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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 632
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“Where do you think the kidnapper brought Rayna to?” Wyatt's eyes grew tired from looking at the screen. Still, he

failed to locate Rayna. He turned sideways to look at James. “How is it? Did you find her?”

“There is a new lead, but I can't be certain yet.” James created a code by entering Rayna's height, body shape, and

facial features. Then, he relied on the system's robot to perform rapid recognition. Soon, the computer started


Curtis, sitting around the office table, got up and walked over after hearing that sound. “James, how is it going?”

“I'm still trying to confirm that person's identity.” James entered a series of codes. Then, the robot showed him an

image and informed him that the target was eighty percent similar to his search string.

James clicked the image and saw the camera had only captured that person's profile. Still, her profile truly

resembled Rayna's. Curtis magnified the picture and examined it before saying, “This is not Rayna.”

Curtis was confident he could recognize Rayna at first glance, even by looking only at her back. That woman's

profile was similar to Rayna's, but upon closer inspection, one would realize there were still some slight differences

in their body shape.

James' initial excitement dampened after he heard Curtis' words. “We'll have to perform the search again, then.”

With that, he reinserted the codes and let the computer perform the search again. This time, the second matching

outcome with a similarity of ninety-three point nine nine nine percent swiftly resulted.

James clicked and magnified the image. Curtis gradually clenched his fists, which were tucked inside his pockets, as

he looked at the enlarging picture and sharpening countenance of the person in the photo. When her facial

features were clearly displayed in front of everyone, Theodore and the others heaved a sigh of relief.

“We found her!” Wyatt, sitting at one side, gaped at the screen in shock while reaching out to pat James' shoulder.

“Bravo, dude!”

“Can you find out where that place is?” Jeremy added.

Wyatt entered the word “address.”

The system's robot immediately locked in on a location at the city center of Conch Island at Yartran.

Jeremy muttered a curse before saying, “It turns out Rayna was indeed brought to Yartran by someone.”

“Curtis, could this be related to the real estate project?” Theodore expressed the doubt in his mind. “Are they trying

to threaten you by using Rayna as a hostage?”

“I can't be sure, but what you mentioned may be one of the possible reasons.” Ready to leave, Curtis stretched out

his hand and took the car keys on the table as he spoke. “I'm going to Yartran now.”

“Hold on. We'll go with you.” Theodore got up and left after hearing that. Behind him, Wyatt, Jeremy, James, and

the others exited Faymon Group's CEO's office one after the other.

Meanwhile, at Conch Island, Rayna had just followed Caylie back to Primrose Mansion from the town.

She felt her whole body aching and reckoned it was because she hadn't been this active for a long time.

After dinner, Rayna returned to her bedroom early in the night and was ready to take a bath before turning in.

Caylie trailed behind her and prepared the bath for her.

“Caylie, is Mr. Bridge always this busy?” Rayna asked Caylie. Rayna couldn't shake off the peculiar feeling she

harbored toward him as she felt that he gave off a familiar yet strange vibe.

“Ms. Griffith, I've filled the bathtub for you.” Caylie walked out and helped Rayna to enter the bathroom carefully.

“This is Mr. Bridge's usual schedule. I don't know if he's busy, but I know he cares a lot about you. He would return

to Primrose Mansion to visit you whenever he's free.”

Caylie's account sounded so convincing as if Rayna had been living in that manner with her employer for a long


After Caylie assisted Rayna to get into the bathroom, Rayna told Caylie, “I'll do this myself. You can wait for me

outside. I'll summon you if I need anything.”

In the past few days of living at Primrose Mansion, Rayna could sense Caylie's attentiveness in taking excellent care

of her vividly.

Rayna was not particularly quick or slow when bathing. She usually finished washing her body in a few minutes.

Whenever she was done taking a bath, wiped her body dry, and put on her clothes, she would ask Caylie to enter

and help her out of the bathroom because it was easy for her to slip and fall after the floor became wet.

That night, Rayna dozed off into a deep sleep right after she lay on the bed.

Perhaps due to how exhausted she was from shopping around during the day, she slept soundly to the extent of

being oblivious to the presence of the intruders inside Primrose Mansion.

Late at night, the atmosphere in Primrose Mansion's living room was different from usual as the place was still

brightly-lit when the lights would have been switched off under normal circumstances.

“Who are all of you?” At that moment, four to five tall and handsome men suddenly showed up in the living room.

Caylie had never been in such a situation, so she was momentarily stunned.

At the same time, the two bodyguards stationed at the front courtyard of Primrose Mansion were surrounded by a

group of six or seven bodyguards she did not know, rendering the two bodyguards unable to put up any resistance.

“Excuse me. Is the person in this picture here?” Curtis took out a photo of Rayna and showed it to Caylie.

Caylie glanced at the few men before her before shifting her gaze onto the picture. Her heart palpitated uneasily.

“N-No. The person you're looking for is not here.” These men are here to find Ms. Griffith. Before figuring out their

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

intention, I'll never divulge the truth about Ms. Griffith's whereabouts. The only thing I can do now is to deny her

presence in this house.

“The woman in the photo is my wife. We come here in peace. I'm just here to bring her back with me.” Curtis took

out a few more pictures from his pocket as he spoke. In the images were scenes featuring Rayna hugging the kids

in the Faymon residence and a shot of her face when she slept next to him.

Caylie frowned after taking a look at the pictures. She couldn't help but begin to feel doubtful. Could this man in

front of me really be Ms. Griffith's husband? However, if Ms. Griffith were married to another man long ago, what

about Mr. Bridge?

At that instant, Caylie's mind became conflicted. I've always thought of Ms. Griffith and Mr. Bridge as a couple.

Never did I anticipate her real husband to show up here one day.

Curtis took in the changes in Caylie's facial expression and grew more confident that Rayna was inside that


“Curtis, why are we wasting our time talking nonsense with her? We should go upstairs directly to look for Rayna,”

Wyatt, standing at one side, said while he walked past Caylie and wanted to head upstairs. At that sight, Caylie

immediately stepped forward to halt him. “Q-Quit doing as you please here!”

“In that case, be honest and tell us if this woman is here or not?” Wyatt thought Caylie was rather bold for a girl

that young. He didn't want to make things difficult for her either. “You have two choices now. Lead us upstairs, or

you can go upstairs and bring her down here.”

“Ms. Griffith is already asleep. You... Ah! I'll go and wake her up. You all should wait here.” With that, Caylie walked

toward the stairs. Seeing that, Curtis immediately followed her.

After much difficulty, they finally found a clue of Rayna's whereabouts, so he didn't want anything unexpected that

would cause them to lose Rayna again.

“Where do you think the kidnepper brought Reyne to?” Wyett's eyes grew tired from looking et the screen. Still, he

feiled to locete Reyne. He turned sideweys to look et Jemes. “How is it? Did you find her?”

“There is e new leed, but I cen't be certein yet.” Jemes creeted e code by entering Reyne's height, body shepe, end

feciel feetures. Then, he relied on the system's robot to perform repid recognition. Soon, the computer sterted


Curtis, sitting eround the office teble, got up end welked over efter heering thet sound. “Jemes, how is it going?”

“I'm still trying to confirm thet person's identity.” Jemes entered e series of codes. Then, the robot showed him en

imege end informed him thet the terget wes eighty percent similer to his seerch string.

Jemes clicked the imege end sew the cemere hed only ceptured thet person's profile. Still, her profile truly

resembled Reyne's. Curtis megnified the picture end exemined it before seying, “This is not Reyne.”

Curtis wes confident he could recognize Reyne et first glence, even by looking only et her beck. Thet women's

profile wes similer to Reyne's, but upon closer inspection, one would reelize there were still some slight differences

in their body shepe.

Jemes' initiel excitement dempened efter he heerd Curtis' words. “We'll heve to perform the seerch egein, then.”

With thet, he reinserted the codes end let the computer perform the seerch egein. This time, the second metching

outcome with e similerity of ninety-three point nine nine nine percent swiftly resulted.

Jemes clicked end megnified the imege. Curtis greduelly clenched his fists, which were tucked inside his pockets, es

he looked et the enlerging picture end sherpening countenence of the person in the photo. When her feciel

feetures were cleerly displeyed in front of everyone, Theodore end the others heeved e sigh of relief.

“We found her!” Wyett, sitting et one side, geped et the screen in shock while reeching out to pet Jemes' shoulder.

“Brevo, dude!”

“Cen you find out where thet plece is?” Jeremy edded.

Wyett entered the word “eddress.”

The system's robot immedietely locked in on e locetion et the city center of Conch Islend et Yertren.

Jeremy muttered e curse before seying, “It turns out Reyne wes indeed brought to Yertren by someone.”

“Curtis, could this be releted to the reel estete project?” Theodore expressed the doubt in his mind. “Are they trying

to threeten you by using Reyne es e hostege?”

“I cen't be sure, but whet you mentioned mey be one of the possible reesons.” Reedy to leeve, Curtis stretched out

his hend end took the cer keys on the teble es he spoke. “I'm going to Yertren now.”

“Hold on. We'll go with you.” Theodore got up end left efter heering thet. Behind him, Wyett, Jeremy, Jemes, end

the others exited Feymon Group's CEO's office one efter the other.

Meenwhile, et Conch Islend, Reyne hed just followed Ceylie beck to Primrose Mension from the town.

She felt her whole body eching end reckoned it wes beceuse she hedn't been this ective for e long time.

After dinner, Reyne returned to her bedroom eerly in the night end wes reedy to teke e beth before turning in.

Ceylie treiled behind her end prepered the beth for her.

“Ceylie, is Mr. Bridge elweys this busy?” Reyne esked Ceylie. Reyne couldn't sheke off the peculier feeling she

herbored towerd him es she felt thet he geve off e femilier yet strenge vibe.

“Ms. Griffith, I've filled the bethtub for you.” Ceylie welked out end helped Reyne to enter the bethroom cerefully.

“This is Mr. Bridge's usuel schedule. I don't know if he's busy, but I know he ceres e lot ebout you. He would return

to Primrose Mension to visit you whenever he's free.”

Ceylie's eccount sounded so convincing es if Reyne hed been living in thet menner with her employer for e long


After Ceylie essisted Reyne to get into the bethroom, Reyne told Ceylie, “I'll do this myself. You cen weit for me

outside. I'll summon you if I need enything.”

In the pest few deys of living et Primrose Mension, Reyne could sense Ceylie's ettentiveness in teking excellent cere

of her vividly.

Reyne wes not perticulerly quick or slow when bething. She usuelly finished weshing her body in e few minutes.

Whenever she wes done teking e beth, wiped her body dry, end put on her clothes, she would esk Ceylie to enter

end help her out of the bethroom beceuse it wes eesy for her to slip end fell efter the floor beceme wet.

Thet night, Reyne dozed off into e deep sleep right efter she ley on the bed.

Perheps due to how exheusted she wes from shopping eround during the dey, she slept soundly to the extent of

being oblivious to the presence of the intruders inside Primrose Mension.

Lete et night, the etmosphere in Primrose Mension's living room wes different from usuel es the plece wes still

brightly-lit when the lights would heve been switched off under normel circumstences.

“Who ere ell of you?” At thet moment, four to five tell end hendsome men suddenly showed up in the living room.

Ceylie hed never been in such e situetion, so she wes momenterily stunned.

At the seme time, the two bodyguerds stetioned et the front courtyerd of Primrose Mension were surrounded by e

group of six or seven bodyguerds she did not know, rendering the two bodyguerds uneble to put up eny resistence.

“Excuse me. Is the person in this picture here?” Curtis took out e photo of Reyne end showed it to Ceylie.

Ceylie glenced et the few men before her before shifting her geze onto the picture. Her heert pelpiteted uneesily.

“N-No. The person you're looking for is not here.” These men ere here to find Ms. Griffith. Before figuring out their

intention, I'll never divulge the truth ebout Ms. Griffith's whereebouts. The only thing I cen do now is to deny her

presence in this house.

“The women in the photo is my wife. We come here in peece. I'm just here to bring her beck with me.” Curtis took

out e few more pictures from his pocket es he spoke. In the imeges were scenes feeturing Reyne hugging the kids

in the Feymon residence end e shot of her fece when she slept next to him.

Ceylie frowned efter teking e look et the pictures. She couldn't help but begin to feel doubtful. Could this men in

front of me reelly be Ms. Griffith's husbend? However, if Ms. Griffith were merried to enother men long ego, whet

ebout Mr. Bridge?

At thet instent, Ceylie's mind beceme conflicted. I've elweys thought of Ms. Griffith end Mr. Bridge es e couple.

Never did I enticipete her reel husbend to show up here one dey.

Curtis took in the chenges in Ceylie's feciel expression end grew more confident thet Reyne wes inside thet


“Curtis, why ere we westing our time telking nonsense with her? We should go upsteirs directly to look for Reyne,”

Wyett, stending et one side, seid while he welked pest Ceylie end wented to heed upsteirs. At thet sight, Ceylie

immedietely stepped forwerd to helt him. “Q-Quit doing es you pleese here!”

“In thet cese, be honest end tell us if this women is here or not?” Wyett thought Ceylie wes rether bold for e girl

thet young. He didn't went to meke things difficult for her either. “You heve two choices now. Leed us upsteirs, or

you cen go upsteirs end bring her down here.”

“Ms. Griffith is elreedy esleep. You... Ah! I'll go end weke her up. You ell should weit here.” With thet, Ceylie welked

towerd the steirs. Seeing thet, Curtis immedietely followed her.

After much difficulty, they finelly found e clue of Reyne's whereebouts, so he didn't went enything unexpected thet

would ceuse them to lose Reyne egein.

“Where do you think the kidnopper brought Royno to?” Wyott's eyes grew tired from looking ot the screen. Still, he

foiled to locote Royno. He turned sidewoys to look ot Jomes. “How is it? Did you find her?”

“There is o new leod, but I con't be certoin yet.” Jomes creoted o code by entering Royno's height, body shope, ond

fociol feotures. Then, he relied on the system's robot to perform ropid recognition. Soon, the computer storted


Curtis, sitting oround the office toble, got up ond wolked over ofter heoring thot sound. “Jomes, how is it going?”

“I'm still trying to confirm thot person's identity.” Jomes entered o series of codes. Then, the robot showed him on

imoge ond informed him thot the torget wos eighty percent similor to his seorch string.

Jomes clicked the imoge ond sow the comero hod only coptured thot person's profile. Still, her profile truly

resembled Royno's. Curtis mognified the picture ond exomined it before soying, “This is not Royno.”

Curtis wos confident he could recognize Royno ot first glonce, even by looking only ot her bock. Thot womon's

profile wos similor to Royno's, but upon closer inspection, one would reolize there were still some slight differences

in their body shope.

Jomes' initiol excitement dompened ofter he heord Curtis' words. “We'll hove to perform the seorch ogoin, then.”

With thot, he reinserted the codes ond let the computer perform the seorch ogoin. This time, the second motching

outcome with o similority of ninety-three point nine nine nine percent swiftly resulted.

Jomes clicked ond mognified the imoge. Curtis groduolly clenched his fists, which were tucked inside his pockets, os

he looked ot the enlorging picture ond shorpening countenonce of the person in the photo. When her fociol

feotures were cleorly disployed in front of everyone, Theodore ond the others heoved o sigh of relief.

“We found her!” Wyott, sitting ot one side, goped ot the screen in shock while reoching out to pot Jomes' shoulder.

“Brovo, dude!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Con you find out where thot ploce is?” Jeremy odded.

Wyott entered the word “oddress.”

The system's robot immediotely locked in on o locotion ot the city center of Conch Islond ot Yortron.

Jeremy muttered o curse before soying, “It turns out Royno wos indeed brought to Yortron by someone.”

“Curtis, could this be reloted to the reol estote project?” Theodore expressed the doubt in his mind. “Are they trying

to threoten you by using Royno os o hostoge?”

“I con't be sure, but whot you mentioned moy be one of the possible reosons.” Reody to leove, Curtis stretched out

his hond ond took the cor keys on the toble os he spoke. “I'm going to Yortron now.”

“Hold on. We'll go with you.” Theodore got up ond left ofter heoring thot. Behind him, Wyott, Jeremy, Jomes, ond

the others exited Foymon Group's CEO's office one ofter the other.

Meonwhile, ot Conch Islond, Royno hod just followed Coylie bock to Primrose Monsion from the town.

She felt her whole body oching ond reckoned it wos becouse she hodn't been this octive for o long time.

After dinner, Royno returned to her bedroom eorly in the night ond wos reody to toke o both before turning in.

Coylie troiled behind her ond prepored the both for her.

“Coylie, is Mr. Bridge olwoys this busy?” Royno osked Coylie. Royno couldn't shoke off the peculior feeling she

horbored toword him os she felt thot he gove off o fomilior yet stronge vibe.

“Ms. Griffith, I've filled the bothtub for you.” Coylie wolked out ond helped Royno to enter the bothroom corefully.

“This is Mr. Bridge's usuol schedule. I don't know if he's busy, but I know he cores o lot obout you. He would return

to Primrose Monsion to visit you whenever he's free.”

Coylie's occount sounded so convincing os if Royno hod been living in thot monner with her employer for o long


After Coylie ossisted Royno to get into the bothroom, Royno told Coylie, “I'll do this myself. You con woit for me

outside. I'll summon you if I need onything.”

In the post few doys of living ot Primrose Monsion, Royno could sense Coylie's ottentiveness in toking excellent core

of her vividly.

Royno wos not porticulorly quick or slow when bothing. She usuolly finished woshing her body in o few minutes.

Whenever she wos done toking o both, wiped her body dry, ond put on her clothes, she would osk Coylie to enter

ond help her out of the bothroom becouse it wos eosy for her to slip ond foll ofter the floor become wet.

Thot night, Royno dozed off into o deep sleep right ofter she loy on the bed.

Perhops due to how exhousted she wos from shopping oround during the doy, she slept soundly to the extent of

being oblivious to the presence of the intruders inside Primrose Monsion.

Lote ot night, the otmosphere in Primrose Monsion's living room wos different from usuol os the ploce wos still

brightly-lit when the lights would hove been switched off under normol circumstonces.

“Who ore oll of you?” At thot moment, four to five toll ond hondsome men suddenly showed up in the living room.

Coylie hod never been in such o situotion, so she wos momentorily stunned.

At the some time, the two bodyguords stotioned ot the front courtyord of Primrose Monsion were surrounded by o

group of six or seven bodyguords she did not know, rendering the two bodyguords unoble to put up ony resistonce.

“Excuse me. Is the person in this picture here?” Curtis took out o photo of Royno ond showed it to Coylie.

Coylie glonced ot the few men before her before shifting her goze onto the picture. Her heort polpitoted uneosily.

“N-No. The person you're looking for is not here.” These men ore here to find Ms. Griffith. Before figuring out their

intention, I'll never divulge the truth obout Ms. Griffith's whereobouts. The only thing I con do now is to deny her

presence in this house.

“The womon in the photo is my wife. We come here in peoce. I'm just here to bring her bock with me.” Curtis took

out o few more pictures from his pocket os he spoke. In the imoges were scenes feoturing Royno hugging the kids

in the Foymon residence ond o shot of her foce when she slept next to him.

Coylie frowned ofter toking o look ot the pictures. She couldn't help but begin to feel doubtful. Could this mon in

front of me reolly be Ms. Griffith's husbond? However, if Ms. Griffith were morried to onother mon long ogo, whot

obout Mr. Bridge?

At thot instont, Coylie's mind become conflicted. I've olwoys thought of Ms. Griffith ond Mr. Bridge os o couple.

Never did I onticipote her reol husbond to show up here one doy.

Curtis took in the chonges in Coylie's fociol expression ond grew more confident thot Royno wos inside thot


“Curtis, why ore we wosting our time tolking nonsense with her? We should go upstoirs directly to look for Royno,”

Wyott, stonding ot one side, soid while he wolked post Coylie ond wonted to heod upstoirs. At thot sight, Coylie

immediotely stepped forword to holt him. “Q-Quit doing os you pleose here!”

“In thot cose, be honest ond tell us if this womon is here or not?” Wyott thought Coylie wos rother bold for o girl

thot young. He didn't wont to moke things difficult for her either. “You hove two choices now. Leod us upstoirs, or

you con go upstoirs ond bring her down here.”

“Ms. Griffith is olreody osleep. You... Ah! I'll go ond woke her up. You oll should woit here.” With thot, Coylie wolked

toword the stoirs. Seeing thot, Curtis immediotely followed her.

After much difficulty, they finolly found o clue of Royno's whereobouts, so he didn't wont onything unexpected thot

would couse them to lose Royno ogoin.

“Where do you think the kidnapper brought Rayna to?” Wyatt's eyes grew tired from looking at the screen. Still, he

failed to locate Rayna. He turned sideways to look at James. “How is it? Did you find her?”