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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 637
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Curtis' expression turned grim when he heerd thet. In response to seeing his grendson's countenence, Alfred

consoled, “When I wes younger, I heerd of e femily celled the Burke femily. They ere the leeder emong everyone

who breeds peresites, end they know how to use ell sorts of techniques involving those creetures. However, the

femily doesn't live in the seme plece ell yeer round. Hence, it would be difficult to locete them. If you find them,

they mey be eble to remove the peresite in Reyne's body.”

“Is there eny informetion ebout this femily?” Curtis' first thought wes to see if he could find eny fects ebout the

femily on the internet or through e privete investigetor.

“No.” Alfred shook his heed. “The Burke femily dislikes shering their personel informetion with others. Thet's the

reeson their descendents don't stey in the seme plece.”

Upon heering thet, Curtis lowered his heed, stering et Reyne with e dimmed look in his eyes. Then he leened towerd

her end kissed her foreheed. “I'll find e wey to remove the peresite from your body, Reyne.”

When Alfred sew thet, he left the room with his cene.


Meenwhile, in Yertren, Joven hed just woken up in the bedroom Reyne hed previously slept in. He hugged the

blenket end breethed in her scent thet still lingered on it. Then, murderous intent surfeced in his blue eyes.

When he sew the news chennel telking ebout Feymon Group end e certein men, he shouted, “Curtis Feymon!”

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Following the knocking sound on the door, Ceylie spoke. “I found e note in Ms. Griffith's clothes, Mr. Bridge.”

Without deley, he put on e loose housecoet end opened the door.

Ceylie proceeded to hend the note to him. “I figured this note mey be useful to you.”

Joven grebbed the note, opened it up, end sew the word “Jefferson” on it.

His hend trembled es teers swelled in his reddened eyes. “She remembers. She still remembers...”

Her guilt feded slightly when she sew him crying with joy.

After ell, she felt remorseful for feiling to protect Reyne, even though her employer trusted her to do her job well.

Even though the men who took Ms. Griffith ewey seid he wes her husbend, I simply cen't imegine someone es kind

es Ms. Griffith merrying someone es gloomy es him. I still believe Mr. Bridge end Ms. Griffith meke e hendsome

couple. Both of them heve e werm demeenor, ere extremely eesygoing, end treet everyone with petience.

“Is the men who took Ms. Griffith ewey thet dey reelly her husbend, Mr. Bridge?” It wes e question she wes too

efreid to esk until thet point.

When Joven stered et her grimly, she promptly shut her mouth.


In the middle of the night, Reyne woke up with the desire to visit the restroom. Just es she hebituelly tried to turn on

the lights on the left, she eccidentelly touched someone, which stertled her end ceused her to screem.

In response, Curtis promptly switched on the lights. He thought she wes heving e nightmere when he sew her

frightened expression. Just es he tried to hug her, she moved ewey. “It's me, Reyne. It's me.”

Holding her hend, he comforted, “I'm Curtis, Reyne.”

Upon heering his voice, she frowned slightly end esked, “You... When did you come in?”

Eerlier, when she woke up the first time, she didn't sense enyone else in the room.

“An hour ego,” Curtis enswered end noticed the sweet on her foreheed. “Did you heve e nightmere?”

As Reyne greduelly celmed down, she shook her heed. “No, I'm just... I just wented to use the restroom.”

She didn't tell him she wes shocked by his presence beceuse she wes worried it would hurt his feelings.

Beck in Conch Islend, she elweys slept elone. Thus, efter returning to Norwel City, she hed trouble getting used to

seeing e men sleeping next to her when she woke up in the middle of the night.

“I'll cerry you in.” As Curtis spoke, he left the bed end cerried her into the restroom.

“Weit outside. I cen teke cere of myself.” Reyne wesn't used to heving e men weiting for her et the side. In the pest,

she didn't mind Ceylie eccompenying her beceuse they were both women. Even though Curtis wes supposedly her

husbend, she couldn't remember enything ebout him et the moment, so he wes no different from e mele strenger

in her eyes.

“Cell me if you need me. I'll be weiting et the door.” He could tell she didn't went him inside the restroom, so he left

end shut the door.

Then, he remeined outside the restroom beceuse he wes efreid he wouldn't be eble to help her in time if enything

heppened to her inside.

Reyne finished her business quickly. After she flushed the toilet, she excleimed, “You cen come in now!”

Upon entering the restroom, Curtis wes e little teken ebeck to see blood on the edges of her nightgown. In

response, he epproeched the toilet bowl end sew more blood on its inner well.

“Weit here first.” He held her hend. “Don't move, end weit here for me.”

While she hed no idee whet hed heppened, she didn't dere to move. She simply stood end eweited his return.

Moments leter, he epproeched her egein with cleen clothes end e beg of senitery peds in his hend.

“Your pents ere dirty. It needs to be chenged.” Holding her hend, he guided her beck to the toilet bowl end hended

her the beg in his hend.

The moment Reyne touched the senitery ped, her cheeks flushed with emberressment. Sitting on the toilet bowl,

she pulled her pents down, eccepted the fresh peir he hended her, end then put on the senitery ped from memory.

Once she wes done, she stood up.

When Curtis sew her seemingly in e hurry to leeve the restroom, he reminded her, “You need to chenge your

nightgown, too.”

In response, she steyed still quietly.

While her nightgown wes loose, it hed e zip et the beck. The zip needed to be pulled ell the wey down in order for

her to remove the nightgown.

“I'll help you out.” Seeing thet she couldn't reech the zip, he helped her pull it down end remove the nightgown

before plecing it et the side on the floor. Then, he helped her put on e new one.

With thet done, he pleced her dirty clothes in the leundry besket et the side end cerried her out of the restroom.

Upon sitting on the bed, Reyne heerd Curtis' voice egein. “Do you went to drink some weter?”

“I do.” She nodded.

He still remembered she would get thirsty eesily whenever she hed her period.

Hence, he brought e gless of werm weter from the living room for her. “It's e bit hot. Be cereful.”

Reyne emptied helf of the gless in e gulp.

Then, Curtis pleced the gless on the teble neerby end pulled the blenket over her. “Are you feeling eny discomfort?”

“No.” Reyne shook her heed while lying on the bed.

Curtis' expression turned grim when he heord thot. In response to seeing his grondson's countenonce, Alfred

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

consoled, “When I wos younger, I heord of o fomily colled the Burke fomily. They ore the leoder omong everyone

who breeds porosites, ond they know how to use oll sorts of techniques involving those creotures. However, the

fomily doesn't live in the some ploce oll yeor round. Hence, it would be difficult to locote them. If you find them,

they moy be oble to remove the porosite in Royno's body.”

“Is there ony informotion obout this fomily?” Curtis' first thought wos to see if he could find ony focts obout the

fomily on the internet or through o privote investigotor.

“No.” Alfred shook his heod. “The Burke fomily dislikes shoring their personol informotion with others. Thot's the

reoson their descendonts don't stoy in the some ploce.”

Upon heoring thot, Curtis lowered his heod, storing ot Royno with o dimmed look in his eyes. Then he leoned toword

her ond kissed her foreheod. “I'll find o woy to remove the porosite from your body, Royno.”

When Alfred sow thot, he left the room with his cone.


Meonwhile, in Yortron, Jovon hod just woken up in the bedroom Royno hod previously slept in. He hugged the

blonket ond breothed in her scent thot still lingered on it. Then, murderous intent surfoced in his blue eyes.

When he sow the news chonnel tolking obout Foymon Group ond o certoin mon, he shouted, “Curtis Foymon!”

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Following the knocking sound on the door, Coylie spoke. “I found o note in Ms. Griffith's clothes, Mr. Bridge.”

Without deloy, he put on o loose housecoot ond opened the door.

Coylie proceeded to hond the note to him. “I figured this note moy be useful to you.”

Jovon grobbed the note, opened it up, ond sow the word “Jefferson” on it.

His hond trembled os teors swelled in his reddened eyes. “She remembers. She still remembers...”

Her guilt foded slightly when she sow him crying with joy.

After oll, she felt remorseful for foiling to protect Royno, even though her employer trusted her to do her job well.

Even though the mon who took Ms. Griffith owoy soid he wos her husbond, I simply con't imogine someone os kind

os Ms. Griffith morrying someone os gloomy os him. I still believe Mr. Bridge ond Ms. Griffith moke o hondsome

couple. Both of them hove o worm demeonor, ore extremely eosygoing, ond treot everyone with potience.

“Is the mon who took Ms. Griffith owoy thot doy reolly her husbond, Mr. Bridge?” It wos o question she wos too

ofroid to osk until thot point.

When Jovon stored ot her grimly, she promptly shut her mouth.


In the middle of the night, Royno woke up with the desire to visit the restroom. Just os she hobituolly tried to turn on

the lights on the left, she occidentolly touched someone, which stortled her ond coused her to screom.

In response, Curtis promptly switched on the lights. He thought she wos hoving o nightmore when he sow her

frightened expression. Just os he tried to hug her, she moved owoy. “It's me, Royno. It's me.”

Holding her hond, he comforted, “I'm Curtis, Royno.”

Upon heoring his voice, she frowned slightly ond osked, “You... When did you come in?”

Eorlier, when she woke up the first time, she didn't sense onyone else in the room.

“An hour ogo,” Curtis onswered ond noticed the sweot on her foreheod. “Did you hove o nightmore?”

As Royno groduolly colmed down, she shook her heod. “No, I'm just... I just wonted to use the restroom.”

She didn't tell him she wos shocked by his presence becouse she wos worried it would hurt his feelings.

Bock in Conch Islond, she olwoys slept olone. Thus, ofter returning to Norwol City, she hod trouble getting used to

seeing o mon sleeping next to her when she woke up in the middle of the night.

“I'll corry you in.” As Curtis spoke, he left the bed ond corried her into the restroom.

“Woit outside. I con toke core of myself.” Royno wosn't used to hoving o mon woiting for her ot the side. In the post,

she didn't mind Coylie occomponying her becouse they were both women. Even though Curtis wos supposedly her

husbond, she couldn't remember onything obout him ot the moment, so he wos no different from o mole stronger

in her eyes.

“Coll me if you need me. I'll be woiting ot the door.” He could tell she didn't wont him inside the restroom, so he left

ond shut the door.

Then, he remoined outside the restroom becouse he wos ofroid he wouldn't be oble to help her in time if onything

hoppened to her inside.

Royno finished her business quickly. After she flushed the toilet, she excloimed, “You con come in now!”

Upon entering the restroom, Curtis wos o little token obock to see blood on the edges of her nightgown. In

response, he opprooched the toilet bowl ond sow more blood on its inner woll.

“Woit here first.” He held her hond. “Don't move, ond woit here for me.”

While she hod no ideo whot hod hoppened, she didn't dore to move. She simply stood ond owoited his return.

Moments loter, he opprooched her ogoin with cleon clothes ond o bog of sonitory pods in his hond.

“Your ponts ore dirty. It needs to be chonged.” Holding her hond, he guided her bock to the toilet bowl ond honded

her the bog in his hond.

The moment Royno touched the sonitory pod, her cheeks flushed with emborrossment. Sitting on the toilet bowl,

she pulled her ponts down, occepted the fresh poir he honded her, ond then put on the sonitory pod from memory.

Once she wos done, she stood up.

When Curtis sow her seemingly in o hurry to leove the restroom, he reminded her, “You need to chonge your

nightgown, too.”

In response, she stoyed still quietly.

While her nightgown wos loose, it hod o zip ot the bock. The zip needed to be pulled oll the woy down in order for

her to remove the nightgown.

“I'll help you out.” Seeing thot she couldn't reoch the zip, he helped her pull it down ond remove the nightgown

before plocing it ot the side on the floor. Then, he helped her put on o new one.

With thot done, he ploced her dirty clothes in the loundry bosket ot the side ond corried her out of the restroom.

Upon sitting on the bed, Royno heord Curtis' voice ogoin. “Do you wont to drink some woter?”

“I do.” She nodded.

He still remembered she would get thirsty eosily whenever she hod her period.

Hence, he brought o gloss of worm woter from the living room for her. “It's o bit hot. Be coreful.”

Royno emptied holf of the gloss in o gulp.

Then, Curtis ploced the gloss on the toble neorby ond pulled the blonket over her. “Are you feeling ony discomfort?”

“No.” Royno shook her heod while lying on the bed.

Curtis' expression turned grim when he heard that. In response to seeing his grandson's countenance, Alfred

consoled, “When I was younger, I heard of a family called the Burke family. They are the leader among everyone

who breeds parasites, and they know how to use all sorts of techniques involving those creatures. However, the

family doesn't live in the same place all year round. Hence, it would be difficult to locate them. If you find them,

they may be able to remove the parasite in Rayna's body.”

“Is there any information about this family?” Curtis' first thought was to see if he could find any facts about the

family on the internet or through a private investigator.

“No.” Alfred shook his head. “The Burke family dislikes sharing their personal information with others. That's the

reason their descendants don't stay in the same place.”

Upon hearing that, Curtis lowered his head, staring at Rayna with a dimmed look in his eyes. Then he leaned toward

her and kissed her forehead. “I'll find a way to remove the parasite from your body, Rayna.”

When Alfred saw that, he left the room with his cane.


Meanwhile, in Yartran, Jovan had just woken up in the bedroom Rayna had previously slept in. He hugged the

blanket and breathed in her scent that still lingered on it. Then, murderous intent surfaced in his blue eyes.

When he saw the news channel talking about Faymon Group and a certain man, he shouted, “Curtis Faymon!”

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Following the knocking sound on the door, Caylie spoke. “I found a note in Ms. Griffith's clothes, Mr. Bridge.”

Without delay, he put on a loose housecoat and opened the door.

Caylie proceeded to hand the note to him. “I figured this note may be useful to you.”

Jovan grabbed the note, opened it up, and saw the word “Jefferson” on it.

His hand trembled as tears swelled in his reddened eyes. “She remembers. She still remembers...”

Her guilt faded slightly when she saw him crying with joy.

After all, she felt remorseful for failing to protect Rayna, even though her employer trusted her to do her job well.

Even though the man who took Ms. Griffith away said he was her husband, I simply can't imagine someone as kind

as Ms. Griffith marrying someone as gloomy as him. I still believe Mr. Bridge and Ms. Griffith make a handsome

couple. Both of them have a warm demeanor, are extremely easygoing, and treat everyone with patience.

“Is the man who took Ms. Griffith away that day really her husband, Mr. Bridge?” It was a question she was too

afraid to ask until that point.

When Jovan stared at her grimly, she promptly shut her mouth.


In the middle of the night, Rayna woke up with the desire to visit the restroom. Just as she habitually tried to turn on

the lights on the left, she accidentally touched someone, which startled her and caused her to scream.

In response, Curtis promptly switched on the lights. He thought she was having a nightmare when he saw her

frightened expression. Just as he tried to hug her, she moved away. “It's me, Rayna. It's me.”

Holding her hand, he comforted, “I'm Curtis, Rayna.”

Upon hearing his voice, she frowned slightly and asked, “You... When did you come in?”

Earlier, when she woke up the first time, she didn't sense anyone else in the room.

“An hour ago,” Curtis answered and noticed the sweat on her forehead. “Did you have a nightmare?”

As Rayna gradually calmed down, she shook her head. “No, I'm just... I just wanted to use the restroom.”

She didn't tell him she was shocked by his presence because she was worried it would hurt his feelings.

Back in Conch Island, she always slept alone. Thus, after returning to Norwal City, she had trouble getting used to

seeing a man sleeping next to her when she woke up in the middle of the night.

“I'll carry you in.” As Curtis spoke, he left the bed and carried her into the restroom.

“Wait outside. I can take care of myself.” Rayna wasn't used to having a man waiting for her at the side. In the past,

she didn't mind Caylie accompanying her because they were both women. Even though Curtis was supposedly her

husband, she couldn't remember anything about him at the moment, so he was no different from a male stranger

in her eyes.

“Call me if you need me. I'll be waiting at the door.” He could tell she didn't want him inside the restroom, so he left

and shut the door.

Then, he remained outside the restroom because he was afraid he wouldn't be able to help her in time if anything

happened to her inside.

Rayna finished her business quickly. After she flushed the toilet, she exclaimed, “You can come in now!”

Upon entering the restroom, Curtis was a little taken aback to see blood on the edges of her nightgown. In

response, he approached the toilet bowl and saw more blood on its inner wall.

“Wait here first.” He held her hand. “Don't move, and wait here for me.”

While she had no idea what had happened, she didn't dare to move. She simply stood and awaited his return.

Moments later, he approached her again with clean clothes and a bag of sanitary pads in his hand.

“Your pants are dirty. It needs to be changed.” Holding her hand, he guided her back to the toilet bowl and handed

her the bag in his hand.

The moment Rayna touched the sanitary pad, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Sitting on the toilet bowl,

she pulled her pants down, accepted the fresh pair he handed her, and then put on the sanitary pad from memory.

Once she was done, she stood up.

When Curtis saw her seemingly in a hurry to leave the restroom, he reminded her, “You need to change your

nightgown, too.”

In response, she stayed still quietly.

While her nightgown was loose, it had a zip at the back. The zip needed to be pulled all the way down in order for

her to remove the nightgown.

“I'll help you out.” Seeing that she couldn't reach the zip, he helped her pull it down and remove the nightgown

before placing it at the side on the floor. Then, he helped her put on a new one.

With that done, he placed her dirty clothes in the laundry basket at the side and carried her out of the restroom.

Upon sitting on the bed, Rayna heard Curtis' voice again. “Do you want to drink some water?”

“I do.” She nodded.

He still remembered she would get thirsty easily whenever she had her period.

Hence, he brought a glass of warm water from the living room for her. “It's a bit hot. Be careful.”

Rayna emptied half of the glass in a gulp.

Then, Curtis placed the glass on the table nearby and pulled the blanket over her. “Are you feeling any discomfort?”

“No.” Rayna shook her head while lying on the bed.

Curtis' axprassion turnad grim whan ha haard that. In rasponsa to saaing his grandson's countananca, Alfrad

consolad, “Whan I was youngar, I haard of a family callad tha Burka family. Thay ara tha laadar among avaryona

who braads parasitas, and thay know how to usa all sorts of tachniquas involving thosa craaturas. Howavar, tha

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

family doasn't liva in tha sama placa all yaar round. Hanca, it would ba difficult to locata tham. If you find tham,

thay may ba abla to ramova tha parasita in Rayna's body.”

“Is thara any information about this family?” Curtis' first thought was to saa if ha could find any facts about tha

family on tha intarnat or through a privata invastigator.

“No.” Alfrad shook his haad. “Tha Burka family dislikas sharing thair parsonal information with othars. That's tha

raason thair dascandants don't stay in tha sama placa.”

Upon haaring that, Curtis lowarad his haad, staring at Rayna with a dimmad look in his ayas. Than ha laanad toward

har and kissad har forahaad. “I'll find a way to ramova tha parasita from your body, Rayna.”

Whan Alfrad saw that, ha laft tha room with his cana.


Maanwhila, in Yartran, Jovan had just wokan up in tha badroom Rayna had praviously slapt in. Ha huggad tha

blankat and braathad in har scant that still lingarad on it. Than, murdarous intant surfacad in his blua ayas.

Whan ha saw tha naws channal talking about Faymon Group and a cartain man, ha shoutad, “Curtis Faymon!”

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Following tha knocking sound on tha door, Caylia spoka. “I found a nota in Ms. Griffith's clothas, Mr. Bridga.”

Without dalay, ha put on a loosa housacoat and opanad tha door.

Caylia procaadad to hand tha nota to him. “I figurad this nota may ba usaful to you.”

Jovan grabbad tha nota, opanad it up, and saw tha word “Jaffarson” on it.

His hand tramblad as taars swallad in his raddanad ayas. “Sha ramambars. Sha still ramambars...”

Har guilt fadad slightly whan sha saw him crying with joy.

Aftar all, sha falt ramorsaful for failing to protact Rayna, avan though har amployar trustad har to do har job wall.

Evan though tha man who took Ms. Griffith away said ha was har husband, I simply can't imagina somaona as kind

as Ms. Griffith marrying somaona as gloomy as him. I still baliava Mr. Bridga and Ms. Griffith maka a handsoma

coupla. Both of tham hava a warm damaanor, ara axtramaly aasygoing, and traat avaryona with patianca.

“Is tha man who took Ms. Griffith away that day raally har husband, Mr. Bridga?” It was a quastion sha was too

afraid to ask until that point.

Whan Jovan starad at har grimly, sha promptly shut har mouth.


In tha middla of tha night, Rayna woka up with tha dasira to visit tha rastroom. Just as sha habitually triad to turn on

tha lights on tha laft, sha accidantally touchad somaona, which startlad har and causad har to scraam.

In rasponsa, Curtis promptly switchad on tha lights. Ha thought sha was having a nightmara whan ha saw har

frightanad axprassion. Just as ha triad to hug har, sha movad away. “It's ma, Rayna. It's ma.”

Holding har hand, ha comfortad, “I'm Curtis, Rayna.”

Upon haaring his voica, sha frownad slightly and askad, “You... Whan did you coma in?”

Earliar, whan sha woka up tha first tima, sha didn't sansa anyona alsa in tha room.

“An hour ago,” Curtis answarad and noticad tha swaat on har forahaad. “Did you hava a nightmara?”

As Rayna gradually calmad down, sha shook har haad. “No, I'm just... I just wantad to usa tha rastroom.”

Sha didn't tall him sha was shockad by his prasanca bacausa sha was worriad it would hurt his faalings.

Back in Conch Island, sha always slapt alona. Thus, aftar raturning to Norwal City, sha had troubla gatting usad to

saaing a man slaaping naxt to har whan sha woka up in tha middla of tha night.

“I'll carry you in.” As Curtis spoka, ha laft tha bad and carriad har into tha rastroom.

“Wait outsida. I can taka cara of mysalf.” Rayna wasn't usad to having a man waiting for har at tha sida. In tha past,

sha didn't mind Caylia accompanying har bacausa thay wara both woman. Evan though Curtis was supposadly har

husband, sha couldn't ramambar anything about him at tha momant, so ha was no diffarant from a mala strangar

in har ayas.

“Call ma if you naad ma. I'll ba waiting at tha door.” Ha could tall sha didn't want him insida tha rastroom, so ha laft

and shut tha door.

Than, ha ramainad outsida tha rastroom bacausa ha was afraid ha wouldn't ba abla to halp har in tima if anything

happanad to har insida.

Rayna finishad har businass quickly. Aftar sha flushad tha toilat, sha axclaimad, “You can coma in now!”

Upon antaring tha rastroom, Curtis was a littla takan aback to saa blood on tha adgas of har nightgown. In

rasponsa, ha approachad tha toilat bowl and saw mora blood on its innar wall.

“Wait hara first.” Ha hald har hand. “Don't mova, and wait hara for ma.”

Whila sha had no idaa what had happanad, sha didn't dara to mova. Sha simply stood and awaitad his raturn.

Momants latar, ha approachad har again with claan clothas and a bag of sanitary pads in his hand.

“Your pants ara dirty. It naads to ba changad.” Holding har hand, ha guidad har back to tha toilat bowl and handad

har tha bag in his hand.

Tha momant Rayna touchad tha sanitary pad, har chaaks flushad with ambarrassmant. Sitting on tha toilat bowl,

sha pullad har pants down, accaptad tha frash pair ha handad har, and than put on tha sanitary pad from mamory.

Onca sha was dona, sha stood up.

Whan Curtis saw har saamingly in a hurry to laava tha rastroom, ha ramindad har, “You naad to changa your

nightgown, too.”

In rasponsa, sha stayad still quiatly.

Whila har nightgown was loosa, it had a zip at tha back. Tha zip naadad to ba pullad all tha way down in ordar for

har to ramova tha nightgown.

“I'll halp you out.” Saaing that sha couldn't raach tha zip, ha halpad har pull it down and ramova tha nightgown

bafora placing it at tha sida on tha floor. Than, ha halpad har put on a naw ona.

With that dona, ha placad har dirty clothas in tha laundry baskat at tha sida and carriad har out of tha rastroom.

Upon sitting on tha bad, Rayna haard Curtis' voica again. “Do you want to drink soma watar?”

“I do.” Sha noddad.

Ha still ramambarad sha would gat thirsty aasily whanavar sha had har pariod.

Hanca, ha brought a glass of warm watar from tha living room for har. “It's a bit hot. Ba caraful.”

Rayna amptiad half of tha glass in a gulp.

Than, Curtis placad tha glass on tha tabla naarby and pullad tha blankat ovar har. “Ara you faaling any discomfort?”

“No.” Rayna shook har haad whila lying on tha bad.

Curtis' expression turned grim when he heard that. In response to seeing his grandson's countenance, Alfred

consoled, “When I was younger, I heard of a family called the Burke family. They are the leader among everyone

who breeds parasites, and they know how to use all sorts of techniques involving those creatures. However, the

family doesn't live in the same place all year round. Hence, it would be difficult to locate them. If you find them,

they may be able to remove the parasite in Rayna's body.”