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My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 403 Kiki, I Do
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"I do! I do!"

Without waiting for Christ to answer, Penny's family and friends had already started to get up and shouted.

After hearing the host' words, Christ's eyes could not help but drift away.

He couldn't help but remember, when he and Kiki got married, the host had asked him a similar question.

At that time, the host asked, "Mr. Birkin, are you willing to marry Miss Hartsell? Are you willing to hold her hand and

grow old with her, no matter whether you are rich or poor, whether you are healthy or sick?

At that time, he did not answer, the atmosphere was a little stiff, and the host pretended to lighten the atmosphere,

said, the groom married a beautiful woman have been happy silly, that we all say together for him – I do.

Is it because he didn't say "I do" himself that he and Kiki didn't go through with it?

He wanted to grow old with Kiki, and he was willing to say a thousand times I do with his own mouth, but Kiki didn't

want to listen anymore.

At that time when the host asked the same question to Kiki, Kiki smiled and said I do.

At that time, Kiki was so vivid that every look in her eyes seemed to have been scorched by the sun.

After answering this question, Kiki continued to say, "I love you, Christ, no matter how many obstacles there are

between us, I love you for the rest of my life without regret.”

I love you, Christ, not only for your handsome when you were young, but also for every wrinkle on your face when

you are old.

So, Christ, we will grow old together!

Kiki, you haven't even seen the wrinkles on my face and you already don't want me.

Kiki, you owe me!

"Mr. Birkin, may I ask if you are willing to marry Miss Wallace? In poverty or wealth, in adversity or in good times, in

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sickness or in health, are you willing to love and care for her and shelter her from the elements?"

After a delay in getting an answer from Christ, the host couldn't help but ask again.

Penny was ready for this perfect wedding today, but looking at such a Christ, an indescribable panic suddenly arose

in her heart.

With so many people watching them, their wedding being broadcast live by the media, if Christ said a word of no,

then she would really be ashamed to meet anyone in the future.

Penny spoke in a small voice, "Christ, don't embarrass me, okay?"

To Penny's words, Christ seemed oblivious, his ears were filled with Kiki's voice, and all his eyes could see was Kiki's


Everything between heaven and earth has disappeared and only one Kiki is left.

Because, in his heart and eyes, he only had Kiki!

"Mr. Birkin must be so in love with Miss Wallace, he's so overjoyed he's speechless with excitement! Mr. Birkin gives

Miss Wallace such a sensational wedding, so naturally he loves Miss Wallace miserably, so how could he not want to

marry her!"

Fearing that the wedding would be unexpected, the host hastened to said with a smile on his face as he turned the

microphone towards the direction of the guests, "Let's help Mr. Birkin to shout out together, I do!"

"I do!"

As soon as the host's words left his lips, Christ had already shouted out.

Listening to Christ's voice, Penny couldn't help but let out a long breath of relief, he was, after all, willing to take her

as his wife, moreover, his voice was so loud and excited.

Penny's heart fluttered, her Christ still cared for her in his heart.

Penny hadn't been happy for three seconds before Christ's voice, again, rang out in the air.

He said, "I do, Kiki!"

The whole room was amazed.

The reporters were even so shocked that they forgot to take pictures.

This was Christ and Penny's grand wedding, how could he, in such an important part of the ceremony, call out his

ex-wife's name?

It was also at this moment that she suddenly realized that Christ, unknowingly, had fallen in love with Kiki.

Perhaps, more than she thought, she loved Kiki.

The so-called love is not an excuse that can be justifiably used to hurt others. No matter how much Christ loves Kiki,

it cannot make up for the hurt he once inflicted on Kiki.

There is no turning back, the sins Kiki has suffered, the damage she has done, can never be erased in this life!

"Kiki, I do!"

Christ's voice, still continuing, was so shocked by his sudden outburst just now that no one took a breath and the

scene was silent.

Now that everyone had come back to their sense, there was a lot of chatter.

"What's wrong with Mr. Birkin? Why is he suddenly shouting his ex-wife's name?"

"Can't it be that Mr. Birkin is actually nostalgic for Kiki?"

"How could that be! Six years ago, it was Mr. Birkin himself who sent Kiki to prison!"

"Can't it be that Mr. Birkin is, in fact, possessed by an evil spirit?"


Listening to the chatter of the scene, Penny's tears fell, she has never been so wretched. This is the wedding she

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has been looking forward to for years, the happiest and most joyful moment in her life, but the man she loves the

most, in front of the whole world, shouted out the name of Kiki!

How can she not hate this!

"Christ, I am Penny! The person you're married to now is me, Penny!"

Penny cried and flung herself into the arms of Christ, "Christ, don't let everyone see me as a joke, okay? I don't

want to be the laughing stock of the world!"

Listening to Penny's cries, Christ's consciousness regained, he stiffly patted Penny's back, he looked at the crowd of

guests at the scene with cold eyebrows, as if to explain his earlier outburst.

"Sorry for the slip of the tongue."

Slip of the tongue?

Who would have believed that at such an important moment, Christ would make a slip of the tongue! The reason

why he called out Kiki's name was because he couldn't stop thinking about her!

However, due to Christ's status, no one dared to say anything.

The host continued to say, "The groom is so excited that he made a slip of the tongue! The groom is so excited, he

must be in love with our beautiful Miss Wallace! It's true, Miss Wallace is such a beautiful woman, he must be so

happy to be married to her."

The host was afraid of any further slip-ups and hastily skipped the question and moved on to the next stage, "Next,

please exchange the wedding rings!"

Christ was gloomy, not the least bit cheerful as a groom, but he still put the ring on Penny.

Before the ring could be placed on Penny's hand, the music, which was playing the wedding march, suddenly


From inside, it was clearly the voice of Penny.

"Diego, the child I had in my belly at the time was not Christ's."