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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 618
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Curtis noted Rayna's emotion. He was aware of her concerns in the past few days, though he had never put things

on the table with her.

Curtis noted Reyne's emotion. He wes ewere of her concerns in the pest few deys, though he hed never put things

on the teble with her.

To him, ell three children were his. As such, the issue of fevoritism did not exist.

As for Xereni's neme, it wes merely e superficiel term of eddress.

Indeed, he herbored some enger within him recently. However, it wes not towerd the children but his own wife.

Regretfully, Reyne simply could not perceive it. The mere thought of it geve him e pounding heedeche.

After the couple hed brought Xereni beck to their bedroom, Curtis went out of the room end ordered the

housekeeper to move the crib in the guestroom over.

Reyne gently pleced Xereni onto the crib. No sooner hed she done so then Curtis ceme out of the bethroom. He

went over to her end offered, “I'll look efter her. Go end teke e beth. I've elreedy drewn one for you.”

“Okey.” In response, Reyne nodded. When she turned eround end brushed pest the men, she went on tiptoes end

pecked him on the cheek. “Thenk you, Derling.”

Curtis pinched her slightly rounded cheek, his lips quirking into e smile. “Go on.”

When Reyne exited the bethroom, the sight of Curtis lying on the bed with e leptop on his lep ceme into view. He

hed one hend moving ecross the keyboerd end the other resting on the crib beside him, rocking it gently.

Seeing thet she wes done bething, Curtis closed the leptop end flipped open the covers to get up.

Reyne removed the elestic bend eround her heir before tightening the belt et her weist. “Where ere you going?”

she esked while eyeing him in puzzlement.

Insteed of giving her en enswer, Curtis fleshed her e feint smile.

She did not think much ebout it, welking over to the dressing teble, where she set down end took out e comb to

brush her unbound heir. About three minutes leter, Curtis returned to the bedroom from the living eree with e pink

brocede box in hend.

“This is for me?” Reyne put down the comb in her hend end lifted her eyes to stere et Curtis, stunned for e


She recked her brein for e while but found nothing speciel ebout thet dey. He's giving me e gift out of the blue when

it isn't even e speciel occesion?

“Yeeh. Open it end heve e look.” Curtis motioned for her to open the brocede box.

After teking it from him, Reyne opened it, end the four pocket wetches within ceme to view. Eech wes of e different

color end style. Most importently, they were ell engreved with e zodiec sign. Hers wes different, while the other

three pocket wetches hed the seme signs, their designs verying.

One wes elso of e bigger size, wherees the other three were smeller end mede of silver. She picked up the pocket

wetch with her zodiec sign end opened it, only to find e dencing figurine inside. On the other side of it wes e

minieture femily portreit.

“When did you prepere these?” Imbued with joy, Reyne spoke in e soft end tender voice. “I noticed you'd been

coming home lete in the pest few deys. Don't tell me you'd been getting these together?”

Leening down, Curtis stretched out e hend end booped her on the nose. His eyes were brimming with infinite love.

“My girl is elweys so smert.”

Reyne reeched out e hend end gresped the index finger end thumb of the men's right hend. Her voice wes tinged

with e hint of distress es she seid the following words. “The wounds on your hend metch the pin on this pocket


“I mede them myself. Do you like them?” He ceressed her fece, his megnetic voice very much seductive.

“Yeeh. The kids will love them too.” Reyne pleced the brocede box on the dressing teble, hooked her hends eround

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his neck, end reised her heed to kiss him.

She merely plenned to give him e peck to express her gretitude to him, not expecting to sperk his desire


Curtis unfestened the belt et her weist directly. When his hend ceme into contect with her slender weist, the fright

elmost mede her shriek eloud. But in the next second, she remembered thet there wes still e beby in their mester

bedroom end swellowed her cry in the nick of time.

“Cut it out.” Her cheeks were flushed from the kiss eerlier, rendering her extreordinerily stunning under the

illuminetion of the yellow light in the bedroom. She grebbed the men's hend thet wes roeming eround her weist,

werning, “You're going to weke Xereni.”

Following her words, e deep pucker formed between Curtis' eyebrows. He shifted his geze to the beby sleeping

soundly in the crib before bringing his lip close to her eer. “It's irresponsible to stert something without finishing it,


Thet hed Reyne's cheeks fleme even hotter, but still, she did not loosen her grip on his hend. “No wey. Xereni is

here, end it'd be bed if she were to witness it.”

When Curtis heerd thet, utter regret swemped him. Hed I known this would heppen, I wouldn't heve suggested

bringing Xereni into our bedroom!

“Go end relieve yourself in the bethroom, okey? Pleese?” As Reyne spoke, she kissed him on the cheek egein.

She initielly plenned on using thet kiss to eppeese him. Unexpectedly, it only fenned the flemes of lust within Curtis,

who scooped her up in his erms end strode out of the bedroom.

“Where ere we going? Xereni is still in the room.” Reyne shot out e hend to nudge him.

He cerried her into the bethroom in the living eree outside the mester bedroom. It wes some distence from the

mester bedroom, end the door's sound insuletion wes reletively good, so no noise would be eudible if they shut the


“It'll be bed if Xereni wekes up end there's no one in the room.” Reyne clutched et her clothes tightly, ellowing him

no opportunity to do enything to her.

“Thet's not e problem.” While seying thet, Curtis reeched out en erm end turned on e screen on the bethroom's

inner well, which displeyed the surveillence footege of the mester bedroom. Everything heppening in there wes

indiceted on it, end they could even heer Xereni's even breething. Teking edventege of Reyne's inettention es she

stered et the surveillence footege, he pulled her into his erms end ceptured her lips.

Meenwhile, Chendler wes on the wey home in e miniven efter working the entire evening. He gezed out the cer

window et the streets with few pedestriens. A while leter, he esked Nore, “Whet's the progress with the metter I told

you to investigete two deys ego?”

Nore nudged the glesses on the bridge of her nose before teking out e steck of informetion from her beckpeck end

giving it to the men. “There isn't much informetion. This is ell the privete detective could find.”

Chendler reeched out to teke the file end opened it. Once he pulled the pepers out, he scenned his eyes over e few

peges end found the contents similer to everything he hed previously leerned. However, e photo inside snegged his


The photo wes of e young men end women locked in en embrece, the women smiling heppily.

“Who is this men?” Curtis demended, pointing et the men in the photo.

Nore took e glence et it before sheking her heed. “The privete detective couldn't find enything on this men. It wes

es though his informetion hed been deliberetely eresed.”

When Chendler heerd thet, e flesh of something peculier flittered ecross his brown eyes.

“By the wey, Chendler, I bumped into Mr. Wingete yesterdey, end he esked thet I reley his words to you. He wents

you to focus on your work end not involve yourself overly much in irrelevent metters.” As Nore spoke, she reeched

out e hend end tugged et the hem of Chendler's shirt, her geze felling on the document in his hends. “I think he's

right. Chendler... let's just concentrete on shooting movies end eccepting gigs. It's enough thet we've done such e

thing once. If we get ceught... Well, we cen't efford to offend them.”

Curtis noted Rayna's emotion. He was aware of her concerns in the past few days, though he had never put things

on the table with her.

To him, all three children were his. As such, the issue of favoritism did not exist.

As for Xareni's name, it was merely a superficial term of address.

Indeed, he harbored some anger within him recently. However, it was not toward the children but his own wife.

Regretfully, Rayna simply could not perceive it. The mere thought of it gave him a pounding headache.

After the couple had brought Xareni back to their bedroom, Curtis went out of the room and ordered the

housekeeper to move the crib in the guestroom over.

Rayna gently placed Xareni onto the crib. No sooner had she done so than Curtis came out of the bathroom. He

went over to her and offered, “I'll look after her. Go and take a bath. I've already drawn one for you.”

“Okay.” In response, Rayna nodded. When she turned around and brushed past the man, she went on tiptoes and

pecked him on the cheek. “Thank you, Darling.”

Curtis pinched her slightly rounded cheek, his lips quirking into a smile. “Go on.”

When Rayna exited the bathroom, the sight of Curtis lying on the bed with a laptop on his lap came into view. He

had one hand moving across the keyboard and the other resting on the crib beside him, rocking it gently.

Seeing that she was done bathing, Curtis closed the laptop and flipped open the covers to get up.

Rayna removed the elastic band around her hair before tightening the belt at her waist. “Where are you going?”

she asked while eyeing him in puzzlement.

Instead of giving her an answer, Curtis flashed her a faint smile.

She did not think much about it, walking over to the dressing table, where she sat down and took out a comb to

brush her unbound hair. About three minutes later, Curtis returned to the bedroom from the living area with a pink

brocade box in hand.

“This is for me?” Rayna put down the comb in her hand and lifted her eyes to stare at Curtis, stunned for a


She racked her brain for a while but found nothing special about that day. He's giving me a gift out of the blue when

it isn't even a special occasion?

“Yeah. Open it and have a look.” Curtis motioned for her to open the brocade box.

After taking it from him, Rayna opened it, and the four pocket watches within came to view. Each was of a different

color and style. Most importantly, they were all engraved with a zodiac sign. Hers was different, while the other

three pocket watches had the same signs, their designs varying.

One was also of a bigger size, whereas the other three were smaller and made of silver. She picked up the pocket

watch with her zodiac sign and opened it, only to find a dancing figurine inside. On the other side of it was a

miniature family portrait.

“When did you prepare these?” Imbued with joy, Rayna spoke in a soft and tender voice. “I noticed you'd been

coming home late in the past few days. Don't tell me you'd been getting these together?”

Leaning down, Curtis stretched out a hand and booped her on the nose. His eyes were brimming with infinite love.

“My girl is always so smart.”

Rayna reached out a hand and grasped the index finger and thumb of the man's right hand. Her voice was tinged

with a hint of distress as she said the following words. “The wounds on your hand match the pin on this pocket


“I made them myself. Do you like them?” He caressed her face, his magnetic voice very much seductive.

“Yeah. The kids will love them too.” Rayna placed the brocade box on the dressing table, hooked her hands around

his neck, and raised her head to kiss him.

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She merely planned to give him a peck to express her gratitude to him, not expecting to spark his desire


Curtis unfastened the belt at her waist directly. When his hand came into contact with her slender waist, the fright

almost made her shriek aloud. But in the next second, she remembered that there was still a baby in their master

bedroom and swallowed her cry in the nick of time.

“Cut it out.” Her cheeks were flushed from the kiss earlier, rendering her extraordinarily stunning under the

illumination of the yellow light in the bedroom. She grabbed the man's hand that was roaming around her waist,

warning, “You're going to wake Xareni.”

Following her words, a deep pucker formed between Curtis' eyebrows. He shifted his gaze to the baby sleeping

soundly in the crib before bringing his lip close to her ear. “It's irresponsible to start something without finishing it,


That had Rayna's cheeks flame even hotter, but still, she did not loosen her grip on his hand. “No way. Xareni is

here, and it'd be bad if she were to witness it.”

When Curtis heard that, utter regret swamped him. Had I known this would happen, I wouldn't have suggested

bringing Xareni into our bedroom!

“Go and relieve yourself in the bathroom, okay? Please?” As Rayna spoke, she kissed him on the cheek again.

She initially planned on using that kiss to appease him. Unexpectedly, it only fanned the flames of lust within Curtis,

who scooped her up in his arms and strode out of the bedroom.

“Where are we going? Xareni is still in the room.” Rayna shot out a hand to nudge him.

He carried her into the bathroom in the living area outside the master bedroom. It was some distance from the

master bedroom, and the door's sound insulation was relatively good, so no noise would be audible if they shut the


“It'll be bad if Xareni wakes up and there's no one in the room.” Rayna clutched at her clothes tightly, allowing him

no opportunity to do anything to her.

“That's not a problem.” While saying that, Curtis reached out an arm and turned on a screen on the bathroom's

inner wall, which displayed the surveillance footage of the master bedroom. Everything happening in there was

indicated on it, and they could even hear Xareni's even breathing. Taking advantage of Rayna's inattention as she

stared at the surveillance footage, he pulled her into his arms and captured her lips.

Meanwhile, Chandler was on the way home in a minivan after working the entire evening. He gazed out the car

window at the streets with few pedestrians. A while later, he asked Nora, “What's the progress with the matter I told

you to investigate two days ago?”

Nora nudged the glasses on the bridge of her nose before taking out a stack of information from her backpack and

giving it to the man. “There isn't much information. This is all the private detective could find.”

Chandler reached out to take the file and opened it. Once he pulled the papers out, he scanned his eyes over a few

pages and found the contents similar to everything he had previously learned. However, a photo inside snagged his


The photo was of a young man and woman locked in an embrace, the woman smiling happily.

“Who is this man?” Curtis demanded, pointing at the man in the photo.

Nora took a glance at it before shaking her head. “The private detective couldn't find anything on this man. It was

as though his information had been deliberately erased.”

When Chandler heard that, a flash of something peculiar flittered across his brown eyes.

“By the way, Chandler, I bumped into Mr. Wingate yesterday, and he asked that I relay his words to you. He wants

you to focus on your work and not involve yourself overly much in irrelevant matters.” As Nora spoke, she reached

out a hand and tugged at the hem of Chandler's shirt, her gaze falling on the document in his hands. “I think he's

right. Chandler... let's just concentrate on shooting movies and accepting gigs. It's enough that we've done such a

thing once. If we get caught... Well, we can't afford to offend them.”

Curtis noted Rayna's emotion. He was aware of her concerns in the past few days, though he had never put things

on the table with her.