Edmund approached Glen after making the calls. “Grandpa, Artemis didn't pick up my call. Simon said

he'll fly back immediately in a private jet.”

Glen glared at his son-in-law and asked, “Where's Artemis? Where's he?”

Gerald answered in a deep voice, “He went to deal with things for the organization. It should be inconvenient for

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him to answer the phone. I'll find a way to contact him.”

At that moment, Justin arrived in a hurry. “I'm sorry, I got caught up in traffic on the way here. How's Mrs. Luther?”

“She's currently being treated. Get in quickly,” Glen said.


Meanwhile, in a hotel room, Scarlett sprang up from the couch. “What did you say? Bailey is alive? And she's


“Y-Yes, that's right. She's alive and well. It was Mrs. Luther who was critically injured and fell into a coma. I'm sorry,

Ms. Fletcher, the mission failed.”

Scarlett's body shook. She collapsed back onto the couch upon hearing that.

“A-Also, we couldn't rescue those drivers who caused the accident in time because they were captured by an

unidentified group.”

Scarlett's hand shivered. Her phone almost slipped from her grip.

Panic rose in her eyes, and she began to tremble all over.

Obviously, she was petrified.

Her entire being was consumed by an overwhelming sense of terror and anxiousness, for she had orchestrated a

major traffic accident that resulted in countless deaths and injuries to innocent people. Not even the Fletchers could

save her if the authorities caught wind of her involvement in the case.

“Send a team to investigate. Find out their whereabouts and execute them on the spot,” Scarlett ordered.



In the evening, at the medical base, Bailey emerged from the emergency room with a weary expression.

“How is it?” Glen asked anxiously.

Bailey shook her head.

As soon as she shook her head, everyone's faces changed. Did Mrs. Luther not make it?