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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

chapter 2136-2140
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Chapter 2136

What Noel said immediately attracted the attention of those around him. Jackie looked at Noel with a curious look

on his face. Noel’s face started blushing when he felt the gazes of others. He coughed softly and tried to calm

himself down. “Why are you guys looking at me? Don’t you know the relationship between them?”

A hint of confusion appeared in the eyes of many people when he said this. Obviously, they had no idea of the

relationship between these people, and they had only heard of the ranking of these formal disciples from the long-

faced man. What Noel said was obviously hinting that the predetermined disciples had complicated relationships

with the elders.

Jackie glanced at Noel. “Why don’t you stop dropping hints and just get to the point. I really want to know where

Gresham gets his courage to go against the First Elder.” Jackie had already made guesses in his heart when he said

this and he was just waiting for Noel to personally confirm his assumption.

Noel nodded and said seriously, “In fact, Gresham is going against two people by himself.”

The people around him were even more surprised when they heard what Noel said. Noel did not tantalize everyone

on purpose and continued explaining, “I’m sure everybody knows about the relationship between Oliver and Elder

Sayer. Elder Sayer is an unwavering supporter of the First Elder. On the other hand, Calvert has a great relationship

with Oliver and I heard from others that Calvert has a close relationship with the Sixth Elder. Calvert’s mother is

from the family that supported the Sixth Elder. In the beginning, I thought that the Sixth Elder would accept Calvert

as his elder disciple.”

Everybody immediately understood what was going on after they heard Noel’s explanation. Noel continued to

speak and did not care if the people around him understood what he said. “The Seventh Elder recognizes

Gresham’s talents. There was once when Gresham returned from his training outside with an injury and the

Seventh Elder personally gave him pills to cure his wounds.”


Noel stopped speaking at this point. On the other hand, Jackie continued, “The Sixth Elder and Elder Sayer support

the First Elder while the Seventh Elder supports the Second Elder. This is why you mentioned previously that

Gresham is going against two people by himself.”

He heard from Noel previously that half of the formal elders supported the First Elder while the other half supported

the Second Elder. That was why Gresham spoke insolently as he was fighting for the best chance for himself.

Although Jackie disliked Oliver, he had to admit that Oliver’s strength was undeniably strong as he was capable of

being in the eighth place among the formal disciples.

Although Gresham might be as talented as Oliver, there was a difference between their realms. Gresham was in

the 63rd position and he definitely would not be the opponent of somebody in the 8th position. The two of them had

a great difference between them

Noel’s words successfully helped Brook in understanding the complicated relationship between these people. He

mumbled as he widened his eyes, “In this case, it doesn’t matter if Oliver or Calvert becomes the Eleventh Elder’s

last disciple as they would represent that the First Elder had won. On the other hand, the Second Elder would only

win if Gresham becomes the Eleventh Elder’s last disciple.”


Chapter 2137

Noel looked at Brook in a satisfied manner before he stretched out his hand to pat Brook on his shoulder to

instigate that Brook had answered correctly. What Brook said had completely broken the doubts in the hearts of

those people around them.

Special thoughts flashed through the eyes of almost everybody present. This battle for the position of the last

disciple looked like it was just a matter of the Eleventh Elder getting his one and only last disciple. However, it

actually involves the battle between two elders, and the position of the sect master is at stake. That was why all the

elders were mobilized and all the disciples were so excited.

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At this moment, Jackie finally understood what Noel meant by saying he would have said the same thing If he was

Gresham. Gresham did this with hopes to get rid of Oliver. After all, the chances of him being the last disciple would

be 30% less with Oliver’s present here.

On top of that, Oliver was slightly stronger than him and he did not have such a good relationship with Oliver. Oliver

might kill Gresham after they go onto the battle platform, but he would stop at the correct moment when it came

to facing Calvert. After all, the two of them were on the same team. No matter who became the Eleventh Elder’s

last disciple, it would be a win for the First Elder.

The First Elder stood on the large round platform and looked at Gresham, who was standing under the platform.

The First Elder was not a dummy. The reason the Second Elder stood next to him was to support Gresham. The

Second Elder naturally did not wish for the First Elder’s choice to be the last disciple. The First Elder sneered as he

would not give the Second Elder what he wanted. “Gresham Potter! Do you know what you are doing is treacherous

to your elders!”

Everybody was surprised when they heard what the First Elder said. None of the disciples could withstand such a

terrible accusation. The lethality of being accused as treacherous to his elders was so powerful that Gresham’s face

turned slightly pale. However, he still knelt down with his body. “First Elder, these are such heavy words. I just feel

that this is slightly unfair as I’m the one fighting with two senior brothers.”

Gresham said this to tell the crowd that he was not refuting the First Elder and was just fighting for his rights. On top

of that, he was also mocking the First Elder as he should not be accused of treacherous because of this. The First

Elder sneered. “As the First Elder of the Dual Sovereign Pavilion, I work hard to preside over the sect’s matters. As a

mere formal disciple, have you honored me by questioning the fairness the moment you open your mouth? If this

isn’t a treacherous act, what is?”

There were finally some changes in the Second Elder’s cold expression. He curled his mouth and smiled mockingly.

He did not turn to look at the First Elder but instead looked straight ahead at the disciples gathered underneath.

“First Elder, don’t you feel that you’ve spoken too seriously? He was just fighting for some fairness for himself, how

can his actions be considered treacherous?”

The First Elder humphed coldly and suddenly raised his head. He wanted to have a debate with the Second Elder for

300 rounds but the Second Elder did not wish to continue exchanging nonsense with him. The Second Elder

continued, “Oliver has already broken through into the final stage of innate level and the value of grooming him

isn’t high no matter from which aspect of things.”



Oliver’s face darkened as he heard this. Standing among the informal disciples, Wesley’s heart beat fiercely and he

was unable to close his mouth in panic. He was afraid that his brother’s predetermined quota would be canceled by

them with just a few words. If his brother successfully becomes the Eleventh Elder’s last disciple, his status would

also rise accordingly. By then, not only would Elder Sayer be his support, the Eleventh Elder would become his

support too. In that case, he would be able to act as he wished in the Dual Sovereign Pavilion in the future.

The First Elder narrowed his eyes and glanced at the Second Elder angrily when he heard this. “What do you mean

by the value of grooming him is low? There are so many disciples in the final stage of innate level in our sect. Do

you mean that all disciples in the final stage of innate level aren’t worthy of being groomed by us?”

Chapter 2138 The First Elder’s misdirection of blame did not cause the Second Elder to panic.

“I don’t mean that. You are taking my words out of context. Who in the room hasn’t gone through the final stage of

innate level. If I meant that, wouldn’t I be talking about myself too?” said the Second Elder evenly. If the Eleventh

Elder must accept the last disciple then he must be excellent in all aspects. The cultivation value is also a point that

must be considered. The adaptability of the final stage of innate level is not as high as that of the intermediate

stage of innate level. You should know about this.”

The higher the cultivation level is, the lower the chance of new talents to be tapped. This is something everyone


The First Elder waved his long sleeves and said dismissively, “Oliver is at the innate level and his talent is very high.

It shouldn’t take long before he is in the running for the position of the chosen disciple. With these facts in place, do

you think his cultivation value is low?”

They did not see eye-to-eye in this matter, and they would quarrel endlessly because of this problem. The Second

Elder was unwilling to continue on like this, but the First Elder was adamant to get his way.

At this time, there was no need for Gresham to say anything. The firepower of the war was concentrated on the

Elders, but the three people in the audience waited quietly. The only way anyone could tell what they were feeling

was by the emotions in their eyes.

The First Elder wanted Oliver to fight. Whether the Eleventh Elder will choose Oliver or not, he would play a big role

in this last disciple dispute, just as Gresham was worried about before. The First Elder wanted the three of them to

let Oliver attack Gresham with improper means. At least let Gresham be bed-bound for a month or two so that the

quota would fall smoothly to Calvert. The person backing Calvert was the Sixth Elder. Both he and Elder Sayer were

Calvert’s unwavering supporters.

The Second Elder resolutely refused to let Oliver participate in the dispute of the last disciples. He was not a fool so

naturally, he knew what the First Elder was planning. If he succeeds, Gresham would have a miserable end. The two

people continued to quarrel for another fifteen minutes or so while all the other disciples stared at each other with

wide eyes. They did not expect to see two Elders quarreling so ferociously today.

“I’m telling you! By doing this, you are depriving the disciples of the opportunity. As the Second Elder, you should

consider every disciple and be impartial, but look at what you are doing now, taking away the opportunities for the

other formal disciples…”

The Second Elder sneered and rolled his eyes. “I’m doing this for the sake of my disciples. It’s unfair for Oliver to

participate in the competition of the last disciple. Everyone knows that he’s ranked eighth amongst the formal

disciples! Calvert stands no chance against him at all..”

“Alright! That’s enough!” said Elder Godfrey, tired of their bickering. He let out a long sigh. The argument between

the First Elder and the Second Elder was about to make his eardrums explode.

If it was before, he would not accept any last disciples at all. It was all because of the recent events that made him

change his mind. He scoffed, and cast a cold glance at the First Elder and the Second Elder. Why are they getting so

heated up when it was him who was the one recruiting the last disciple? He of course knew the answer to this


He turned to face the disciples in the audience. “I am grateful for your input, but at the end of the day, it is me who

gets to decide who becomes my last disciple.

Chapter 2139 The First Elder and the Second Elder shut up in an instant. Elder Godfrey was right. They could

quarrel with each other until their mouths ran dry and still had no say in who the last disciple would be.

Elder Godfrey’s eyes remained facing the audience.” As to who my last disciple will be, I already have someone in

mind. I have said before that my last disciple has to be excellent in all the ways I find important.”

Jackie arched his brow. Noel had analyzed and explained this sentence to him before. He thought that Elder

Godfrey meant to say that his closed disciples must be excellent in all aspects. With this in mind, his gaze fell on

Oliver and the other two, who were handsome, talented, and came from prominent backgrounds. Faultless, in

every way.

Just as he was thinking about it, Elder Godfrey’s voice rang loudly in everyone’s ears. “There’s no need for the three

of them to battle each other. I already have a candidate in mind.”

Everyone’s body stiffened. One by one, they turned their scorching gaze on Elder Godfrey. The most anxious people

there were the First Elder and the Second Elder because both of them knew very well in their hearts that whichever

disciple he chose, the power behind that disciple would break the delicate balance between them.

The First Elder’s lips were pulled into a thin line, and his eyes were fixed firmly on the Elder Godfrey. Even the

Second Elder, who had been calm and relaxed, looked at the Elder Godfrey with a solemn expression.

Elder Godfrey exhaled deeply, and said, “I choose…” These two words made everyone hold their breath and perked

up their ears. “Jackie as my last disciple!”

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As soon as the words came out, everyone fell silent; only the sounds of heavy breathing and heartbeats could be

heard. Everyone started to wonder if there was a problem with their hearing.

“What did the Eleventh Elder say? Who did he say he has chosen as his last disciple? Jackie? Who is that?”

“I must have heard it wrong. Is there a Jackie amongst those three up there?”

Jackie was well-known among the informal disciples, but most of the formal disciples, let alone the chosen disciples,

did not know who he was. Everyone was looking at each other skeptically. Did they have auditory hallucinations?

Elder Godfrey thought that he was being clear enough, so he repeated it again in a loud voice, “I choose Jackie as

my last disciple!”

This time, there was an explosion of uproar, as if the ice was poured into boiling oil. Everyone was at a loss for

words. Even Jackie himself found his mouth to be slightly ajar. He had to clean out his ears to make sure he did not

hear wrong.

Chapter 2140

He even wondered if there was also a Jackie amongst the formal disciples, but he dismissed this thought as soon as

it popped into his mind. After all, he knew Elder Godfrey’s secret. Even so, he did not expect that he would be put in

the spotlight when he had come as a spectator.

Noel and Brook were struck dumb. The two stood on the spot in a daze and there was disbelief written all over their

faces as if they had just been told that they had won the lottery.

Noel turned his head and saw Jackie with the same expression as he did. “The Eleventh Elder just chose you as the

last disciple…”

Noel’s voice was a little hoarse, while Brook was so shocked that he could not utter a single word at all.

Wesley started glitching. He thought that it was all a mistake when the Eleventh Elder announced Jackie’s name the

first time but when he repeated it the second time, emphasizing on Jackie’s name no less, Wesley’s mind started to

experience a tidal wave of emotions.

“No, it can’t be him! What gives him the right to be the Eleventh Elder’s last disciple? He didn’t even come here by

formal means in the first place. He is not qualified to be the last disciple of the Eleventh Elder!”

Wesley insisted on sticking to the narrative he knows well about Jackie. If it was before, everyone might have

believed him. After all, the informal disciples were all rubbish, but Jackie had proven himself to be a cut above the

rest when he defeated Wesley.

“It’s definitely not him. He is just an informal disciple. Which elder in his right mind would choose an informal

disciple to be his last disciple. He doesn’t have the qualifications, nor the network to know the Eleventh Elder at all!”

said the man with the triangular eyes firmly.

Wesley was greatly relieved to hear those words and could not agree more with the man with the triangular eyes.

There must be a person with the exact same name as Jackie amongst the formal disciples. There was no way in a

billion years that it was the Jackie he knew.

However, Elder Godfrey suddenly took a step forward and fixed his gaze on the group of informal disciples. His eyes

were full of calmness. He pointed at Jackie and said, “What are you still standing there for?!”

Now there was no way Jackie could deceive himself or others because Elder Godfrey had pointed directly at him.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and his complexion turned pale whereas both Wesley and the man with the

triangular eyes’ turned dark.

It was really the Jackie that they despise so much!

Wesley immediately felt that he could not breathe, and his eyes turned bloodshot; he gritted his teeth angrily,

wishing to die on the spot. He would accept anyone but him! He still remembered that he had bragged to anyone

within earshot that his brother would be Elder Godfrey’s last disciple. Then his brother would go further than

anyone under the elder’s grooming

What happened was totally out of his expectation. It was like a slap to his face that Jackie was chosen to be Elder

Godfrey’s last disciple.

