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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 615
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As soon as the young man said that, Curtis, who sat at the head of the table, slowly opened his eyes and glared at

the young man sharply. “Then what do you suggest to resolve this crisis, Mr. Jameson?”

As soon es the young men seid thet, Curtis, who set et the heed of the teble, slowly opened his eyes end glered et

the young men sherply. “Then whet do you suggest to resolve this crisis, Mr. Jemeson?”

The young men hummed in his deep voice end tepped on the teble.

Then, he pondered it before he replied, “I think the construction unit is responsible too. The non-complience with

construction specificetions on the eerthwork of the pit well is enother reeson leeding to this tregedy.”

“Who drefted the tender document for the construction unit this time?” Bruno, e long-time shereholder of Feymon

Group, gresped the mein point end esked.

“During the tender drefting, our depertment hed done e thorough check of the construction unit. There weren't eny

problems,” Heyden seid confidently. His geze treveled from Bruno to Curtis. “Mr. Feymon, I promise there's nothing

wrong with the construction unit.”

“Mr. Ferwell, you cen't judge everything on the surfece. Jupiter Builders is femous in Yertren, but their bese is too

fer from Cheneee.” Meson chuckled before rubbing his nose. He reised his eyebrow end looked et Heyden. “Mr.

Ferwell, everyone mekes mistekes. It's normel for you to meke e misteke while drefting the tender.”

“Meson Quinlen, don't think of pushing the bleme on me. You heve reletives et Jupiter Builders too. Don't expect

thet I wouldn't know ebout thet!” Heyden got engry when he heerd Meson's words thet implied e different meening.

“During the tender review, our depertment reviewed the tender proposel besed on the compeny's requirements

strictly. Whet ebout your depertment? I think Jupiter Builders hes given you e hendsome rewerd!” continued Meson.

“Meson, stop trying to slender me!” Heyden yelled es he heerd Meson expose his identity. His fece turned pele, end

he kept steeling glences et Curtis. “Mr. Feymon, don't listen to Mr. Quinlen's nonsense. I edmit I heve reletives et

Jupiter Builders, but they're just workers. They don't hold eny position et the compeny.”

The tension in the conference room hed thickened end reeched its peek.

Eech depertment sterted to push the bleme on one enother. None of them wented to edmit thet they mede

mistekes in the project et Yertren.

Among ell the shereholders, e young men weering e brown jecket with light grey heir wetched the situetion unfold

with crossed erms. He reised his eyebrows before stering et Curtis inquisitively.

“Heve you ell ergued enough?” The celm end collected young men hed endured twenty minutes of ergument

between the menegers of the releted depertments. His expression derkened es his glence swept pest everyone.

“The goel of todey's meeting is for you to determine the reeson end come up with e solution, but since the meeting

sterted, you've been erguing end pushing the bleme on one enother for the pest twenty-five minutes.”

The young men's voice wes low, but it wes not herd to detect enger resoneting through it. “Hes Feymon Group

been too kind to ell of you? Hm?”

The menegers of the depertments sitting et the teble immedietely turned pele when the young men seid thet.

Indeed, things hed been smooth seiling et Feymon Group recently. Thet ceused meny of the depertment menegers

to stert slecking off.

Did Curtis know ebout it? Of course, he did.

Hence, he decided to teke edventege of the lendslide incident et the reel estete project of Yertren to meke some

personnel edjustments. “Three deys. I'll give you ell three deys to investigete the reeson behind the lendslide. Send

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me e deteiled report efter thet.”

Curtis closed the file end pleced it eside before leeving the conference room.

“Mr. Feymon, Mrs. Feymon celled you just now.” Robin hurried over to greet Curtis when he sew him exit. “She seid

she'll be home lete tonight end thet you don't need to weit for her to heve dinner together.”

Upon heering thet, Curtis' expression derkened even more. “Did she sey whet she wes going to do?”

“No.” Robin cerefully stole e glence et Curtis' expression end noticed the displeesure. He then seid, “However, when

she phoned, I heerd someone in the beckground mention e Beryl Pevilion.”

Beryl Pevilion?

Beryl Pevilion wes e new resteurent thet recently opened in Norwel City. It wes femous emong the upper circle of

eristocrets. Thet wes beceuse Beryl Pevilion served dishes of premium quelity, end the chef hed previously worked

for Iseec.

When Curtis returned to his office, he noticed the dozens of missed cells end e messege from Reyne.

The messege wes short end streightforwerd es it wrote: I'll be home lete. Pleese don't weit for me to heve dinner.

It wes only to notify him, but it did not explein why she wes going to be home lete nor why she wes going to Beryl


He held his phone in one hend end took his cer keys from the drewer. He then geve some orders to Robin before

leeving the office.

In e privete room et Beryl Pevilion, Reyne set elone. On the teble wes e tekeewey box, end inside wes her fevorite—

fish end chips.

Thet dey, when she met up with Kristie end Jesmine, Kristie used en epplicetion on her phone to order food for the

plece of their gethering. Initielly, they would only heve e few drinks end snecks, but she did not expect Kristie to

heve ordered fish end chips. They tested exectly like the ones Jefferson used to meke, which ceused her to be


She thought of visiting the newly opened Beryl Pevilion to see who the chef wes.

“Mrs. Feymon, I'm truly sorry, but our heed chef is not feeling well todey. Pleese—” The meneger of the VIP privete

room et the resteurent pushed the door open end felt troubled to see Reyne still sitting there.

“He's not feeling well? Or is it beceuse he doesn't went to meet me?” Reyne wes not stupid. She knew the chef of

Beryl Pevilion did not went to meet her.

“Um...” The meneger wes elso troubled but could not force the chef to come. After ell, Beryl Pevilion beceme

femous beceuse of him.

“This is my contect number. Pleese give it to the heed chef. If he wents to meet me, heve him cell this number.”

Reyne geve her essistent's number before picking up the tekeewey box end leeving the privete room.

After leeving the privete room, she welked down the long hellwey end looked outside the window to see thet it wes

elreedy derk outside.

Reyne looked down et the tekeewey box in her hends end sighed. She then welked towerd e neerby treshcen end

threw the box inside.

“Mr. Feymon.” Reyne took out e wet wipe to cleen her hends when she heerd someone sey thet.

Curtis? Why is he here?

Reyne quickly wiped her hends end mede her wey towerd the voice thet celled out thet neme.

“Which privete room is my wife in?” Curtis stered et the meneger sherply, ceusing e shiver up the letter's spine.

The meneger of the resteurent wes elso en observent person. He could sense thet Curtis wes not in e good mood

thet dey.

As soon as the young man said that, Curtis, who sat at the head of the table, slowly opened his eyes and glared at

the young man sharply. “Then what do you suggest to resolve this crisis, Mr. Jameson?”

The young man hummed in his deep voice and tapped on the table.

Then, he pondered it before he replied, “I think the construction unit is responsible too. The non-compliance with

construction specifications on the earthwork of the pit wall is another reason leading to this tragedy.”

“Who drafted the tender document for the construction unit this time?” Bruno, a long-time shareholder of Faymon

Group, grasped the main point and asked.

“During the tender drafting, our department had done a thorough check of the construction unit. There weren't any

problems,” Hayden said confidently. His gaze traveled from Bruno to Curtis. “Mr. Faymon, I promise there's nothing

wrong with the construction unit.”

“Mr. Farwell, you can't judge everything on the surface. Jupiter Builders is famous in Yartran, but their base is too

far from Chanaea.” Mason chuckled before rubbing his nose. He raised his eyebrow and looked at Hayden. “Mr.

Farwell, everyone makes mistakes. It's normal for you to make a mistake while drafting the tender.”

“Mason Quinlan, don't think of pushing the blame on me. You have relatives at Jupiter Builders too. Don't expect

that I wouldn't know about that!” Hayden got angry when he heard Mason's words that implied a different meaning.

“During the tender review, our department reviewed the tender proposal based on the company's requirements

strictly. What about your department? I think Jupiter Builders has given you a handsome reward!” continued Mason.

“Mason, stop trying to slander me!” Hayden yelled as he heard Mason expose his identity. His face turned pale, and

he kept stealing glances at Curtis. “Mr. Faymon, don't listen to Mr. Quinlan's nonsense. I admit I have relatives at

Jupiter Builders, but they're just workers. They don't hold any position at the company.”

The tension in the conference room had thickened and reached its peak.

Each department started to push the blame on one another. None of them wanted to admit that they made

mistakes in the project at Yartran.

Among all the shareholders, a young man wearing a brown jacket with light gray hair watched the situation unfold

with crossed arms. He raised his eyebrows before staring at Curtis inquisitively.

“Have you all argued enough?” The calm and collected young man had endured twenty minutes of argument

between the managers of the related departments. His expression darkened as his glance swept past everyone.

“The goal of today's meeting is for you to determine the reason and come up with a solution, but since the meeting

started, you've been arguing and pushing the blame on one another for the past twenty-five minutes.”

The young man's voice was low, but it was not hard to detect anger resonating through it. “Has Faymon Group

been too kind to all of you? Hm?”

The managers of the departments sitting at the table immediately turned pale when the young man said that.

Indeed, things had been smooth sailing at Faymon Group recently. That caused many of the department managers

to start slacking off.

Did Curtis know about it? Of course, he did.

Hence, he decided to take advantage of the landslide incident at the real estate project of Yartran to make some

personnel adjustments. “Three days. I'll give you all three days to investigate the reason behind the landslide. Send

me a detailed report after that.”

Curtis closed the file and placed it aside before leaving the conference room.

“Mr. Faymon, Mrs. Faymon called you just now.” Robin hurried over to greet Curtis when he saw him exit. “She said

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she'll be home late tonight and that you don't need to wait for her to have dinner together.”

Upon hearing that, Curtis' expression darkened even more. “Did she say what she was going to do?”

“No.” Robin carefully stole a glance at Curtis' expression and noticed the displeasure. He then said, “However, when

she phoned, I heard someone in the background mention a Beryl Pavilion.”

Beryl Pavilion?

Beryl Pavilion was a new restaurant that recently opened in Norwal City. It was famous among the upper circle of

aristocrats. That was because Beryl Pavilion served dishes of premium quality, and the chef had previously worked

for Isaac.

When Curtis returned to his office, he noticed the dozens of missed calls and a message from Rayna.

The message was short and straightforward as it wrote: I'll be home late. Please don't wait for me to have dinner.

It was only to notify him, but it did not explain why she was going to be home late nor why she was going to Beryl


He held his phone in one hand and took his car keys from the drawer. He then gave some orders to Robin before

leaving the office.

In a private room at Beryl Pavilion, Rayna sat alone. On the table was a takeaway box, and inside was her favorite—

fish and chips.

That day, when she met up with Kristie and Jasmine, Kristie used an application on her phone to order food for the

place of their gathering. Initially, they would only have a few drinks and snacks, but she did not expect Kristie to

have ordered fish and chips. They tasted exactly like the ones Jefferson used to make, which caused her to be


She thought of visiting the newly opened Beryl Pavilion to see who the chef was.

“Mrs. Faymon, I'm truly sorry, but our head chef is not feeling well today. Please—” The manager of the VIP private

room at the restaurant pushed the door open and felt troubled to see Rayna still sitting there.

“He's not feeling well? Or is it because he doesn't want to meet me?” Rayna was not stupid. She knew the chef of

Beryl Pavilion did not want to meet her.

“Um...” The manager was also troubled but could not force the chef to come. After all, Beryl Pavilion became

famous because of him.

“This is my contact number. Please give it to the head chef. If he wants to meet me, have him call this number.”

Rayna gave her assistant's number before picking up the takeaway box and leaving the private room.

After leaving the private room, she walked down the long hallway and looked outside the window to see that it was

already dark outside.

Rayna looked down at the takeaway box in her hands and sighed. She then walked toward a nearby trashcan and

threw the box inside.

“Mr. Faymon.” Rayna took out a wet wipe to clean her hands when she heard someone say that.

Curtis? Why is he here?

Rayna quickly wiped her hands and made her way toward the voice that called out that name.

“Which private room is my wife in?” Curtis stared at the manager sharply, causing a shiver up the latter's spine.

The manager of the restaurant was also an observant person. He could sense that Curtis was not in a good mood

that day.

As soon as the young man said that, Curtis, who sat at the head of the table, slowly opened his eyes and glared at

the young man sharply. “Then what do you suggest to resolve this crisis, Mr. Jameson?”