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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

chapter 1881-1885
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Chapter 1881

“Don’t worry; just go all out when you end them. I’ll give you a pill after the battle is over. I’ve reserved

one for you here,” replied Jackie with a bitter smile. “I won’t keep these benefits from you, my assistant

sect master.”

“Alright, alright! Thank you, Pavilion Master!” Austin was incredibly happy. He was very close to

entering the Second-grade soul-penetrating level, so if Jackie gave him a third-grade premium pill, not

only would he break through into the Second-grade soul-penetrating level, but he might be able to

break through into the Third-grade soul-penetrating level at once!

He would be so much more comfortable being the assistant sect master by then.

As he watched the members of the Blood Stalwart Pavilion coming their way, Jackie then instructed,”

Listen carefully: Me, the assistant sect master, First Elder, Second Elder, and Third Elder will be the

one joining the battle later. The remaining five elders shall rest here. Take a look at the external area,

and don’t let any of the members from the Blood Stalwart Pavilion run away. The five of you can’t

expose your fighting prowess, understand?”

“Understood!” The other elders immediately nodded, though they still envied the first elder and the

others. After all, those four would definitely win since Jackie asked them to fight one person. They were

definitely envious of those four as they had such a good opportunity to fight with people that had almost

the same fighting prowess.

Members of the Blood Stalwart Pavilion stopped not far away from Jackie and the rest, and their sect

master smirked at them. “Oh my! Are they out here on purpose to welcome us when they know that

we’re coming? Haha! What a surprise! All of them are actually gathered here!”


They were extremely happy that they were given the instruction to ‘handle the Nine Armies this time.

This was because the Nine Armies was not far away from the forest that was filled with many

treasures. Hence, they would be able to get lots of treasures from them once they wiped out the Nine


In a way, the Blood Stalwart Pavilion scored a bargain this time.

As for Jackie and the others, the main sects overlooking things could not tell if Jackie and the others

were here. The Blood Stalwart Pavilion felt that these people were not threats to them, no matter where

they were.


“Haha… You can say that!” Jackie laughed and looked at the other party coldly. “You people must’ve

been sent by the Alliance Guard, right? Attempting to wipe out our Nine Gods Clan won’t be as easy as

you think.”

“Nine Gods Clan?” The opponents were stunned.

The assistant sect master from the opponent side thought about it and said to their sect master,

“Pavilion master, I think these people are mystifying things. Haha! They actually said that they’re some

Nine Gods Clan. I think they’re people of the Nine Armies and those who came over from the

abandoned world!”

The Blood Stalwart Pavilion Master immediately understood the situation and laughed, harrumphing,

“Haha! You’re quite the smart one, young man. You plan to lie to us in hopes that we’ll leave, thinking

that we’ve come to the wrong place, right? You’ll all then scamper off to escape once we leave, huh?”

The assistant sect master also said with a smile,” This is quite the idea you got here, young man, but

we’re no fools. We recognize the First Fortress Master from the Nine Armies. How do you plan to lie to

us now?”

Chapter 1882

“Both of you, our sect master isn’t lying to you—we are the Nine Gods Clan. He’s the sect master, and

I’m now the assistant sect master of the Nine Gods Clan!” Austin grew increasingly arrogant when he

thought about how the Nine Gods Clan would become one of the best main sects. He looked at the

other party coldly as he spoke, “You guys should remember the name of our Nine Gods Clan. Our clan

will take the world by storm!”

“Pfft!” The people standing opposite them instantly broke out into laughter.

One of the elders from the Blood Stalwart Pavilion even clutched his stomach as he smilingly mocked,

Haha! Are you trying to kill me with laughter? You plan to awe the world? You think that we don’t know

about your situation right now? You’re the only one in the First-grade soul-penetrating level, and that

guy is only in the Seventh-grade ultimate god level. On top of that, his combat power is only

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comparable to a master in the First-grade soul-penetrating level.”

The elder paused here before he continued,” Nonetheless, what I’m slightly curious about is shouldn’t

Austin be the sect master if you plan to trick us? Why did you let a young man with a lower fighting

prowess compared to you become the sect master?”


“Hmph! Young man? Our sect master can kill a useless person like you with a single finger!” Austin

harrumphed indignantly, his loyalty for Jackie surging at the thought of how Jackie was a third grade

premium alchemist and had a pill for him.

“Alright, young man. Since you say that you guys are the Nine Gods Clan, where are your tokens? You

guys! Seems to be wearing your own clothes. In what way do you look like a sect?” The Blood Stalwart

Pavilion Master once again said with a disdainful smile on his face. “It’s best to play the part if you want

to complete the act. Otherwise, we’d instantly realize that you’re lying to us!”

“That’s right. You even said that you are some Nine Gods Clan, no? We’ve never even heard about it!”

added the opposing assistant sect master.

“It’s a new sect we formed today. It doesn’t matter if you guys heard it. The most important thing is that

none of you can leave after coming here today!” Jackie smiled coldly and tightened his fist. A strong

wave of power caused a loud sound.

“None of us can leave, huh? Haha! We’ve never planned to leave. How can we leave without killing

everybody here?” After the Blood Stalwart Pavilion’s assistant sect master spoke, he instantly rushed

toward Jackie.

Light on his feet, he appeared right before Jackie, his tightened fists surging with his energy. The

vibration was of an extremely concentrated golden color as he swung toward Jackie.

“Young man, I heard that you were able to fight masters in the First-grade soul penetrating level when

you were in the Seventh grade ultimate god level. Allow me, a person in the Third-grade soul

penetrating level, to test you. You’re a person the main sects highlighted that they’d like us to kill.

Today, I’ll kill you first!” The opponent shot Jackie a meaningful, cold smile. His attack was incredibly

surprising, and there was no chance for Jackie to prepare himself. He thought Jackie could not avoid it.

Hence, Jackie would be badly hurt if not dead by his punch. By then, this guy would die if he went

forward to give him a follow-up attack. He would have gotten rid of a hidden threat on behalf of the

Alliance Guard once this guy was dead.

Not only the main sects, but this was the first time members of their Blood Stalwart Pavilion saw such a

talented person.

Jackie, however, did not even plan on dodging.” Hmph!” he scoffed coldly and balled his fists, swinging

one forward as his fist gleamed with his energy in concentrated gold.

“Assistant sect master, kill that young man!”

“Yes! The assistant sect master is impressive, and he’s so fast!” Many of the Blood Stalwart Pavilion’s

disciples yelled in excitement to support their assistant sect master when they saw this scene.


The punches from both masters contained a huge amount of power, and when their punches met, a

loud explosion was heard, one utterly deafening and horrendous

Chapter 1883

“What?!” The Blood Stalwart Pavilion’s assistant sect master felt that something was wrong the

moment their fists collided. This young man in front of him was undeniably strong and did not seem to

have a combat power comparable to those in the First Grade soul-penetrating level. His opponent

seemed to be stronger than him.


The next moment, the assistant sect master of the Blood Stalwart Pavilion was sent flying backward,

blood spurting through his lips once he regained his standing.

“Mrpf! Pfft!”

The assistant sect master of the Blood Stalwart Pavilion had a surprised look in his eyes, and he was

so startled that he could not recover from the feeling.

The Blood Stalwart Pavilion Master, Scott Davis, soon discovered something and exclaimed, “This is

wrong! He’s not in the Seventh-grade ultimate god level. This young man is actually… He’s in the

Firstgrade soul-penetrating level!”

“Impossible! How could he have broken through so quickly?” Several elders of the Blood Stalwart

Pavilion were visibly surprised as they could not believe what was happening.

“That’s right, he’s broken through too quickly. I never thought this guy would be in the First-grade soul-

penetrating level. No wonder he didn’t hide away; he’s got such strong combat power! The assistant

sect master, Noah Sage, had a grim expression on his face before he spoke to Scott, Pavilion Master, it

seems like we had to attack together!”

“Yes, we’ll attack together. We need to kill this young man no matter what it costs. He’s got a daunting

combat power. If we gave him some more time, it’d be out of our control if he continues to break

through!” Scott nodded and a horrendous wave of power rushed out of his body following a thought

On the other side, a young man from the White family exclaimed excitedly, “This is great! Even masters

in the Third-grade soul-penetrating level are no match for Young Master Jackie after he had broken


Another young man from the White family reminded the first young man, “He’s the sect master now!

Pavilion Master; the Nine Gods Clan’s sect master. Stop calling him Young Master Jackie,


“Yes, yes, yes… He’s the sect master!” The young man from the White family nodded continuously with

a hopeful expression.

“Attack!” commanded Austin with a wave of his hand. Their clan was filled with confidence at the sight

of Jackie battling the opposing assistant sect master. This time, they were definitely winning.

“Attack!” The others immediately rushed forward, one after another.

“Hmph! Do you think we’re afraid of you guys?” Several masters from the Blood Stalwart Pavilion, who

were in the First-grade soul-penetrating level, disregarded Austin and everyone else in his clan as they

rushed over with their people.

However, they discovered that something was wrong when they started fighting

“This is wrong. How could they have four masters who are in the First-grade soul-penetrating level?”

Not only was the sect master of the Nine Gods Clan in the First-grade soul-penetrating level and had a

stronger combat power than someone who was in the Third-grade soul-penetrating level, it so

happened that apart from their sect master, four others were in the First-grade soul-penetrating level,

which was one person more than theirs.

Chapter 1884

“Haha! You guys never saw this coming, huh? There are still a lot of things that you guys never

expected!” Austin laughed loudly and members of the Nine Gods Clan soon cornered their opponents.

“I’ll give you guys a taste of my power when I use the Twin Dragons Fist!” Not planning to let things

drag on, Jackie-as a thought occurred to him squatted down slightly and soon performed the Twin

Dragons Fist. Two gargantuan aura-fists appeared in front of him.

Both aura-fists seemed to be hundreds of meters high and seemed more harrowing compared to what

he did previously

Both members of the Blood Stalwart Pavilion also formed a huge giant that was golden in color and

came charging forward.

However, the giant was no match to Jackie’s huge golden fists and was about half the size of the fists.

“This is bad. Our attack won’t be able to beat the opponent’s. We’re doomed!” Scott’s face turned pale

as he looked at the golden fists that came closer and closer toward them.

“Pavilion Master, why does this martial skill look so familiar? It looks like a martial skill from the

Bloodshed Clan. This is quite a powerful skill, but how did this young man manage to learn this?” The

assistant sect master was just as scared witless. Both him and Scott turned around to escape when

they saw that their giant was easily blasted by Jackie’s fists.


Unfortunately, the golden fists soon caught up with them both and sent those two flying, and what was

left in their wake were pieces of meat that rained from the sky.

Two masters in the Third-grade soul-penetrating level failed to withstand blows from Jackie, who killed

them both

“That’s impossible!” The people from the Blood Stalwart Pavilion seemed to be winning at first, but they

were petrified when they saw how quickly Jackie killed their sect master and assistant sect master.

Their confidence instantly evaporated.

“Haha..! Attack!” Members of the Nine Gods Clan were more electrified than ever when they saw how

quickly Jackie won. They carried out an even more unhinged assault on the people of the Blood

Stalwart Pavilion before them.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The moment Jackie killed both the masters from the Blood Stalwart Pavilion who were in the Third-

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grade soul-penetrating level, Austin and the others had already killed two of the opponent’s people. At

that moment, four of them surrounded another member who was in the First-grade ultimate god level

and was attacking him. It was obvious that this person could not hold out for much longer.

“Escaping?” The Fifth Elder moved over in a flash and killed a person in the Seventh-grade ultimate

god level when he saw that this person was going to break out of the containment from his side. “How

can this be?!”

Chapter 1885

Another guy who was in the Ninth grade ultimate god level wanted to escape the containment from this

direction, too. He turned pale out of fright when he saw this scene and immediately turned toward

another direction to escape.

The horrendous sounds of battle continued until the afternoon before it ended.

Although Jackie and the rest helped kill the opponent’s people, the several hundred thousands of Blood

Stalwart Pavilion members were too overwhelming. In the end, about 1,000 to 2,000 people were lucky

enough to escape.

“Haha! We nearly wiped out the entire sect, but some of them were lucky and rushed toward the forest.

We failed to contain those people, but I think that there are only one to two thousand of them. Haha!”

Austin laughed out loudly after the battle ended. They killed so many of their opponents’ people, but the

entire Nine Gods Clan only suffered the death of 2,000 to 3,000 people. Several thousand of them

were wounded. Overall speaking, this victory was quite an alarming one.

“Yes. I’ve never expected that we’d wipe out a sect that we used to fear in the past. Haha…! The Blood

Stalwart Pavilion is close to extinction from now on!” another elder exclaimed. “From today onward, our

Nine Gods Clan can be considered as slightly famous, right?”

“Let’s clean up the battlegrounds quickly as it’s getting late.” Alejandro and the rest had already

arranged for people to start cleaning up the battlegrounds.

They would definitely get lots of treasures after wiping out such a big sect this time, especially the

masters who were in the soul-penetrating level. They definitely had some nice martial skills and

powerful martial art techniques in their martial rings that could help in everybody’s future training.

At least, some people only obtained martial art techniques for the ultimate god level. Now, they could

also use the martial art techniques from the Blood Stalwart Pavilion to achieve the soul penetrating

fighting prowess.

As they nearly finished cleaning the battlefield, Austin, unable to hold back his joy, walked up to Jackie

and asked happily, “Pavilion master, did what you say about the pill previously still count?”

Jackie knew what this old man was thinking about for a long time. He had wanted to ask but was

embarrassed about it. Jackie purposely refrained from mentioning it before the old man asked. Jackie

could not help but want to laugh when he saw the slightly frightened expression on this guy’s face.

With a flip of his palm, he took out the pill he prepared previously. “Assistant Pavilion Master, I saw how

good your performance was just now. You went all out when you were killing those enemies.”

“Haha! That’s for sure. As the Nine Gods Clan’s assistant sect master, I have to set an example for the

others!” Austin laughed and immediately took the pill before storing it away carefully. “Thank you for the

pill, Pavilion Master. I’ve been stuck in the peak stage of the First-grade soul-penetrating! Level for a

very long time. With this pill, I might be able to breakthrough into the Third-grade souls penetrating

level. I’ve decided to go into retreat from tomorrow onward and try my best to break through into the

Third-grade soul-penetrating level in a couple of days in order to serve the sect better.”

Jackie purposely frowned and said after he heard this, “In that case, won’t your fighting prowess be

much higher than mine?”

Fearing that he would upset Jackie, Austin frantically explained, “Pavilion master, you must be joking.

I’m no match for you, even if I break through into the Third-grade soul-penetrating level. You killed two

people who were in the Third-grade souls penetrating level just now, so you must have a combat power

comparable to masters in the Fourthgrade soul-penetrating level.”

At this moment, Kieran flew over and passed an ancient book to Jackie. “Pavilion master! Pavilion

Master! We found a fourth-grade elementary martial skill in their martial skill. However, I estimate that

it’s very difficult to practice this martial skill. Hence, members of the Blood Stalwart Pavilion didn’t

perform the skill.”

Jackie took a closer look and was extremely excited. “It truly is a fourth-grade elementary martial skill,

the Emperor’s Seal. This is quite an impressive martial skill, and only those with strong mental strength

can practice this skill. That is why the Blood Stalwart Pavilion Master didn’t practice this martial skill.”
