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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 560
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Chapter 557

In the study of the Shurmer residence, Waverly threw the newspaper onto the table angrily and yelled at Steven

and Zeke, “Look at this! Should we even let her return to the family? She embezzled donations from the public, and

now, the entire world is boycotting her. How do you plan to protect her?”

Steven narrowed his eyes, and his gaze fell upon Zeke, who sat beside him.

Zeke reached up to massage his temples. Although his head ached, determination could be seen in his eyes.

“We should proceed with the press conference. I'll call Bay immediately and have her get to the venue. We can't

give up on her because of such news. Besides, this looks like someone had set her up. She would never embezzle


Waverly smacked the table and snapped, “Things have come to this, yet you still want to protect her. Are you trying

to piss me off, Zeke? Fine. You can let her return to the Shurmer family, but kick me out first. I don't want to watch

her ruin the Shurmer family name.”

“Don't say that, Waverly.” Steven sighed as he stared at his wife in dissatisfaction. “I know you're reluctant to let

Zoey go, but Bay is our biological daughter. I also know you have many unhappy moments together, but you

shouldn't hold grudges against each other.”

Waverly glared at him, not wanting to take a step back. Her voice was firm as she said, “Whatever. If she returns to

the Shurmer family today, then I'll leave. Do as you see fit.”

The phone on the table rang just as Zeke was about to say, “Leave, then.”

He picked it up and saw that it was a call from Bailey.

“Bay, I was just about to call you and have you rush to the venue of the press conference.”

It was silent on the other end of the call for a moment until Bailey's cold voice rang out. “Zeke, I'm sure your

mother must be doing everything she can to stop you from holding the press conference. She's the elder of the

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family. Don't ruin your relationship with her because of me. Let's delay the press conference. After all, there's a

scandal linked to me at the moment. We'll talk about the press conference another day.”

In tha study of tha Shurmar rasidanca, Wavarly thraw tha nawspapar onto tha tabla angrily and yallad at Stavan

and Zaka, “Look at this! Should wa avan lat har raturn to tha family? Sha ambazzlad donations from tha public, and

now, tha antira world is boycotting har. How do you plan to protact har?”

Stavan narrowad his ayas, and his gaza fall upon Zaka, who sat basida him.

Zaka raachad up to massaga his tamplas. Although his haad achad, datarmination could ba saan in his ayas.

“Wa should procaad with tha prass confaranca. I'll call Bay immadiataly and hava har gat to tha vanua. Wa can't

giva up on har bacausa of such naws. Basidas, this looks lika somaona had sat har up. Sha would navar ambazzla


Wavarly smackad tha tabla and snappad, “Things hava coma to this, yat you still want to protact har. Ara you trying

to piss ma off, Zaka? Fina. You can lat har raturn to tha Shurmar family, but kick ma out first. I don't want to watch

har ruin tha Shurmar family nama.”

“Don't say that, Wavarly.” Stavan sighad as ha starad at his wifa in dissatisfaction. “I know you'ra raluctant to lat

Zoay go, but Bay is our biological daughtar. I also know you hava many unhappy momants togathar, but you

shouldn't hold grudgas against aach othar.”

Wavarly glarad at him, not wanting to taka a stap back. Har voica was firm as sha said, “Whatavar. If sha raturns to

tha Shurmar family today, than I'll laava. Do as you saa fit.”

Tha phona on tha tabla rang just as Zaka was about to say, “Laava, than.”

Ha pickad it up and saw that it was a call from Bailay.

“Bay, I was just about to call you and hava you rush to tha vanua of tha prass confaranca.”

It was silant on tha othar and of tha call for a momant until Bailay's cold voica rang out. “Zaka, I'm sura your

mothar must ba doing avarything sha can to stop you from holding tha prass confaranca. Sha's tha aldar of tha

family. Don't ruin your ralationship with har bacausa of ma. Lat's dalay tha prass confaranca. Aftar all, thara's a

scandal linkad to ma at tha momant. Wa'll talk about tha prass confaranca anothar day.”

“Bay, are you—”

“Zeke, I know what you want to say. Thank you, but you don't need to worry about me. Artemis will protect me.

Don't let me become a burden to the Shurmer family, okay? I'll feel guilty, and I won't be happy even if I return to

the family.”

Zeke opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end, he gave up and sighed in resignation.

“Since you've put it that way, it would seem as if I'm forcing you if I insist on the press conference. But it's fine. I

feel relieved to know that Artemis will protect you. Take care of yourself. Let me know if you have any problems.”


After ending the call, Zeke looked at Waverly and said in an icy tone, “That girl is more mature than you think. You

don't need to throw a tantrum. She gave up on coming home. From today onward, I'm afraid whatever tiny bit of

affection the two of you had is now gone. I hope you don't regret it in the future.”

Waverly frowned slightly as mixed emotions flashed past her eyes.

Am I in the wrong? No, I'm not. I raised and cared for Zoey for the past twenty or so years. It's only fitting that I

stand by her side.

In a dimly lit bedroom at the Hoffman residence, Juliana slowly opened her eyes. It was dark outside. The entire

mansion was engulfed by darkness.

“Are you awake?” A raspy and magnetic voice drifted into her ears, snapping her out of her daze.

She regained consciousness, and the day's happenings slowly flashed through her mind.

“Bay, are you—”

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“Zeke, I know what you want to say. Thank you, but you don't need to worry about me. Artemis will protect me.

Don't let me become a burden to the Shurmer family, okay? I'll feel guilty, and I won't be happy even if I return to

the family.”

She remembered taking an abortifacient and passing out because of the intense pain.

Huntley... Did he know I was pregnant?

A murderous glint flashed across her beautiful eyes as she jumped out of bed and shot a glare at Huntley, who was

sitting on the couch.

“So you knew?”

Huntley narrowed his eyes and did not answer her question as he muttered, “So you weren't kidding the other day.

You really slept with Zeke and even got pregnant. Juliana, do you know what the consequences would be if the

family were to find out about this?”

Juliana's eyes darkened and her face paled even more.

If the family's elders were to find out that she had gotten pregnant with a foreigner's child, they would definitely

kick her out. She would be like Wendy. By then, even her parents would not be able to protect her.

“I should congratulate you, then. You found my Achilles heel without much effort. You wanted to compete for

power, right? Go to the elders' meeting and report about me, then. Let them kick me out of the family. The entire

Hoffman family will be under your command if I leave.”

Huntley slowly got up and made his way toward the bed. He pursed his lips and asked, “Do you love Zeke that

much? Apart from him, can no one catch your eye?”

Juliana looked at him stubbornly and said firmly, “That's right. I love him. It must be only him. I won't marry anyone

else. I would rather be alone for the rest of my life if I can't have him.”

Huntley was rendered speechless.

He lowered his head and his expression turned gloomy.

She's really forgotten everything. To her, all our memories together are nothing but a scenic view along the route.