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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

chapter 1910
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Chapter 1910

However, Master Mackenzie’s speed was incomparable to Jackieie White. He suddenly saw a gold

light at the same time Jackieie slammed his fist onto his shoulders causing his joints to shatter with a

violent crack. He let out one curdling scream after another as the feeling of pain shot through his whole

body. The punch had crippled his shoulder.

Jackieie White laughed coldly as he raised his left fist again-not giving time for Master Mackenzie to

defend himself at all. Gold light flashed on his fist as he slammed it against Master Mackenzie’s right

chest with a force enough to end anyone’s life. The sound of bones breaking sounded again. The

punch not only shattered Master Mackenzie’s bones but made him unable to activate his Chi so he fell

to the ground like a deflated balloon.

Jackieie was not done with him yet. He followed him down and grabbed hold of Master Mackenzie’s

collar. The next punch would be on Master Mackenzie’s meridian points as he planned to completely

destroy his cultivation to ensure he would never have a chance to avenge himself.

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Master Mackenzie’s fearful eyes were wide open as he knew what Jackieie had in mind. Infinite despair

filled his heart, he would be left with nothing if his cultivation was completely destroyed. With the last of

his energy, he stared at Jackieie pleadingly and said, “Don’t destroy my cultivation. I beg of you. Don’t

destroy me. I can be your slave! I can do anything!

Be my slave?’ Jackieie’s cold smile became even more sinister at those words. In his eyes, Master

Mackenzie was nothing but a worthless trash. “Do you know how many people are lining up to wait on

my hand and foot? You’re not even worthy to do so!”

As soon as those words were said, Master Mackenzie felt a fierce force rush through his meridians.

The extreme pain of the meridian being cut caused his body to convulse and nearly cut off his air

supply. The next second, he was in so much pain that his eyes rolled back and he fainted. Jackieie did

not plan a quick death for Master Mackenzie. How could he when his opponents had tried to ambush

him so many times? Master Mackenzie was carried like a dead dog back to Nine Gods Clan.


By the time Jackieie was back, the battle had already been won. Without their leaders and Jackieie’s

prowess, the Alliance Guard’s disciples would have lost their fighting spirit and had given in to their

fate. The Nine Gods Clan’s disciples slaughtered most of their opponents but did not kill those who had

thrown their weapons down. Instead, they confiscated the weapons, tied them up, and left them outside

the gate. Their fate would be determined by Jackieie.

Jackieie smiled coldly at the tied-up Alliance Guard disciples who were kneeling in front of the Nine

Gods Clan’s gate with their heads drooping. Though he usually did not treat his enemies with mercy, he

also did not wish to kill indiscriminately.

Besides, there were more important things he would need to attend to. Kevin Cabello walked

unsteadily toward Jackieie White and greeted him with praises before pointing to the Alliance Guard’s

disciples. “Master, what should we do with them? I think we should kill them all but their numbers are

great. We might anger the gods if we do that.”

Jackieie swept his eyes across the captives who broke out in cold sweat under his icy gaze. They

dared not breathe at all. Though Jackieie was well aware of Pavilion Billow Cloud’s dire situation, he

would prefer to avoid a genocide if possible. If not, he would not be any different from those Alliance

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Guard people. He let out a gentle sigh and said, “Let them go. They are no threat to us anymore. They

would do well to keep their distance from us if they know what’s good for them.”


He then tossed Master Mackenzie on the ground as if he was a dead dog. The latter did not even make

a sound. Emptiness filled his eyes as he had no future to look forward to now that his cultivation had

been completely destroyed.

“Let the minions go. As for these three, they don’t deserve a quick death. I entrust Master Loador,

Master Hackford, and Master Mackenzie to you. Master Mackenzie’s cultivation had been completely

destroyed and you should do the same for the other two. I’ll leave it up to you to do whatever you want

to them after that.” Jackieie did not wait for anyone’s reply and strode back into his room.

Once in his room, he called for Kevin Cabello. He estimated that it would not take him long to advance

to the rank of fourth-grade intermediate alchemist now that he was a fourth-grade elementary

