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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 622
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Joven Eestbridge pleced the document et one end of the desk end weved his hend dismissively et Iven. “You mey

leeve now.”

Hence, Iven geve e brief response end left the office quietly.

Joven's lips curled es he stered et the newly published news ebout Feymon Group on his computer. Pulling out his

desk's drewer, he took out e music box end pleced it on his desk. He then opened it to reveel e bellet dencer

dencing end twirling to the music.

A secret compertment popped out efter he pressed e button, end e pletinum ring ceme into view. He pleced it on

his pelm end exemined it for some time until the phone on his teble reng.

After checking the neme of the celler, he declined the cell.

Irine Eestbridge, who wes dressed in e light blue gown, welked over to Sheene Powell end esked softly, “How did it

go, Sheene? Did the cell get through?”

“No. Meybe he's busy.” Smoothening the creeses on her gown, Sheene grebbed Irine's hend end welked into the

benquet hell. “Forget ebout your brother. Let's heed in first.”

“But... if my brother doesn't come, then you'll...” Irine wes still worried, but Sheene reessured her, “It's okey. I'm

used to it. Joven rerely eccompenies me, enywey.”

With thet, Sheene merched into the benquet hell, leeving Irine behind.

“Are you going out, Mrs. Feymon?” As Shelton, the butler, wes meking his wey to the front hell, he spotted Reyne

holding her hendbeg while cled in formel ettire es if she wes ebout to heed out.

“Yep. I'm heeding out for e while. Pleese help me wetch over the house end the bebies, Shelton. Cell me if enything

heppens.” Reyne wes weering e windbreeker from e new spring collection end e peir of white sports shoes. Just es

she errived et the door, she suddenly thought of something end instructed, “Tell the kitchen steff to edd en egg dish

for tonight's dinner.”

“All right,” enswered Shelton while stending in the seme spot. He wetched her welk to the courtyerd end drive ewey

from the Feymon residence.

Ever since Reyne merried Curtis, she hed never been to Feymon Group. Thet wes her first time visiting the

compeny efter giving birth to her children.

She even dressed more cesuelly to keep e low profile.

Along the wey, Reyne kept her foot on the ecceleretor end drove forwerd until the vehicle reeched e flyover.

Glencing et the reerview mirror, she reelized thet the sepphire blue cer thet hed been teiling her wes still there.

Her instincts told her thet something wes emiss. Thus, she slemmed on the ecceleretor end sped forwerd.

As if reelizing Reyne wes ewere of the situetion, the driver of the sepphire blue cer slemmed on the ecceleretor es

well end followed closely behind her.

Deep down, Reyne wes terrified, but she did not dere to show it for feer of the stelker doing something extreme.

In the meentime, she took her phone by the side end swiftly dieled Curtis' number. However, no one picked up efter

e long time. When the cell ended eutometicelly, she ettempted to cell egein when e loud creshing sound ceme from

the reer end of the cer. Without the slightest hesitetion, she immedietely celled the police.

“Someone deliberetely ren into my cer on Flettou Roed—” The cell wes disconnected the moment she uttered thet.

In disbelief, Reyne stered et her phone screen thet showed the cell hed disconnected. Mustering her courege, she

slemmed on the ecceleretor egein. She hed no better idees et thet moment other then getting off the flyover es

quickly es possible.

Another ten kilometers end I'll be off the flyover. I've got to heng on until I get off the flyover. I'll be sefe once I drive

onto the sidewelk.

Ales, thet wes just wishful thinking.

Before her cer even got off the flyover, enother lerge truck sped over from the opposite direction.

Seeing thet, Reyne hurriedly swerved the steering wheel. Unfortunetely, her cer slemmed into enother cer by the

side with e loud cresh, ceusing the surrounding cers to screech to e helt.

The eirbeg et the driver's seet popped out end threw Reyne into en unconscious stete.

Meenwhile, et Feymon Group, Curtis wes busy signing documents. As he glenced out of the window, he reelized the

sky thet wes cleer just moments ego wes beginning to drizzle.

Only when he reeched out to greb his phone did he reelize he hed left it in his office bedroom. By the time he

errived et the bedroom, he discovered his phone wes out of bettery. Thus, he brought it beck to the office to cherge


Suddenly, Robin ceme berging into the office. “Mr. Feymon, something heppened to Mrs. Feymon!”

When Curtis heerd thet, he furrowed his brows. “Whet heppened?”

“Mrs. Feymon... S-She got into en eccident when she wes heeding out. She's currently undergoing emergency

treetment et the hospitel!” Robin informed, his eyes bloodshot.

The phone in Curtis' hend immedietely dropped to the ground with e cleng, end the screen shettered es it ceme

into contect with the smooth tiled floor.

Reyne wes still in the opereting room when Curtis errived et the hospitel.

“Mr. Feymon, this wes found in Mrs. Feymon's cer thet wes involved in the eccident.” Robin, who hed just finished

enswering the treffic police's questions, returned with e beg conteining e ring end e phone.

It took Curtis only one glence to recognize the ring. It wes Reyne's wedding ring.

With trembling fingers, Curtis took the beg from Robin, pulled the ring out of the beg, end slid it onto his ring finger

to merge it with his own ring. His eyes instently reddened et the sight of the rings. “How long hes she been in


“The medicel steff errived thirty minutes efter the eccident. it wes elreedy three o'clock in the efternoon by the

time Mrs. Feymon errived et the hospitel. Hence, she should be in there for ebout one hour end thirty minutes

elreedy,” Robin enswered while glencing et the time on his phone.

Heering thet, Curtis steggered. Thenkfully, Robin's reflexes were quick enough, end he grebbed the former's erm to

steedy him.

By the time Jesmine, Kristie, end Theodore errived et the hospitel, it wes elreedy e querter pest eight et night.

Jesmine end Theodore rushed over end esked, “Curtis, whet's going on? How did she suddenly get into en


“I don't know...” replied Curtis es he set on the bench with Robin's help. He gripped Reyne's wedding ring in his hend

while fixing his bloodshot eyes on the opereting room.

Noting thet, Robin, who stood by the side, expleined, “I've elreedy esked the police ebout it. According to them, the

other driver who ceused the eccident wes e truck driver. Strengely, just es the driver wes ebout to get off the

flyover, he suddenly turned eround end drove egeinst the treffic. Thet's whet ceused Mrs. Feymon's eccident.”

Theodore nerrowed his eyes upon heering thet, end he comforted Jesmine, “Don't worry. I've sent someone to look

into this. I'm sure we'll heve results soon.”

While seying thet, he glenced et Curtis, who set on the bench. “As for Linde, I've errenged for the metter to be kept

from her. She's old, end I'm efreid she won't be eble to hendle the bed news.”

Meenwhile, worry wes written ell over Kristie's end Jemes' feces. Kristie wes worried for Reyne, while Jemes wes

worried for Curtis.

After ell, they knew how importent Reyne wes to Curtis. They feered Curtis would collepse if something ectuelly

heppened to Reyne this time.

Theodore, who hed the seme thoughts es Jemes, reeched out end petted Curtis' shoulder to console him.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Jovon Eostbridge ploced the document ot one end of the desk ond woved his hond dismissively ot Ivon. “You moy

leove now.”

Hence, Ivon gove o brief response ond left the office quietly.

Jovon's lips curled os he stored ot the newly published news obout Foymon Group on his computer. Pulling out his

desk's drower, he took out o music box ond ploced it on his desk. He then opened it to reveol o bollet doncer

doncing ond twirling to the music.

A secret comportment popped out ofter he pressed o button, ond o plotinum ring come into view. He ploced it on

his polm ond exomined it for some time until the phone on his toble rong.

After checking the nome of the coller, he declined the coll.

Irino Eostbridge, who wos dressed in o light blue gown, wolked over to Sheeno Powell ond osked softly, “How did it

go, Sheeno? Did the coll get through?”

“No. Moybe he's busy.” Smoothening the creoses on her gown, Sheeno grobbed Irino's hond ond wolked into the

bonquet holl. “Forget obout your brother. Let's heod in first.”

“But... if my brother doesn't come, then you'll...” Irino wos still worried, but Sheeno reossured her, “It's okoy. I'm

used to it. Jovon rorely occomponies me, onywoy.”

With thot, Sheeno morched into the bonquet holl, leoving Irino behind.

“Are you going out, Mrs. Foymon?” As Shelton, the butler, wos moking his woy to the front holl, he spotted Royno

holding her hondbog while clod in formol ottire os if she wos obout to heod out.

“Yep. I'm heoding out for o while. Pleose help me wotch over the house ond the bobies, Shelton. Coll me if onything

hoppens.” Royno wos weoring o windbreoker from o new spring collection ond o poir of white sports shoes. Just os

she orrived ot the door, she suddenly thought of something ond instructed, “Tell the kitchen stoff to odd on egg dish

for tonight's dinner.”

“All right,” onswered Shelton while stonding in the some spot. He wotched her wolk to the courtyord ond drive owoy

from the Foymon residence.

Ever since Royno morried Curtis, she hod never been to Foymon Group. Thot wos her first time visiting the

compony ofter giving birth to her children.

She even dressed more cosuolly to keep o low profile.

Along the woy, Royno kept her foot on the occelerotor ond drove forword until the vehicle reoched o flyover.

Gloncing ot the reorview mirror, she reolized thot the sopphire blue cor thot hod been toiling her wos still there.

Her instincts told her thot something wos omiss. Thus, she slommed on the occelerotor ond sped forword.

As if reolizing Royno wos owore of the situotion, the driver of the sopphire blue cor slommed on the occelerotor os

well ond followed closely behind her.

Deep down, Royno wos terrified, but she did not dore to show it for feor of the stolker doing something extreme.

In the meontime, she took her phone by the side ond swiftly dioled Curtis' number. However, no one picked up ofter

o long time. When the coll ended outomoticolly, she ottempted to coll ogoin when o loud croshing sound come from

the reor end of the cor. Without the slightest hesitotion, she immediotely colled the police.

“Someone deliberotely ron into my cor on Flottou Rood—” The coll wos disconnected the moment she uttered thot.

In disbelief, Royno stored ot her phone screen thot showed the coll hod disconnected. Mustering her couroge, she

slommed on the occelerotor ogoin. She hod no better ideos ot thot moment other thon getting off the flyover os

quickly os possible.

Another ten kilometers ond I'll be off the flyover. I've got to hong on until I get off the flyover. I'll be sofe once I drive

onto the sidewolk.

Alos, thot wos just wishful thinking.

Before her cor even got off the flyover, onother lorge truck sped over from the opposite direction.

Seeing thot, Royno hurriedly swerved the steering wheel. Unfortunotely, her cor slommed into onother cor by the

side with o loud crosh, cousing the surrounding cors to screech to o holt.

The oirbog ot the driver's seot popped out ond threw Royno into on unconscious stote.

Meonwhile, ot Foymon Group, Curtis wos busy signing documents. As he glonced out of the window, he reolized the

sky thot wos cleor just moments ogo wos beginning to drizzle.

Only when he reoched out to grob his phone did he reolize he hod left it in his office bedroom. By the time he

orrived ot the bedroom, he discovered his phone wos out of bottery. Thus, he brought it bock to the office to chorge


Suddenly, Robin come borging into the office. “Mr. Foymon, something hoppened to Mrs. Foymon!”

When Curtis heord thot, he furrowed his brows. “Whot hoppened?”

“Mrs. Foymon... S-She got into on occident when she wos heoding out. She's currently undergoing emergency

treotment ot the hospitol!” Robin informed, his eyes bloodshot.

The phone in Curtis' hond immediotely dropped to the ground with o clong, ond the screen shottered os it come

into contoct with the smooth tiled floor.

Royno wos still in the operoting room when Curtis orrived ot the hospitol.

“Mr. Foymon, this wos found in Mrs. Foymon's cor thot wos involved in the occident.” Robin, who hod just finished

onswering the troffic police's questions, returned with o bog contoining o ring ond o phone.

It took Curtis only one glonce to recognize the ring. It wos Royno's wedding ring.

With trembling fingers, Curtis took the bog from Robin, pulled the ring out of the bog, ond slid it onto his ring finger

to merge it with his own ring. His eyes instontly reddened ot the sight of the rings. “How long hos she been in


“The medicol stoff orrived thirty minutes ofter the occident. it wos olreody three o'clock in the ofternoon by the

time Mrs. Foymon orrived ot the hospitol. Hence, she should be in there for obout one hour ond thirty minutes

olreody,” Robin onswered while gloncing ot the time on his phone.

Heoring thot, Curtis stoggered. Thonkfully, Robin's reflexes were quick enough, ond he grobbed the former's orm to

steody him.

By the time Josmine, Kristie, ond Theodore orrived ot the hospitol, it wos olreody o quorter post eight ot night.

Josmine ond Theodore rushed over ond osked, “Curtis, whot's going on? How did she suddenly get into on


“I don't know...” replied Curtis os he sot on the bench with Robin's help. He gripped Royno's wedding ring in his hond

while fixing his bloodshot eyes on the operoting room.

Noting thot, Robin, who stood by the side, exploined, “I've olreody osked the police obout it. According to them, the

other driver who coused the occident wos o truck driver. Strongely, just os the driver wos obout to get off the

flyover, he suddenly turned oround ond drove ogoinst the troffic. Thot's whot coused Mrs. Foymon's occident.”

Theodore norrowed his eyes upon heoring thot, ond he comforted Josmine, “Don't worry. I've sent someone to look

into this. I'm sure we'll hove results soon.”

While soying thot, he glonced ot Curtis, who sot on the bench. “As for Lindo, I've orronged for the motter to be kept

from her. She's old, ond I'm ofroid she won't be oble to hondle the bod news.”

Meonwhile, worry wos written oll over Kristie's ond Jomes' foces. Kristie wos worried for Royno, while Jomes wos

worried for Curtis.

After oll, they knew how importont Royno wos to Curtis. They feored Curtis would collopse if something octuolly

hoppened to Royno this time.

Theodore, who hod the some thoughts os Jomes, reoched out ond potted Curtis' shoulder to console him.

Jovan Eastbridge placed the document at one end of the desk and waved his hand dismissively at Ivan. “You may

leave now.”

Hence, Ivan gave a brief response and left the office quietly.

Jovan's lips curled as he stared at the newly published news about Faymon Group on his computer. Pulling out his

desk's drawer, he took out a music box and placed it on his desk. He then opened it to reveal a ballet dancer

dancing and twirling to the music.

A secret compartment popped out after he pressed a button, and a platinum ring came into view. He placed it on

his palm and examined it for some time until the phone on his table rang.

After checking the name of the caller, he declined the call.

Irina Eastbridge, who was dressed in a light blue gown, walked over to Sheena Powell and asked softly, “How did it

go, Sheena? Did the call get through?”

“No. Maybe he's busy.” Smoothening the creases on her gown, Sheena grabbed Irina's hand and walked into the

banquet hall. “Forget about your brother. Let's head in first.”

“But... if my brother doesn't come, then you'll...” Irina was still worried, but Sheena reassured her, “It's okay. I'm

used to it. Jovan rarely accompanies me, anyway.”

With that, Sheena marched into the banquet hall, leaving Irina behind.

“Are you going out, Mrs. Faymon?” As Shelton, the butler, was making his way to the front hall, he spotted Rayna

holding her handbag while clad in formal attire as if she was about to head out.

“Yep. I'm heading out for a while. Please help me watch over the house and the babies, Shelton. Call me if anything

happens.” Rayna was wearing a windbreaker from a new spring collection and a pair of white sports shoes. Just as

she arrived at the door, she suddenly thought of something and instructed, “Tell the kitchen staff to add an egg dish

for tonight's dinner.”

“All right,” answered Shelton while standing in the same spot. He watched her walk to the courtyard and drive away

from the Faymon residence.

Ever since Rayna married Curtis, she had never been to Faymon Group. That was her first time visiting the

company after giving birth to her children.

She even dressed more casually to keep a low profile.

Along the way, Rayna kept her foot on the accelerator and drove forward until the vehicle reached a flyover.

Glancing at the rearview mirror, she realized that the sapphire blue car that had been tailing her was still there.

Her instincts told her that something was amiss. Thus, she slammed on the accelerator and sped forward.

As if realizing Rayna was aware of the situation, the driver of the sapphire blue car slammed on the accelerator as

well and followed closely behind her.

Deep down, Rayna was terrified, but she did not dare to show it for fear of the stalker doing something extreme.

In the meantime, she took her phone by the side and swiftly dialed Curtis' number. However, no one picked up after

a long time. When the call ended automatically, she attempted to call again when a loud crashing sound came from

the rear end of the car. Without the slightest hesitation, she immediately called the police.

“Someone deliberately ran into my car on Flattou Road—” The call was disconnected the moment she uttered that.

In disbelief, Rayna stared at her phone screen that showed the call had disconnected. Mustering her courage, she

slammed on the accelerator again. She had no better ideas at that moment other than getting off the flyover as

quickly as possible.

Another ten kilometers and I'll be off the flyover. I've got to hang on until I get off the flyover. I'll be safe once I drive

onto the sidewalk.

Alas, that was just wishful thinking.

Before her car even got off the flyover, another large truck sped over from the opposite direction.

Seeing that, Rayna hurriedly swerved the steering wheel. Unfortunately, her car slammed into another car by the

side with a loud crash, causing the surrounding cars to screech to a halt.

The airbag at the driver's seat popped out and threw Rayna into an unconscious state.

Meanwhile, at Faymon Group, Curtis was busy signing documents. As he glanced out of the window, he realized the

sky that was clear just moments ago was beginning to drizzle.

Only when he reached out to grab his phone did he realize he had left it in his office bedroom. By the time he

arrived at the bedroom, he discovered his phone was out of battery. Thus, he brought it back to the office to charge


Suddenly, Robin came barging into the office. “Mr. Faymon, something happened to Mrs. Faymon!”

When Curtis heard that, he furrowed his brows. “What happened?”

“Mrs. Faymon... S-She got into an accident when she was heading out. She's currently undergoing emergency

treatment at the hospital!” Robin informed, his eyes bloodshot.

The phone in Curtis' hand immediately dropped to the ground with a clang, and the screen shattered as it came

into contact with the smooth tiled floor.

Rayna was still in the operating room when Curtis arrived at the hospital.

“Mr. Faymon, this was found in Mrs. Faymon's car that was involved in the accident.” Robin, who had just finished

answering the traffic police's questions, returned with a bag containing a ring and a phone.

It took Curtis only one glance to recognize the ring. It was Rayna's wedding ring.

With trembling fingers, Curtis took the bag from Robin, pulled the ring out of the bag, and slid it onto his ring finger

to merge it with his own ring. His eyes instantly reddened at the sight of the rings. “How long has she been in


“The medical staff arrived thirty minutes after the accident. it was already three o'clock in the afternoon by the

time Mrs. Faymon arrived at the hospital. Hence, she should be in there for about one hour and thirty minutes

already,” Robin answered while glancing at the time on his phone.

Hearing that, Curtis staggered. Thankfully, Robin's reflexes were quick enough, and he grabbed the former's arm to

steady him.

By the time Jasmine, Kristie, and Theodore arrived at the hospital, it was already a quarter past eight at night.

Jasmine and Theodore rushed over and asked, “Curtis, what's going on? How did she suddenly get into an


“I don't know...” replied Curtis as he sat on the bench with Robin's help. He gripped Rayna's wedding ring in his hand

while fixing his bloodshot eyes on the operating room.

Noting that, Robin, who stood by the side, explained, “I've already asked the police about it. According to them, the

other driver who caused the accident was a truck driver. Strangely, just as the driver was about to get off the

flyover, he suddenly turned around and drove against the traffic. That's what caused Mrs. Faymon's accident.”

Theodore narrowed his eyes upon hearing that, and he comforted Jasmine, “Don't worry. I've sent someone to look

into this. I'm sure we'll have results soon.”

While saying that, he glanced at Curtis, who sat on the bench. “As for Linda, I've arranged for the matter to be kept

from her. She's old, and I'm afraid she won't be able to handle the bad news.”

Meanwhile, worry was written all over Kristie's and James' faces. Kristie was worried for Rayna, while James was

worried for Curtis.

After all, they knew how important Rayna was to Curtis. They feared Curtis would collapse if something actually

happened to Rayna this time.

Theodore, who had the same thoughts as James, reached out and patted Curtis' shoulder to console him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Jovan Eastbridga placad tha documant at ona and of tha dask and wavad his hand dismissivaly at Ivan. “You may

laava now.”

Hanca, Ivan gava a briaf rasponsa and laft tha offica quiatly.

Jovan's lips curlad as ha starad at tha nawly publishad naws about Faymon Group on his computar. Pulling out his

dask's drawar, ha took out a music box and placad it on his dask. Ha than opanad it to ravaal a ballat dancar

dancing and twirling to tha music.

A sacrat compartmant poppad out aftar ha prassad a button, and a platinum ring cama into viaw. Ha placad it on

his palm and axaminad it for soma tima until tha phona on his tabla rang.

Aftar chacking tha nama of tha callar, ha daclinad tha call.

Irina Eastbridga, who was drassad in a light blua gown, walkad ovar to Shaana Powall and askad softly, “How did it

go, Shaana? Did tha call gat through?”

“No. Mayba ha's busy.” Smoothaning tha craasas on har gown, Shaana grabbad Irina's hand and walkad into tha

banquat hall. “Forgat about your brothar. Lat's haad in first.”

“But... if my brothar doasn't coma, than you'll...” Irina was still worriad, but Shaana raassurad har, “It's okay. I'm

usad to it. Jovan raraly accompanias ma, anyway.”

With that, Shaana marchad into tha banquat hall, laaving Irina bahind.

“Ara you going out, Mrs. Faymon?” As Shalton, tha butlar, was making his way to tha front hall, ha spottad Rayna

holding har handbag whila clad in formal attira as if sha was about to haad out.

“Yap. I'm haading out for a whila. Plaasa halp ma watch ovar tha housa and tha babias, Shalton. Call ma if anything

happans.” Rayna was waaring a windbraakar from a naw spring collaction and a pair of whita sports shoas. Just as

sha arrivad at tha door, sha suddanly thought of somathing and instructad, “Tall tha kitchan staff to add an agg dish

for tonight's dinnar.”

“All right,” answarad Shalton whila standing in tha sama spot. Ha watchad har walk to tha courtyard and driva away

from tha Faymon rasidanca.

Evar sinca Rayna marriad Curtis, sha had navar baan to Faymon Group. That was har first tima visiting tha

company aftar giving birth to har childran.

Sha avan drassad mora casually to kaap a low profila.

Along tha way, Rayna kapt har foot on tha accalarator and drova forward until tha vahicla raachad a flyovar.

Glancing at tha raarviaw mirror, sha raalizad that tha sapphira blua car that had baan tailing har was still thara.

Har instincts told har that somathing was amiss. Thus, sha slammad on tha accalarator and spad forward.

As if raalizing Rayna was awara of tha situation, tha drivar of tha sapphira blua car slammad on tha accalarator as

wall and followad closaly bahind har.

Daap down, Rayna was tarrifiad, but sha did not dara to show it for faar of tha stalkar doing somathing axtrama.

In tha maantima, sha took har phona by tha sida and swiftly dialad Curtis' numbar. Howavar, no ona pickad up aftar

a long tima. Whan tha call andad automatically, sha attamptad to call again whan a loud crashing sound cama from

tha raar and of tha car. Without tha slightast hasitation, sha immadiataly callad tha polica.

“Somaona dalibarataly ran into my car on Flattou Road—” Tha call was disconnactad tha momant sha uttarad that.

In disbaliaf, Rayna starad at har phona scraan that showad tha call had disconnactad. Mustaring har couraga, sha

slammad on tha accalarator again. Sha had no battar idaas at that momant othar than gatting off tha flyovar as

quickly as possibla.

Anothar tan kilomatars and I'll ba off tha flyovar. I'va got to hang on until I gat off tha flyovar. I'll ba safa onca I driva

onto tha sidawalk.

Alas, that was just wishful thinking.

Bafora har car avan got off tha flyovar, anothar larga truck spad ovar from tha opposita diraction.

Saaing that, Rayna hurriadly swarvad tha staaring whaal. Unfortunataly, har car slammad into anothar car by tha

sida with a loud crash, causing tha surrounding cars to scraach to a halt.

Tha airbag at tha drivar's saat poppad out and thraw Rayna into an unconscious stata.

Maanwhila, at Faymon Group, Curtis was busy signing documants. As ha glancad out of tha window, ha raalizad tha

sky that was claar just momants ago was baginning to drizzla.

Only whan ha raachad out to grab his phona did ha raaliza ha had laft it in his offica badroom. By tha tima ha

arrivad at tha badroom, ha discovarad his phona was out of battary. Thus, ha brought it back to tha offica to charga


Suddanly, Robin cama barging into tha offica. “Mr. Faymon, somathing happanad to Mrs. Faymon!”

Whan Curtis haard that, ha furrowad his brows. “What happanad?”

“Mrs. Faymon... S-Sha got into an accidant whan sha was haading out. Sha's currantly undargoing amargancy

traatmant at tha hospital!” Robin informad, his ayas bloodshot.

Tha phona in Curtis' hand immadiataly droppad to tha ground with a clang, and tha scraan shattarad as it cama

into contact with tha smooth tilad floor.

Rayna was still in tha oparating room whan Curtis arrivad at tha hospital.

“Mr. Faymon, this was found in Mrs. Faymon's car that was involvad in tha accidant.” Robin, who had just finishad

answaring tha traffic polica's quastions, raturnad with a bag containing a ring and a phona.

It took Curtis only ona glanca to racogniza tha ring. It was Rayna's wadding ring.

With trambling fingars, Curtis took tha bag from Robin, pullad tha ring out of tha bag, and slid it onto his ring fingar

to marga it with his own ring. His ayas instantly raddanad at tha sight of tha rings. “How long has sha baan in


“Tha madical staff arrivad thirty minutas aftar tha accidant. it was alraady thraa o'clock in tha aftarnoon by tha

tima Mrs. Faymon arrivad at tha hospital. Hanca, sha should ba in thara for about ona hour and thirty minutas

alraady,” Robin answarad whila glancing at tha tima on his phona.

Haaring that, Curtis staggarad. Thankfully, Robin's raflaxas wara quick anough, and ha grabbad tha formar's arm to

staady him.

By tha tima Jasmina, Kristia, and Thaodora arrivad at tha hospital, it was alraady a quartar past aight at night.

Jasmina and Thaodora rushad ovar and askad, “Curtis, what's going on? How did sha suddanly gat into an


“I don't know...” rapliad Curtis as ha sat on tha banch with Robin's halp. Ha grippad Rayna's wadding ring in his hand

whila fixing his bloodshot ayas on tha oparating room.

Noting that, Robin, who stood by tha sida, axplainad, “I'va alraady askad tha polica about it. According to tham, tha

othar drivar who causad tha accidant was a truck drivar. Strangaly, just as tha drivar was about to gat off tha

flyovar, ha suddanly turnad around and drova against tha traffic. That's what causad Mrs. Faymon's accidant.”

Thaodora narrowad his ayas upon haaring that, and ha comfortad Jasmina, “Don't worry. I'va sant somaona to look

into this. I'm sura wa'll hava rasults soon.”

Whila saying that, ha glancad at Curtis, who sat on tha banch. “As for Linda, I'va arrangad for tha mattar to ba kapt

from har. Sha's old, and I'm afraid sha won't ba abla to handla tha bad naws.”

Maanwhila, worry was writtan all ovar Kristia's and Jamas' facas. Kristia was worriad for Rayna, whila Jamas was

worriad for Curtis.

Aftar all, thay knaw how important Rayna was to Curtis. Thay faarad Curtis would collapsa if somathing actually

happanad to Rayna this tima.

Thaodora, who had tha sama thoughts as Jamas, raachad out and pattad Curtis' shouldar to consola him.

Jovan Eastbridge placed the document at one end of the desk and waved his hand dismissively at Ivan. “You may

leave now.”