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My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 604 You are Disgusting, Quinn
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Quinn was already apprehensive enough, and after hearing Kiki's words, his face was even more aJoshua, he didn't

even dare to breathe as he waited for Kiki's pronouncement.

He knew that Kiki must have already known about his lie, and most likely, Anna had even taken it upon herself to

send Kiki some kind of photo.

Quinn was cranky and anxious and heartbroken, he wanted to slap Anna to death and wanted to hug Kiki even


But now, he didn't dare to touch Kiki casually.

She already hated him enough when he lied to her and betrayed her trust, but if he hugged her again, she would

have to hate him more.

"Kiki, I ......"

Quinn really didn't want Kiki to know about the nasty things he had done, but at this point in time, he could only

confess and be lenient.

"Yes, Kiki, I didn't go to the office."

Quinn turned his face to the side, he did not dare to look into Kiki's eyes, he was afraid that all the filth in his heart

would have nowhere to hide when he looked into those brimming eyes.

"Kiki, just now, I went to see Anna."

Kiki did not expect Quinn to confess so easily. In fact, she really did not mean to make things difficult for Quinn by

asking him this, she just wanted him to understand that she trusted him and hoped that there would be no more

doubts and deceptions between them in the future.

Good or bad, she was willing to face all things, with him.

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"And then what?" Kiki did not move, and continued to ask without hurry.

Kiki's voice was too calm for Quinn to hear her current emotions, but the more calm she was, the more uneasy he

felt in his heart.

Quinn quietly glanced at Kiki, he was really afraid that the next second Kiki would fling her sleeves and leave,

leaving behind the words, Quinn, you're disgusting!

Quinn really felt quite disgusting!

After a long silence, Quinn then said softly, "You know, I slept with Anna before and she took intimate photos of me

and her together."

When he said this, Quinn wanted to bite himself to death, but Kiki was still staring at him, so he could only continue

to put words into his mouth, "She said that if I didn't go over to her tonight, she would send those photos to you."

"Kiki, you doesn't like me much, and if you see these pictures, you'll surely despise me even more! I don't care what

other people think, the only thing I'm afraid of is that you might not want me, so I have to go to her."

Fearing that Kiki would misunderstand too much, Quinn hurriedly explained, "Kiki, don't misunderstand! I really

didn't do anything with Anna tonight! I didn't even touch her finger! No, I touched her finger, but I did that to push

her away."

"Kiki, you have to believe me, I used to be a jerk, but since I've been with you, I've never touched another woman.

Kiki, in this life, I only want you!"

Hearing Quinn's words, Kiki was on the verge of being exasperated, "So, you cheated me tonight just for those few

crappy photos?!"

"Anna still has the video ...... " Quinn said truthfully, like a schoolboy who had made a mistake.

"And the video ......"

Kiki's face still had that smiling look on it, "So, you lied to me for those crappy photos and videos? Quinn, how can

you lie to me just for such a little shit!"


Quinn was stunned, he hadn't expected that Kiki would make such light of the mention of those photos and videos.

Quinn couldn't say whether he was relaxed or lost in his heart, he just stared at Kiki dumbly for a long time, not

knowing how to react.

Kiki didn't give Quinn a chance to react, and without waiting for him to speak, she continued, "Quinn, there's really

no need for you to lie to me over this piece of shit! I know everything about your past. I even know that you had a

double date when you were in school, so what do I care about these videos and photos?"


Quinn was directly frozen in place, and after reacting, he urgently explained to Kiki, "Kiki, who did you hear from

that I played with double date? I definitely didn't do such a thing!"

Quinn tried to recall his absurd past, thinking in passing how such rumours got out, and after thinking for a while, it

finally dawned on him.

During the time he was in secondary school, he was particularly obsessed with cards, and there were two girls in his

class who were also fanatics. He went to secondary school far from his home town, and was beginning to get

uncomfortable, so he used cards to pass the time at night.

The two girls in their class were pure buddies with him, and once they had played cards in the evening study, and

they didn't even have enough fun.

He got a roomand the three of them played together all night.

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That night, they really did play cards. He was not interested in those two girls at all and didn't even touch their


However, the next morning when he and the two girls came out of the guest room, they just happened to run into


Since then, Fabian has often teased him about those two girls.

At that time, he did not take Fabian's joke to heart, but now, after hearing Kiki's words, he realised how damaging

those words were.

"Quinn, that is still your past, I will not care, I want to try to look forward. So in the future, please don't lie to me

again, I don't care about your past, but I don't like your deception."

He knew that he had lied to Kiki and made Kiki sad, and he was really heartbroken.

But right now he wants to explain the double nonsense.

What if Kiki says on the surface that she doesn't care, but in her heart she will think that people like him are


He didn't want to become that lewd, disgusting man in Kiki's mind.

Quinn urgently grabbed Kiki's hand and explained incoherently, "Kiki, believe me, I really haven't played double that

with women! Even if I was an asshole in the past, I couldn't have done something like that!"

Seeing Kiki's expression, Quinn was even more anxious.

"Kiki, I really didn't do that kind of thing when I was in middle school, I was still a pure teenager back then, I ...... I've

seen that kind of film at most, can you believe me?"

Quinn clenched his teeth and continued, "Kiki, I admit that I did have a room with two girls one time in middle

school ......"

Without waiting for Quinn to finish his sentence, Kiki said quietly, "Quinn, you really did have a room with two girls!

You're really capable!"