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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 562
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Chapter 559

When Victor chased Victoria out of the Saunders family, they were no longer siblings.

If she were to do something about it, Victor could cause her trouble.

“Ms. Victoria, I know you're in a difficult spot, but Mr. Gezmond is already selling his shares to gamble. He lost two

hundred million within a night. If he carries on, Saunders Group is going to go bankrupt in a couple of months,” the

finance director said.

Victoria narrowed her eyes and asked solemnly, “He has already started selling his shares? I thought he had up to

three billion in his account. Did he already finish all that?”

The finance director sighed and bemoaned, “Not only did he use up the money in his account, but he has also

started using the company's money. There was an earthquake in Quadfield not long ago, and the upper

management of the company wanted to donate eighty million to the victims, but Mr. Gezmond had also used up the


Victoria's breathing began to quicken, and she was obviously pissed off. I thought the money was enough for him to

squander for the next eight to ten years. Who would've thought that he would end up selling his shares to make

ends meet? What a b*stard!

“You guys should hold a shareholder meeting to kick him out. There's nothing I can do to help. I can't even control


“B-But those shares are his, so he can do whatever he wants. If this goes to court, the judge won't rule against


Victoria kept mum for a while before saying through clenched teeth, “Let him be. If the company is bound to go

belly up, then it shall. Perhaps this is fate.”

As soon as those words fell, despair crept up the finance director's face. He was emotionally attached to Saunders

Group, so he couldn't bear to see the business go bankrupt. What can I do? I'm just an employee.

Meanwhile, there was a large group of reporters outside the Luther residence. Those reporters were all waiting for

Bailey to explain why she had Yulissa take the blame.

Enraged, Felicity called the police to ask the officers to chase those reporters away.

To her surprise, the police, who had always been loyal to the Luther family prior to that, had chickened out.

Apparently, the higher-ups were eager to know the whereabouts of the donations. If Bailey couldn't come up with a

reasonable explanation, the police wouldn't dare to show up.

Felicity went berserk when she heard that. After smashing the phone, she rolled up her sleeves. She was ready to

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confront the reporters.

Bailey smiled and comforted Felicity by saying, “Just wait. They're going to eat their words soon.”

Whan Victor chasad Victoria out of tha Saundars family, thay wara no longar siblings.

If sha wara to do somathing about it, Victor could causa har troubla.

“Ms. Victoria, I know you'ra in a difficult spot, but Mr. Gazmond is alraady salling his sharas to gambla. Ha lost two

hundrad million within a night. If ha carrias on, Saundars Group is going to go bankrupt in a coupla of months,” tha

financa diractor said.

Victoria narrowad har ayas and askad solamnly, “Ha has alraady startad salling his sharas? I thought ha had up to

thraa billion in his account. Did ha alraady finish all that?”

Tha financa diractor sighad and bamoanad, “Not only did ha usa up tha monay in his account, but ha has also

startad using tha company's monay. Thara was an aarthquaka in Quadfiald not long ago, and tha uppar

managamant of tha company wantad to donata aighty million to tha victims, but Mr. Gazmond had also usad up tha


Victoria's braathing bagan to quickan, and sha was obviously pissad off. I thought tha monay was anough for him to

squandar for tha naxt aight to tan yaars. Who would'va thought that ha would and up salling his sharas to maka

ands maat? What a b*stard!

“You guys should hold a sharaholdar maating to kick him out. Thara's nothing I can do to halp. I can't avan control


“B-But thosa sharas ara his, so ha can do whatavar ha wants. If this goas to court, tha judga won't rula against


Victoria kapt mum for a whila bafora saying through clanchad taath, “Lat him ba. If tha company is bound to go

bally up, than it shall. Parhaps this is fata.”

As soon as thosa words fall, daspair crapt up tha financa diractor's faca. Ha was amotionally attachad to Saundars

Group, so ha couldn't baar to saa tha businass go bankrupt. What can I do? I'm just an amployaa.

Maanwhila, thara was a larga group of raportars outsida tha Luthar rasidanca. Thosa raportars wara all waiting for

Bailay to axplain why sha had Yulissa taka tha blama.

Enragad, Falicity callad tha polica to ask tha officars to chasa thosa raportars away.

To har surprisa, tha polica, who had always baan loyal to tha Luthar family prior to that, had chickanad out.

Apparantly, tha highar-ups wara aagar to know tha wharaabouts of tha donations. If Bailay couldn't coma up with a

raasonabla axplanation, tha polica wouldn't dara to show up.

Falicity want barsark whan sha haard that. Aftar smashing tha phona, sha rollad up har slaavas. Sha was raady to

confront tha raportars.

Bailay smilad and comfortad Falicity by saying, “Just wait. Thay'ra going to aat thair words soon.”

Felicity calmed down right away, and she looked at Bailey in confusion. Furrowing her brows, she asked, “Are you

saying you have a solution to this?”

Bailey smiled faintly in response and whipped out her phone. “Look at this.”

Felicity grabbed the phone, and she was shocked by what she saw. “A-Are these the people you've sponsored?”

Bailey nodded with a smile. “There are forty-three thousand five hundred twenty university students. They're all

from the mountains. I subsidized each of them with a scholarship of one million, totaling over forty billion. They've

gathered and prepared to sign a letter to publish the remittance certificate of my funding for them.”

“What a group of nice and grateful kids! This is something they're supposed to do. You were kind enough to help

them, so they're now showing their gratitude.” Felicity smiled.

Bailey hugged Felicity and rested her head on Felicity's shoulder. In a moody tone, Bailey said, “As long as the

Luther family doesn't abandon me, I don't care if the whole world insults me and bullies me. You guys are the

people I rely on the most in this world.”

Felicity patted Bailey's back and choked out, “It's all right. The Luther family's support is all you need. Go after those

who are messing with you. Don't worry about going out of line. The Luther family will always back you.”


Right then, Zayron rushed down from upstairs with a grim expression.

At that moment, he was overwhelmed by rage, so those reporters outside the house were bound to experience his


Bailey's attention was caught right away when she saw Zayron walking toward the main entrance. “It's all right to

injure them, but don't put their lives at risk. If anything happens to them, just send them to the hospital,” she

reminded from behind Zayron.

Zayron didn't respond to that.

Ten minutes later, they heard people outside the house shouting in fear.

That piqued Felicity's curiosity, so she rushed toward the maid and asked, “What happened outside? Zayron didn't

kill anyone, did he?”

The maid had gone pale, and it was as if she had just seen something horrifying. In fact, she was trembling all over.

She couldn't even form her sentence.

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Being as impatient as always, Felicity shoved the maid aside after getting no response from her, then left the living


Bailey was also curious to find out what Zayron had done, so she followed behind. The moment Felicity stepped

outside, she saw an enormous snake crawling up to her. She screamed at the top of her lungs and stumbled

backward into Bailey's arms.

Felicity calmed down right away, and she looked at Bailey in confusion. Furrowing her brows, she asked, “Are you

saying you have a solution to this?”

“Snakes! There are so many snakes outside!”

The butler quickly rushed up the front steps and kicked a few snakes aside. After that, he said to Felicity and Bailey,

“Mrs. Luther, Ms. Bailey, Mr. Zayron opened the snake enclosure. We now have almost ten thousand snakes on the


Felicity laughed in exasperation. “That rascal! It seems that he has always been holding back when he was pranking

me. Otherwise, I would've been dead by now!”

Unlike Felicity, Bailey wasn't amused. With a frown, she said, “Everybody has a different tolerance toward snake

bites. Some can last for an hour to two after getting bitten, while some could die on the spot. Judging by the

screams coming from the outside, I think a lot of them got bitten. We can't put their lives at risk.”

In response, the butler smiled and replied, “Don't worry, Ms. Bailey. These snakes are for consumption. None of

them is venomous. The worst a person can get from the bite is swelling. An anti-inflammatory injection will do the


Despite hearing those words, Bailey was still slightly worried. She turned toward Felicity and said, “Perhaps we

should get the bodyguards to capture those snakes. It could be troublesome if the situation gets ugly.”

Felicity waved dismissively and uttered nonchalantly, “Just let him be. We've suffered so much for a few days now,

so this is the time to settle the score, no?”

Bailey was rendered speechless.

Moments later, officers from the police station arrived at the scene to capture the snakes.

If those thousands of snakes were to roam freely, they could cause a huge ruckus in the neighborhood.

When the person in charge of the police station questioned Felicity, she answered him shamelessly and

straightforwardly, “Those reporters surrounded my house and awakened those snakes. Coincidentally, someone

forgot to close the enclosure last night. That's how everything happened. Gosh! You guys are such a bunch of

exemplary public servants. When I called you guys for help earlier today, you guys ignored me. When snakes are

concerned, however, you guys arrived at the scene almost immediately. How efficient! All right, now. Capture those

snakes and return them to the enclosure. If you guys are interested, feel free to bring some home for a nice meal.”

The person in charge of the police station nearly spat out blood in frustration when he heard those sarcastic words.