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Revenge After Divorce by Black Rose

Chapter 325
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Chapter 325 MARCUS "Just how bad is it that Ethan would be like this?" I failed to understand the severity of the situation or even try to grasp it, I thought Ethan was exaggerating, it couldn't have been that bad. "Then why don't you go there and see for yourself Marcus. Maybe then you will stop judgingand start seeing the man for who he is." Luke raised an eyebrow looking interested suddenly. "And who is he?" Luke questioned, he was becoming more and more defensive when it cto Nick. I didn't know when or how their relationship developed to that point.” A monster, he is a real-life monster, because no human being with a good heart would do something like that.” They spoke of Xander being skinned like an animal but couldn't picture it, was it that horrible that Ethan would call his friend a monster? "Don't getwrong." He burped, he was quite drunk and with reason, according to Luke.

"I love Nick, he is my best friend and all that. But I hate, no letrephrase that. I am scared to death of that side of him. I am even afraid to close my eyes and sleep because see him. meaty looking Xander sitting there leaning against the wall. I don't even know how he is able to even lean, the pain he must be feeling." He shook as if he were cold. I glanced at Luke. "I gave him something for the pain, the noise he was making bothered me." Now Luke seemed to be the one with a beating heart. But I still couldn't understand why he was protecting Nick. If he went too far as Ethan said, then he needed help not to be shielded.

"He needs help, but Luke doesn't think so. He thinks Nick is fine, but I disagree. If he could do that to another human being, then something is wrong in his head." I got where Ethan was coming from but who was going to help him? it was not like we could just send him to therapy, the man would be arrested.

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"Is that why you are all gathered here, to discuss Nick?" We all turned, and Lupita was standing behind us with a look I couldn't decipher. We shared a look stunned. Lupita was a quiet type, only spoke when spoken to most of the time.

But Olivia would disagree, so I guess she was like that withand the guys. "Lupita, you have gotten close to him over the past couple of months, how does he seem to you. Is he alright?" With her hand on her waist and a look of disgust on her face, she answered. "Why don't you all just call Nick, meet up with him and talk to him like men, friends. instead of sitting here gossiping about him like women?" I frowned; I was deeply offended. "Lupita, you are out of line." I warned. She turned to me. "I respect you Marcus, I do. But don't makelose the respect I have for you by doing something like this. Talking about a person behind his back is beneath you." She paused letting her words hang in the air.

"I know you don't particularly like Nick, and I understand why. But he is still Samuel's father. If you all think he is a monster, then what's next? Stopping him from having a relationship and seeing his son? How is that fair?" She scanned our faces.

I was shocked that she could talk that much. To me, the woman never said more than five words and that was it.

"Do the right thing, talk to him, and maybe try to understand and support him. I am not saying condone his wrongdoings but try to understand where he is coming from. This is Xander we are talking about, and he has done horrible things to this family. My grandmother died because of what that man did. I don't blNick; I am grateful to him. He did what none of you were able to do, Punished an animal the way it deserved." She then walked away leaving us stunned. "Nick might deny it, but something is definitely going on between him and Lupita." said Ethan in his drunken voice.

"I think so too because that was not the Lupita I know. That was a tigress!" Luke concurred looking pleased.

+25 BONUS Chapter 325 "I don't agree with how she spoke to us, I feel it was disrespectful. But I do agree with one thing she said. We should talk to Nick, see if his behaviour would affect Samuel in the future or..." "So, you think Nick would hurt his son?” Luke cutshort with the coldest voice, stern and sounding malicious. "That is not what I am implying but let's face it, we don't know what is going on in his mind. And it's not like we can take him to therapy to talk about his problems so we can avoid the issue. If the thing with Xander is as bad as you say, then Ethan is right, Luke. Nick ne our help." Luke stood, looked between Ethan andthen shook his head. "Then call him and ask him to sit here and talk about his feelings like a woman. Tellhow that goes, am going to bed." He left us there.

I glanced at Ethan; he was so drunk that he was falling off the couch with the way he was sitting. "Do you think he will listen?" He shrugged.

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"I don't know but I guess we will find out. I don't like that we are on our own in this thing though." What else could we do when Luke saw nothing wrong with what Nick did? Ethan ended up falling on the floor with his butt. It was about tthat happened.

you going to bed?" He

I didn't know how he was sitting on that damn couch. He didn't bother getting up. "Arelooked up atwith lazy eyes. "Are you going to be there within case I have nightmares?" "Of course, not!"

"Then no, I am not going. I am sitting right here and drinking untill king untillom blackout." I shook my head and left him there. I had a wife; I was not about to sit there with a grown man.

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