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Night of Destiny Novel by Vanessa K

Chapter 1800-1804
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Chapter 1800

After Jared had got a hold of his breath, he pointed into her room and asked, “Can | come in?" “Of course.” Ellen nodded hastily.

Then, Jared entered the room while Ellen closed the door and followed suit.

‘Suddenly, he stopped and turned around abruptly, which made her bump into him. At that moment, she frantically backed away and tripped over the carpet.

“Ah” Ellen fell backward and was going to hit her head when Jared quickly pulled her. Immediately, their bodies were pressed close to each other. Ellen was shocked by the sudden outcome.

Her face was pale, and she opened her lips to say something. At that moment, Jared cupped her cheeks and kissed her. In that split second, Ellen was dumbfounded. She stood there stiffly, allowing him to kiss her. After Jared pulled away, her pale face was flushed Jared cupped her cheeks as he pressed his forehead against hers. “How rude of you. You didn't even inform me that you came back,” he said hoarsely.

Ellen blinked and explained awkwardly, “'m here to participate in the tournament. I'm not here on a trip.” “Don’t you want to share with me after you have won the championship?” “| was afraid that you might be busy.” Ellen pursed her lips.

“Even if I'm busy, | can still find the time to celebrate with you,” Jared said exasperatedly. He could tell that she was making up an excuse, and the real reason was that she didn't want to see him.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. It must be the hotel staf, Ellen thought. Then, she said to Jared, “I'l go and get the fruit” After that, she opened the door and saw a young, elegant man standing there.

He was Hendrix O'rion, one of the chess players. Hendrix heard that Ellen was also staying at this hotel. Since he would be leaving by tomorrow, he wanted to greet her and talk about chess. Moreover, he liked her. “Hil” Hendrix waved at her.

“Hello.” Ellen smiled. “I'm sorry to bother you at this hour, Miss Reiss. | really admire you and wish that we could play together sometime later. Is it okay if | get your number? asked Hendrix.

Before Ellen could say anything, a cold male voice replied, “No.” When Hendrix heard the voice, he was startled. When he saw a handsome man come out of the room, he asked curiously, “Miss.

Reiss, who is this man?” Tm her boyfriend, Jared announced without hesitation.

Ellen was speechless. On the other hand, Hendrix was disappointed. / had asked her teammates, and none said she had a boyfriend. What's going on? “We will meet again at the next match, Mr.. O'rion, Ellen said politely. “I see. I'll take my leave now.” Hendrix left awkwardly. As s00n as the door was closed, Ellen heard Jared say sulkily. “As expected. You have more admirers after a year!” Hearing his words, Ellen felt funny and looked at him. “What about you? I'm sure your admirers are more than mine, right?” Jared didn't answer her. No matter what, he was upset when he saw that other men were looking for Ellen. He even wondered if she would have invited Hendrix into her room and bonded their relationship if he hadn't come.

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“Since you are back now, are you going to leave again? As Jared spoke, he walked over to the trophy. When he saw it, he was happy for her. After all, he had never expected her to be able to bag a trophy.

“I'm not planning to leave anytime soon. | still have a television interview to attend,” Ellen replied truthfully.

“It looks like you were pursuing your dream in the past year." Jared gave her a look of appraisal. “Yes, chess is indeed my dream. | found what | was looking for.” Ellen nodded.

“That's good. Otherwise, | won't be able to accept the fact that you will be leaving me again.” Jared looked at her with a darkened gaze. His eyes were filled with upset, sadness, and resignation “Pm sorry." Ellen apologized. She knew he was hurt by the way she bid goodbye. ‘It's fine. I'm not a petty person. Il forgive you, but on one condition. My next ten meals are on you.”

Chapter 1801

“Ten meals?” Ellen blinked in confusion. “Don’t worry. You can take me to a cheap restaurant. | won't make you go bankrupt,” replied Jared “Its fine if you want that, but... won't your girlfriend be upset about it?” asked Ellen as she bit her lip. He must be dating that girl whom he hugged at his office! Ellen thought.

“Girlfriend?” Jared squinted his eyes and thought, When did | ever have a girlfriend? Hearing his question, Ellen nodded her head seriously. “Which one?" Jared raised his eyebrow and asked.

Ellen's eyes widened when she heard his words. “How many girlfriends do you have?” “Not much. | only have one.” As Jared spoke, he pointed at her and said, “That's you.” At that moment, Ellen’s mind went blank. Wait for a second. Does that mean that the woman he hugged isn't his girlfriend? No, | can't let him know about this. Otherwise, he will give me a scolding! | would rather treat him to ten meals! Thinking about it, she said, “Ten meals, right? No problem!” She was quick to respond

“This room is too cramped. I'm going to tell them to give you a better room,” Jared suggested, wishing she would stay in a comfier place. “It's fine. | think this is just perfect. Plus, it's getting late. Why don't you go home and take a rest?” Ellen said. Jared pointed to her ceiling and replied, “fm staying on the top floor. Just call me if anything happens.” “Okay.” Ellen nodded and didn't think there was anything wrong with it. They had not seen each other for more than a yearl Thus, they were not as close as they used. to be.

However, Jared didn't want to leave. At that moment, he took out his phone and took a picture of Ellen's trophy. After that, he took another seffie while smiling as he held the trophy. His handsome face matched the golden trophy welll Looking at his actions, Ellen was shocked. After all, even she was way past the age of taking cute selfies. After taking the selfie, Jared uploaded it to his social media. ‘Guess who the owner of the trophy is? Bingo. It is my girfiiend’s, he wrote.

Just like that, he announced his relationship with Ellen. Plus, the trophy was titled the champion of this year's chess tournament.

Hence, anyone would be able to know who the winner of the tournament was as long as they searched for it.

“What did you post? Ellen asked in curiosity. When Jared heard her words, he immediately. closed his phone and put it in his pocket. “Nothing. Il be going now. Get some restl” When he arrived at the door, he turned around and reminded her. ‘Don't open the door for any men tonight.” Ellen was speechless and thought that he was such a dominant man After Jared had left Ellen's room, he breathed at sigh of relief and looked at the door. His eyes were like a predator had its eyes.

oniits prey. | won't let her escape again, he thought. In the meantime, Ellen was also relieved as she had a smile on her lips. For unknown reasons, she felt that it was easier for her to face him, and it felt great.

At8.00AM, the Aguirres couple were waiting by the prison gate. After some time, Selena carried her luggage under the escort of a prison guard. She seemed to have lost her youthfuiness and looked glum.

“Now that you are out here, get a new life, Selena. | hope you won't be back again. Good luck! After the guard finished his words, he. closed the door.

When Olivia saw Selena, tears rolled down her eyes, and she rushed over to hug her. “Oh, Selena, my sweetheart. My baby girl You are finally out of there.” Selena threw her luggage to the ground and cried miserably. “I'm so tired of it, Mom. | was struggling!” She complained about her prison life. “I'm hungry and cold every day. The other inmates even hit me and toyed with me. I'm so done with it.” “Where did they hit you? Let me take a look at it,” Olivia said hastiy

Chapter 1802

Selena showed her arm to Olivia, revealing a bruise, indicating that she was severely beaten. Looking at the bruise, Olivia was heartbroken. “Let's go home, Lena. You don't have to go through this anymore.” Connor was also distressed when he saw Selena's condition. It's good that she had finally ended her days in prison. Ill make sure that she does well in the future. Thinking about it, Connor told her, “Look past the future and live a brand new life, Lena.” When Selena heard his voice, she looked at him. Truthfully, she hated him. After all, not only did he cheat on Olivia, but he was also the reason why she was in jail. If he could find Ellen, she wouldn't be in jail. As Selena thought about it, she asked hoarsely, “Dad! Did you find Ellen? Where is she?" “You just came out of jail, Lena. Don't try to do anything stupid. We have already cut ties with her. Why are you stil looking for her?” “She is the reason I'm in jail. Who does she think she is to make me pay such a huge price? | hate her. | will never forgive her.” Selena screamed hysterically Olivia would have encouraged Selena to take her revenge if it was the past. However, Ellen was not the same as before. Olivia knew that she was not someone to be messed with anymore

After all, she had just won the championship in chess, which meant she had strong backing. Thus, she didn't want her daughter to risk it. “Come on, Lena. Let's go home,” Olivia pleaded, left with no choice Selena could endure the days when being in jail because there was a strong emotion supporting her. It was the hatred toward Ellen. Hence, she would never be able to forgive Ellen. No matter what, she would find Ellen, even if everyone stopped her.

When Ellen woke up the next morning, her phone buzzed with the daily news, as Ellen liked reading the news. Suddenly, she was intrigued by the title ‘Shocking News! President Jared Had Publicly Announced His Love Life on Social Medial” Immediately, Ellen clicked into the news. When she saw the article, her eyes widened in disbelief. She saw Jared's social media had a seffie of him with a trophy, which was hers. Moreover, he wrote that she was his girlfriend Is this why he wouldn't let me see what he posted yesterday? Why didn't he inform me about it? Soon, the media reported on this matter.

Initially, everyone had their eyes on Ellen. because she was the chess champion. Now that Jared had made such huge news, her name was all over the intemet. There were many videos of her during the tournament, and the netizens were discussing her.

She is gorgeous! She looks so friendly!” ‘Good Lord! How can she be so talented? | love her looks. She is a natural beauty. ‘She looks like a celebrity. Not only is she good- looking, but she is also talented.” A champion and a wealthy man. They seem like the perfect couple!” | wish them good luck. With how good-looking they are, | can't wait to see what their baby looks like. | hope they get married soon!” As the netizens complimented Ellen, she didn't know anything. At this moment, she was in the hotel's meeting room. The news reporter had arrived and met them beforehand, preparing some questions they would be asking.

One of the staff was a gossiper. When she saw that Ellen was easygoing, she mustered up the courage and whispered in her ear, “Miss Reiss, can | ask when your wedding with President Presgrave is? Hearing her words, Ellen blinked and didn't know what to say. Thus, she smiled and replied, “We still haven't talked about it.” At this moment, the interviewer asked again, “Miss Reiss, may | know in advance if we can mention your love life? I'm sure your fans and the audience are dying to know.” “I'm sorry, but 'm uncomfortable about bringing up my personal matters.” Ellen shook her head politely.

Chapter 1803

“Okay. | understand” During break time, the hotel staff served them. premium tea and biscuits. The reporters were happy, but they didn't order itl At that moment, Ellen was thirsty.

Hence, she grabbed one of the drinks and drank it while saying to the assistant, “Thanks for the high tea.” “Arent you the one who ordered it, Miss Reiss?" “Huh? It's not me.” Ellen shook her head in surprise. Coincidentally, the waiter heard their conversation. Then, he walked over with a smile. It's your boyfriend who arranged this, Miss Reiss.” Since Ellen was famous, the hotel staff recognized her. Only then did they know that she, the chess champion, had stayed in their hotel, and her boyfriend, Jared, was also staying in the presidential suite! When the others heard the waiter’s words, they were delighted. No one had expected that they would have a delicious high tea because of Ellen “I heard that it costs almost ten thousand for this! President Jared must have spent lots of money because of us.” “Thank you, Miss Reiss.” ‘Please help us thank the president.”

Great. Now I'm stuck with Jared, thought Ellen as she smiled at the others. After Selena had retuned home, Connor gave her a new phone.

During the days she was in prison, she couldn't even sleep without having nightmares, not to mention being able to use her phone. Those days, she lived in fear and was exhausted. It was as if she was being disconnected from the whole world.

As soon as she got her phone, she played with it endlessly. She was playing games and watching videos all day. Olivia also gave her ten thousand, which she had saved, as allowance. After Selena was all dressed up, she took the money and went out.

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As she entered a coffee shop, insecurities filled her eyes. After all, she was someone who had been in prison. Looking at those pretty girls, she was jealous that they were innocent. Unlike them, the criminal record would forever haunt her.

“Oh my god! Look! If's the latest news about Ellen. She is going to have an interview.” Afew girls were talking loudly in front of Selena. When Selena heard Ellen's name, she was startled and thought it was a celebrity with the same name. After all, she couldn't figure out why they were

excited when Ellen's name was mentioned. “I love the way she plays chess. She looks sexy and put together!” | wonder if she will become a celebrity. | hope she can become an actress!” “There is no way she will be an actress! After all, her reputation and her boyfriend's status are enough for her to live happily as a rich woman.” As Selena listened to their conversation, she scrolled through some videos. Suddenly, her pupils constricted, and she stopped scrolling when a beautiful woman appeared on her. screen. In that split second, Selena knew who she was. Ellen? After she had read the article, she was shocked to see that Ellen was the chess champion. This must be a fraud! How can she be so talented? Did Ellen pretend to be a champion when | was in prison? As she thought about it, she clicked on the person's profile and saw Ellen in many of the person's videos. There were even videos of her in the chess tournament.

Looking at it, Selena noticed millions of views and over three million comments on the video. All of them were praising Ellen Seeing that the netizens were praising Ellen, Selena was dumbstruck.

Is Ellen pretending to become a champion that s loved by all? Soon, she saw Jared's announcement and his seffie with Ellen's trophy.

At that moment, she felt a pang in her heart.. She was filled with hatred! She wished she could ruin everything Ellen had. After all, Ellen's life was what she wanted but couldn't achieve Ellen had become the winner, while she lost miserably.

Chapter 1804

Selena couldn't stand losing to Ellen. She commented harsh words under the video, every one of them was scolding Ellen. Then, she felt it wasn't enough and snarled. “Ellen, you b*tch! | will never forgive you." Her voice shocked the girls, and they all looked at her. One of the girls frowned and said, “She is criticizing Ellen” Immediately, Selena smirked coldly and replied, “That's right. I'm badmouthing the chess champion, Ellen. She is a b'tch, yet you guys. admire her. This is just ridiculous.” “Are you crazy?1" “Yeah. She must be crazy from being jealous. Let's go.” When Selena heard their words, she glared at them angrily, and the girls.

left. Ellen must have won the championship by bribing I need to find evidence of her cheating! Then, she will be thrown off the crown. Pm going to destroy her, even if it means | will ruin my life, thought Selena as she gritted her teeth Then, she took out her phone and called Olivia. “Have you seen the news about Ellen, Mom? It's ridiculous that she is a chess champion,” Selena said with contempt.

“I know. Just ignore her and live our own lives,” replied Olivia. “I went to jail for over a year because of her, Mom. Do you think | will let her get away with it?” “What are you going to do, Lena?” Hearing Olivia's words, Selena quickly reacted and said, “Pm not going to do anything, Mo. | just hate her” “Don't do anything stupid. You just got out of jail." Olivia reminded her. After Selena promised to Olivia, she searched for people ‘connected to the chess tournament.

Then, she saw the judge who was in charge of Ellen's match. She decided that she was going to investigate to see whether Ellen had won fair and square.

On the other hand, after Ellen had finished the interview, she texted Jared. ‘Do you have any free time tonight? Il reat you to dinner. She wanted to buy him dinner since she still felt guilty about her sudden departure Just as she had sent the text, Jared immediately called her. Ellen was startled, but she soon answered the call. “Hello.” “ll choose the place, Jared said

Ellen was cool with it. No matter how expensive it would be, she decided to pay. “Sure. Let's meet up at 5.30PM.” During the past year, she had managed her finances well, so she should be able to buy him a meal or two at a fancy restaurant.

“Sure. See you at 5.30PM, then.” Jared smiled on the other end of the phone: As Ellen retuned to her room, she searched the gossip about her and Jared. When she saw the articles, she was shocked. After all, their names were everywhere.

Looking at it, she wondered if the media had overdone it. She was embarrassed to see how they had praised her. Initially, she didn't want to be high profile, but as long as her name was bonded with Jared, it would go viral.

Then, she returned to her room and got some calls from her friends. She was embarrassed. She didn't want to admit it, but gossip about her and Jared was everywhere. However, she couldn't bring herself to admit it since this was the first time they had met after one year of departure. She needed time to sort it out! When it was 5.30PM, there was a knock on Ellen's door. She opened it and saw Jared standing there. Since she was also ready, they entered Jared's car and headed to the restaurant. Jared was curious about her life. “Why did you go to Brownsville?" “Its the Home of Chess, which is also my mentor’s hometown.” “When did you leam to play chess? You never told me about it.” “I started when | was seven Atfirst, | was just watching the others playing. The person who first taught me was also my mentor. Since Grandma loves to play poker, | would accompany her to the park. From preschool to high school, | spent most of my time at the park.

After seeing it for such a long time, | just took an interest in it” Ellen used to think of it as a hobby. However, after encountering Brook, he encouraged her, which made her work hard for it and go to the rank match.
