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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 416
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Chapter 416

Bailey and Artemis make a great couple. A f*cking match made in heaven! Do they know that their joy

is built upon my misery? Bailey looks so much like Mother, and she has become so outstanding lately.

If someone were to publicize their photos side by side, it would catch the attention of the whole world.

By then...

Zoey could not bring herself to imagine how things would turn out if that were to happen.

All she knew was that if the world found out that Bailey was the true heiress of the Shurmer family, she

would lose everything that she ever knew.

Zoey was already used to living a wealthy lifestyle.

She had grown accustomed to being the spoilt daughter born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

How could she survive a poverty-stricken life?

Bailey had to be taken out of the picture.

The more outstanding she was, the more necessary it was to get rid of her.

Back then, perhaps she could still reside peacefully in Lostaria and pretended as if nothing had

happened. However, things had changed.

So many people from around the world know Mother and have seen her. The moment they realize it,

people will surely know the resemblance between Mother and Bailey. Plus, if the media adds fuel to the

fire, the entire world will find out that I'm an imposter.

In the meantime, the security system at the race had gone down. The multitude of fans charged toward

the race tracks.

“Adhira! Can I have an autograph?”

“Adhira! Can I take a photo with you?”

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“Adhira! I have some questions regarding racing that I would like to ask you! Would you mind

answering them?”

Seeing the crowd coming at her from all sides, Bailey rubbed her temples in annoyance, feeling the

impending headache coming.

If they got caught up in the middle of the crowd, they would most likely not be able to go anywhere else

that day.

“What now?” she asked the man beside her.

Artemis scanned the surroundings quickly before raising his arm and pointing at the office building to

their southeast.

“Didn't you say that the main controller is in that building? Let's use running away from the crowd as an

excuse to enter and investigate. I would like to know who wants you dead so badly.”

Bailey arched an eyebrow. “How are we getting there?”

Artemis did not reply. Instead, he grabbed her arm and pulled her along with him as he sprinted toward

the number five race car.

In one swift motion, he pushed her into the passenger seat while he slipped behind the wheel.

Then, the car sped off like an arrow in the wind.

The corners of Bailey's lips curled into a smile.

Artemis' racing skills were not inferior to hers.

If he were to compete, he might even win against her. If that were the case, she would not be as well-

known as she was.

“Woah! Mr. Luther knows how to race too!”

“Check out his technique. He's no worse than his girl.”

“Mr. Luther sure is low-key. How could he not show off his skills? If he were to compete with those

skills, Adhira might have competition.”

“Hey! Mr. Luther! I want an autograph!”

“And I want a photo!”

What does it feel like to have countless people chasing after you? Astonishing and terrifying at the

same time. Like right now.

Bailey could not help but breathe out a sigh of relief as she clapped her forehead. “Thank heavens we

got out of there quick. Otherwise, it'd be a huge pain in the ass if we were to be surrounded by such a

huge crowd.”

Artemis broke into a smile. With the horsepower of the race car, the two reached the front of the office

building within a minute.

The building was at the deepest end of the racing area and was quite a distance away from the race

tracks. It was impossible for the crowd to reach them so quickly.

Getting out of the car, Bailey let out a small laugh. “Look at me, fleeing from crazy fans and getting

myself all disheveled. The main reason I've been low-key for so many years is that I don't want people

to look at me like a monkey in a zoo. Can't believe that I still got caught up in all of this in the end.”

Walking over to the other side of the car, Artemis pulled her up the steps.

They were immediately greeted by a few security guards. Each one of them was holding a piece of

paper and a pen in their hands. It seemed as though they had been expecting Bailey's arrival and were

prepared to stop her by the entrance.

“Adhira, I'm a huge fan. I watch every single tournament that you have raced in on television. I—”

Bailey waved her hand, stopping him mid-sentence. “Sir, I'm sure you saw the crowd chasing after me.

Can we first hide inside the office building?”

The security guard rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as he handed her the pen and paper.

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Bailey rolled her eyes before snatching the pen from him and scribbled her signature onto the piece of

paper within two seconds. Following suit, she signed the paper slips from the rest of the guards.

“Can we enter now?”

“Of course. Of course. Please. Please.”

Inside the building, the office was dead silent. Perhaps it was because all the office staff had gone to

watch the tournament.

Without needing a reminder from Bailey, Artemis fished out a phone from his pocket and handed it to


Taking the phone from him, Bailey began to locate the software.

The main controller was in fact in the building they were in. After one minute of searching, she parted

her lips to speak. “Third floor, last room in the southwest.”

With that, she led the way to the staircase.

Artemis followed closely behind.

The two of them made it to the last room in the southwest on the third floor.

Just as she was about to push the door open, a security guard caught up to them and stopped her.

“Um, about that, Ma'am, this office belongs to one of the higher-ups in the racing association. He has a

terrible temper, and he has warned us not to allow anyone inside without his permission.”

“Consider his warning bullsh*t. Don't be afraid. Even if he finds out, you will not get in trouble. Even if

you do get in trouble on the one-in-a-million chance, the worst that will happen is that you'll be fired. If

you get fired, you can come and find me at Luther Group. I'll make you the manager of the security


The security guard widened his eyes in pleasant surprise. “Really?”

Bailey smiled and rummaged around in Artemis' pocket before taking out a business card and handing

it to the guard.