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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 515
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Chapter 515

Inside the living room, Ivy was sitting on the couch, craning her neck as she stared at the entrance of

the mansion.

It was winter at the moment, and the temperature was dropping rapidly. Additionally, it was a cloudy

afternoon, so the air was practically freezing.

Micah would undoubtedly get sick if he were to kneel in the rain for the whole day.

While Ivy was dissatisfied with Micah's methods and believed he didn't protect her daughter well, she

had to admit that the man's feelings for her daughter were sincere. Back then, when he ordered

someone to chop off Shannon's arm, I know he did it to save her life. It's not like I don't understand the


As her train of thought ended there, she glanced at Shannon, who was sitting at her side. “How about

you let him in, and you two can talk this through, Shannon? It's winter right now. He'll get sick if he

kneels in the rain any longer.”

Slowly, Shannon stood from the couch and ambled toward the staircase. “You can talk to him if you

want. I don't want to see him ever again. There's nothing for us to say to each other anymore.”

Ivy parted her lips slightly and wanted to say something, but in the end, she gave up.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

After watching her daughter head upstairs, she stepped toward the door.

Standing before the entrance steps, she lowered her head and gazed at Micah, sighing. “What's the

point of talking about forgiveness now with how things have turned out? If Shannon doesn't forgive you,

you won't be able to change anything even if Holden and I understand where you're coming from.

Shannon's the one you're having a relationship entanglement with, not us. Just let my daughter go,

Micah. Let her live a peaceful life for now. She has suffered too much over the past few years.”

Pursing his lips, Micah raised his head and stared at the older woman. Raindrops landed on his icy

countenance and silently streamed downward, leaving behind tragically beautiful water streaks.

“Even though her arm had to be chopped off to save her life back then, the incident had clearly become

a nightmare she never wants to remember again. My heart aches every time I recall it. I won't ask for

her forgiveness, but I do want to make up for her lost arm. You're her mother, the only elder who can

seek justice for her. Right now, I shall return what I owe your daughter.” The moment he ended his

sentence, he removed a dagger from his waist and stabbed the tendon in his left arm.

In the next second, blood spurted out of his wound, blurring his vision.

Ivy gasped in shock and reflexively rushed down the steps to stop the man from acting recklessly.

However, she was too far away from him, and there was nothing she could do to stop him. All she

could do was watch him jab the sharp dagger into a specific spot in his arm.

That spot was where the tendons in his arm connected. If he forcefully severed them, his arm would be

crippled for good. Not even the most prodigious doctor in the world could cure it.

“Don't act rashly!” she exclaimed.

As a look of determination flashed past Micah's eyes, he chuckled and exerted more force, preparing to

sever his arm tendons.

It was then a flashing blade cut through the air and hit hisright arm.

The sound of the blade piercing through his flesh rang out along with his groan of pain, and his right

arm soon dropped due to the intense agony.

Blood streamed down from both of his arms, tainting the puddle of rain on the ground, turning it scarlet

in the blink of an eye.

As Micah slowly lifted his gaze, he met Shannon's eyes. She was staring at him frigidly while standing

on the steps.

“S-Shanny,” he uttered.

She scowled while hatred swirled intensely in her eyes, almost swallowing him whole.

Moments later, she walked down the steps and strolled toward him.

The rain falling on her face made her mien appear even colder. If I hadn't taken action in time, he

would've destroyed his left arm. He is indeed a ruthless man, both to me and to himself.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Do you really think you could make things up to me by doing this? No, the grudge between us will

never disappear unless one of us dies,” she said, standing before him.

Micah lifted his head and stared at her with a bitter smile. “Fine. Since you hate me so much, kill me

then. I won't fight back. I'm happy enough to die at your hands.”

Shannon sneered, “Death's not terrifying at all. It happens in the blink of an eye, and it'll be over before

you know it. True suffering is the inability to escape a living hell. I've experienced it for years, so now

it's your turn to do the same. Listen to me, Micah. I don't want your arm. Instead, I want you to live in

penitence for the rest of your life.”

In response, he tried moving his arm to grab hers.

Immense tearing pain assailed him following his movement, and his blood spilled out even faster.

Despite that, he repeated his attempt multiple times only to fail every time. It seems like we really aren't

destined to be together. Even though we're within each other's reach, we can't hold on to each other.

“Shanny...” Perhaps due to his massive blood loss, his body began swaying, and his mind was turning


He genuinely wanted to cripple his left arm as compensation for taking hers. That was because he

believed it was the only way for him to approach and protect her without scruples. We have wasted far

too much time. All I want is to spend the remaining years of my life by her side. Why can't the heavens

grant this simple wish of mine?