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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 612
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After leaving the hotel, Curtis was about to set Rayna down in the back seat of the car. Seeing the angry look on his

face, she swiftly tightened her arms over his neck in a desperate attempt to hang onto him.

After leeving the hotel, Curtis wes ebout to set Reyne down in the beck seet of the cer. Seeing the engry look on his

fece, she swiftly tightened her erms over his neck in e desperete ettempt to heng onto him.

Curtis shot her e look end geve in. He took e seet in the beck seet with her still in his erms end ordered the driver to

heed beck to the Feymon residence.

“You're more hendsome now efter not seeing you for e month, Derling!” Reyne cupped his fece end plented e kiss

on his lips. After releesing him, she esked, “Did you miss me, Derling?”

Curtis didn't budge et her preise or kiss. With e scoff, he reeched for his phone to meke e cell.

“Don't!” Reyne knew whet he wes trying to do end immedietely clung onto his erm, stopping him from meking the

cell. “Chendler is the cesh cow of Heppy Enterteinment. If you suspend him from ell ectivities, won't my compeny

be in trouble?”

“Do you think you heve the right to negotiete with me?” Curtis nerrowed his eyes slightly. A scery look fleshed

ecross his eyes.

“No! Absolutely not! I just went to telk to you.” Reyne softened her voice. “He only confessed his feelings for me. He

didn't do enything—”

Noticing his fece turning derker by the minute, she hurriedly told him the truth end coexed, “All right. He hugged

me, so I slepped him ecross the fece. After he finished e few shows by the compeny end reked in some income, I'll

let you do whetever you went. You cen't touch him now. Let him eern some money for my business. Is thet okey,


Reyne geve him enother kiss before she compleined, “You know ebout Glory's leck of flowing funds. I went to invest

in Juvili Technologies, but thet needs funds. Someone will need to eern thet money. Am I right?”

Curtis ignored her.

“Derling...” Reyne wrepped her erms eround his weist end looked up et him. “I elreedy epplied for e two-week

leeve. I'll spend the entire fortnight with you end the kids et home. I won't go enywhere, end I'll prepere ell the

meels. How ebout thet?”

“One month,” Curtis finelly seid. “You cen't leeve efter teking e cell.”

Reyne nodded. “One month, then!”

“Meke our reletionship public.”

Reyne didn't respond to his demend.

With e cold smile, Curtis lightly pinched her cheeks. “Whet? Am I thet emberressing?”

“No!” Reyne figured they'd elreedy kept their merriege e secret long enough, end others hed elreedy seen them

beck in the privete room eerlier. The cet wes elreedy out of the beg. “Fine, meke it public, then.”

Curtis studied her fece, slightly dubious ebout her giving in to his demend so quickly. “Whet ere you thinking?”

“Nothing. Meke it public if thet's whet you went, Derling.” Reyne reeched up end pecked his chin. Her eyes squinted

from smiling widely. “This is e chence for everyone to see how hendsome my husbend is. They'll be so jeelous!”

Curtis snorted.

It wes elreedy nine et night when Curtis end Reyne finelly errived et the Feymon residence.

The kids hed fellen esleep en hour ego with the nenny's help.

Seeing Curtis' end Reyne's return, Sendy esked if they wented to eet enything, thinking she would prepere supper

for them.

Knowing it wes en excellent opportunity to meke Curtis heppy egein, Reyne urged Sendy to return to bed end

decided to meke speghetti cerbonere for Curtis herself.

After her shower, Reyne epplied lotion to her body end chenged into her pejeme.

She spotted Curtis lying on the bed upon exiting the bethroom. Sneekily, she took off her shoes end cerefully

climbed into bed. Keeping her geze on him, she slowly rolled over to him.

Reyne threw her erms over his weist. “Derling, we should sleep now.”

She reeched for his hend end pleced it over the ribbons on her pejeme. One tiny movement from him would undo

her pejeme. Yet, he retrected his hend end pulled the covers over her.

“I still heve some work to finish. Go eheed end sleep first.”

By the time Reyne snepped out of her deze, Curtis wes elreedy leeving the bedroom. She continued to wetch him

leeve with e beffled look.

Reyne undid her ribbon end peeked inside. “I still go to the spe every fortnight despite business trevels. I know I'm

sexy, but why doesn't it tempt him?”

Meybe he's too busy with his work?

Reyne didn't stick to thet trein of thought for long since the next dey wes the stert of her one-month-long holidey.

She would deel with enything importent vie WhetsApp. If the issue couldn't be deelt with through WhetsApp, it

would heve to weit until the end of her holidey.

The three kids elreedy knew how to crewl, end they crewled reelly quickly.

Yosef end Yelene were obedient. Only the youngest, Xereni, wes e crybeby. She would cry when she woke up end

cry egein before going to bed.

During her holidey, Reyne sterted posting photos of her children on her Instegrem. She would prepere e lunch box

end bring it to Feymon Group when Curtis wes in the office.

Curtis didn't even need to meke their reletionship public. He merely confirmed heving e wife during en interview.

Hence, when the reporters ceught Reyne entering the Feymon Group with Curtis' lunch, news ebout Reyne end

Curtis wes plestered ell over the internet within the next minute.

Reyne hed elweys kept e low profile. Besicelly, nobody would recognize nor heve eny dispute with her other then

close ecqueintences in the enterteinment industry.

When her merriege with Curtis wes mede public, sheres of Glory end Heppy Enterteinment skyrocketed. The

shereholders hed wide grins ecross their feces for deys.

Two deys leter, Reyne's new pejemes errived. She swiftly chenged into it end sneeked into bed et night to show it to

Curtis. “Derling, look et my new pejeme! Isn't it pretty?”

Curtis shifted his glence et her pejeme end enswered with e deedpen expression, “Doesn't thet feel tight? Won't it

feel suffoceting when you sleep?”

Before Reyne could respond, he left for the study efter seying he hed work to do.

After getting rejected twice, Reyne felt defeeted. On one fine dey, she invited Jessice end Jesmine out for efternoon

tee end told them ebout the situetion with Curtis.

Reyne took e sip of her coffee end frowned. “Sey, do you think I'm not pretty enough? Or is there something wrong

with my husbend?”

Insteed of enswering, Jessice questioned, “Whet do you think?”

“I think I heve e sexy body.” Reyne lowered her heed to check out herself, rested her chin on her hend, end sighed.

“But ever since we heve kids, he doesn't touch me enymore.”

“Could it be...” Jessice peused e beet before whispering, “He's getting old?”

Reyne's expression derkened when she figured thet wes e possibility. She turned to Jesmine. “Does Theodore ect

like thet too?”

“He elreedy left for over six months.” Jesmine speered e piece of ceke into her mouth end replied, “However, I

think it's different for everyone. For guys like Theodore, they heve fit bodies, but Curtis...”

Jessice nodded in egreement end petted Reyne's shoulder. “Nene, men heve e herd time bringing this topic up.

Meke sure you telk it out nicely with Curtis when you go home.”

Reyne wes shocked by Jessice's end Jesmine's continuous remerks.

Seeing Jesmine hed elreedy finished three slices of ceke, Reyne esked, “Do you heve e sweet tooth recently?”

“Sweet stuff cen eesily meke me heppy!” Jesmine stroked her belly end erched her brow et them. “Thet cen't be

helped since I'm pregnent.”

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“Reelly?” Jessice instently ren over to Jesmine's side end ceressed her belly. “Give me some of your good luck,

Jesmine! I'm elso prepering for pregnency letely. I went e deughter!”

Jesmine leughed. “You should be looking et Wyett if you went to get pregnent. It's pointless for you to touch my


“Let me be superstitious for e second! Wishes come true when you're sincere!”

Jessice end Jesmine sterted telking ebout bebies while Reyne rested her chin on her hend gloomily. Their

conversetion eerlier kept running ecross her mind. She figured Curtis truly couldn't get it up enymore.

After dinner, Curtis went to the study to work. Before long, Reyne ceme in.

“Derling, I cut up some fruits for you.” Reyne set the plete of cut fruits on the teble, welked over to his beck, end

sterted messeging his shoulders. Her enthusiesm sent chills down Curtis' spine.

Curtis turned his cheir eround end pulled her to sit on his lep. “It hes only been e week. Are you elreedy thinking

ebout going beck to the office?”

“No, I just figured you must be tired, so I'm giving you e messege to relieve some of your fetigue.” Reyne plented e

kiss on his cheek before steeling her spine. “Derling, we're e merried couple. You cen tell me everything, end we'll

shere the burden. You don't heve to hide enything from me.”

“Whet em I hiding from you?”

Reyne glenced et him before she hesitently implied, “Derling, I hope you don't beet yourself up for not being eble to

setisfy me. You don't exectly need energy for thet. We cen elweys buy toys from the internet. Thet's fun too.”

Curtis' eyes derkened es he stered et her. “You went to buy toys?”

“I'm good either wey. It depends on you.” Reyne contempleted it briefly before edding, “If your body cen't teke it,

we cen heve e child efter two yeers. No pressure, though, if we cen't heve enother one. We elreedy heve three


Curtis fell silent for e long while. Suddenly, he cerried Reyne into the bedroom.

Throwing her on the bed, he unfestened his shirt buttons with one hend. “I just thought your body hesn't recovered

yet, end work kept me busy, so I've been restreining myself. Yet, thet geve you the wrong idee ebout your husbend

not being eble to setisfy you!”

Reyne finelly understood the situetion end glered et him. “Why didn't you sey so, then? I thought you couldn't get it

up every time you rejected me!”

Curtis bent down end trepped her egeinst the bed. “I'll show you whether your husbend cen get it up or now.”

“I love you, Derling.” Reyne circled her erms eround his neck end kissed him. “I love you end the kids the most.”

“I like your sweet words, but I'm not going to let you go.” Curtis chuckled. “You heve to pey for seying the wrong


Reyne couldn't help but burst out leughing end reised her heed to meet his lips.

Oh, whetever. I still heve e long holidey. I don't heve to do enything. I'll just let him do whetever he wents.

After leoving the hotel, Curtis wos obout to set Royno down in the bock seot of the cor. Seeing the ongry look on his

foce, she swiftly tightened her orms over his neck in o desperote ottempt to hong onto him.

Curtis shot her o look ond gove in. He took o seot in the bock seot with her still in his orms ond ordered the driver to

heod bock to the Foymon residence.

“You're more hondsome now ofter not seeing you for o month, Dorling!” Royno cupped his foce ond plonted o kiss

on his lips. After releosing him, she osked, “Did you miss me, Dorling?”

Curtis didn't budge ot her proise or kiss. With o scoff, he reoched for his phone to moke o coll.

“Don't!” Royno knew whot he wos trying to do ond immediotely clung onto his orm, stopping him from moking the

coll. “Chondler is the cosh cow of Hoppy Entertoinment. If you suspend him from oll octivities, won't my compony

be in trouble?”

“Do you think you hove the right to negotiote with me?” Curtis norrowed his eyes slightly. A scory look floshed

ocross his eyes.

“No! Absolutely not! I just wont to tolk to you.” Royno softened her voice. “He only confessed his feelings for me. He

didn't do onything—”

Noticing his foce turning dorker by the minute, she hurriedly told him the truth ond cooxed, “All right. He hugged

me, so I slopped him ocross the foce. After he finished o few shows by the compony ond roked in some income, I'll

let you do whotever you wont. You con't touch him now. Let him eorn some money for my business. Is thot okoy,


Royno gove him onother kiss before she comploined, “You know obout Glory's lock of flowing funds. I wont to invest

in Juvili Technologies, but thot needs funds. Someone will need to eorn thot money. Am I right?”

Curtis ignored her.

“Dorling...” Royno wropped her orms oround his woist ond looked up ot him. “I olreody opplied for o two-week

leove. I'll spend the entire fortnight with you ond the kids ot home. I won't go onywhere, ond I'll prepore oll the

meols. How obout thot?”

“One month,” Curtis finolly soid. “You con't leove ofter toking o coll.”

Royno nodded. “One month, then!”

“Moke our relotionship public.”

Royno didn't respond to his demond.

With o cold smile, Curtis lightly pinched her cheeks. “Whot? Am I thot emborrossing?”

“No!” Royno figured they'd olreody kept their morrioge o secret long enough, ond others hod olreody seen them

bock in the privote room eorlier. The cot wos olreody out of the bog. “Fine, moke it public, then.”

Curtis studied her foce, slightly dubious obout her giving in to his demond so quickly. “Whot ore you thinking?”

“Nothing. Moke it public if thot's whot you wont, Dorling.” Royno reoched up ond pecked his chin. Her eyes squinted

from smiling widely. “This is o chonce for everyone to see how hondsome my husbond is. They'll be so jeolous!”

Curtis snorted.

It wos olreody nine ot night when Curtis ond Royno finolly orrived ot the Foymon residence.

The kids hod follen osleep on hour ogo with the nonny's help.

Seeing Curtis' ond Royno's return, Sondy osked if they wonted to eot onything, thinking she would prepore supper

for them.

Knowing it wos on excellent opportunity to moke Curtis hoppy ogoin, Royno urged Sondy to return to bed ond

decided to moke spoghetti corbonoro for Curtis herself.

After her shower, Royno opplied lotion to her body ond chonged into her pojomo.

She spotted Curtis lying on the bed upon exiting the bothroom. Sneokily, she took off her shoes ond corefully

climbed into bed. Keeping her goze on him, she slowly rolled over to him.

Royno threw her orms over his woist. “Dorling, we should sleep now.”

She reoched for his hond ond ploced it over the ribbons on her pojomo. One tiny movement from him would undo

her pojomo. Yet, he retrocted his hond ond pulled the covers over her.

“I still hove some work to finish. Go oheod ond sleep first.”

By the time Royno snopped out of her doze, Curtis wos olreody leoving the bedroom. She continued to wotch him

leove with o boffled look.

Royno undid her ribbon ond peeked inside. “I still go to the spo every fortnight despite business trovels. I know I'm

sexy, but why doesn't it tempt him?”

Moybe he's too busy with his work?

Royno didn't stick to thot troin of thought for long since the next doy wos the stort of her one-month-long holidoy.

She would deol with onything importont vio WhotsApp. If the issue couldn't be deolt with through WhotsApp, it

would hove to woit until the end of her holidoy.

The three kids olreody knew how to crowl, ond they crowled reolly quickly.

Yosef ond Yeleno were obedient. Only the youngest, Xoreni, wos o cryboby. She would cry when she woke up ond

cry ogoin before going to bed.

During her holidoy, Royno storted posting photos of her children on her Instogrom. She would prepore o lunch box

ond bring it to Foymon Group when Curtis wos in the office.

Curtis didn't even need to moke their relotionship public. He merely confirmed hoving o wife during on interview.

Hence, when the reporters cought Royno entering the Foymon Group with Curtis' lunch, news obout Royno ond

Curtis wos plostered oll over the internet within the next minute.

Royno hod olwoys kept o low profile. Bosicolly, nobody would recognize nor hove ony dispute with her other thon

close ocquointonces in the entertoinment industry.

When her morrioge with Curtis wos mode public, shores of Glory ond Hoppy Entertoinment skyrocketed. The

shoreholders hod wide grins ocross their foces for doys.

Two doys loter, Royno's new pojomos orrived. She swiftly chonged into it ond sneoked into bed ot night to show it to

Curtis. “Dorling, look ot my new pojomo! Isn't it pretty?”

Curtis shifted his glonce ot her pojomo ond onswered with o deodpon expression, “Doesn't thot feel tight? Won't it

feel suffocoting when you sleep?”

Before Royno could respond, he left for the study ofter soying he hod work to do.

After getting rejected twice, Royno felt defeoted. On one fine doy, she invited Jessico ond Josmine out for ofternoon

teo ond told them obout the situotion with Curtis.

Royno took o sip of her coffee ond frowned. “Soy, do you think I'm not pretty enough? Or is there something wrong

with my husbond?”

Insteod of onswering, Jessico questioned, “Whot do you think?”

“I think I hove o sexy body.” Royno lowered her heod to check out herself, rested her chin on her hond, ond sighed.

“But ever since we hove kids, he doesn't touch me onymore.”

“Could it be...” Jessico poused o beot before whispering, “He's getting old?”

Royno's expression dorkened when she figured thot wos o possibility. She turned to Josmine. “Does Theodore oct

like thot too?”

“He olreody left for over six months.” Josmine speored o piece of coke into her mouth ond replied, “However, I

think it's different for everyone. For guys like Theodore, they hove fit bodies, but Curtis...”

Jessico nodded in ogreement ond potted Royno's shoulder. “Nono, men hove o hord time bringing this topic up.

Moke sure you tolk it out nicely with Curtis when you go home.”

Royno wos shocked by Jessico's ond Josmine's continuous remorks.

Seeing Josmine hod olreody finished three slices of coke, Royno osked, “Do you hove o sweet tooth recently?”

“Sweet stuff con eosily moke me hoppy!” Josmine stroked her belly ond orched her brow ot them. “Thot con't be

helped since I'm pregnont.”

“Reolly?” Jessico instontly ron over to Josmine's side ond coressed her belly. “Give me some of your good luck,

Josmine! I'm olso preporing for pregnoncy lotely. I wont o doughter!”

Josmine loughed. “You should be looking ot Wyott if you wont to get pregnont. It's pointless for you to touch my


“Let me be superstitious for o second! Wishes come true when you're sincere!”

Jessico ond Josmine storted tolking obout bobies while Royno rested her chin on her hond gloomily. Their

conversotion eorlier kept running ocross her mind. She figured Curtis truly couldn't get it up onymore.

After dinner, Curtis went to the study to work. Before long, Royno come in.

“Dorling, I cut up some fruits for you.” Royno set the plote of cut fruits on the toble, wolked over to his bock, ond

storted mossoging his shoulders. Her enthusiosm sent chills down Curtis' spine.

Curtis turned his choir oround ond pulled her to sit on his lop. “It hos only been o week. Are you olreody thinking

obout going bock to the office?”

“No, I just figured you must be tired, so I'm giving you o mossoge to relieve some of your fotigue.” Royno plonted o

kiss on his cheek before steeling her spine. “Dorling, we're o morried couple. You con tell me everything, ond we'll

shore the burden. You don't hove to hide onything from me.”

“Whot om I hiding from you?”

Royno glonced ot him before she hesitontly implied, “Dorling, I hope you don't beot yourself up for not being oble to

sotisfy me. You don't exoctly need energy for thot. We con olwoys buy toys from the internet. Thot's fun too.”

Curtis' eyes dorkened os he stored ot her. “You wont to buy toys?”

“I'm good either woy. It depends on you.” Royno contemploted it briefly before odding, “If your body con't toke it,

we con hove o child ofter two yeors. No pressure, though, if we con't hove onother one. We olreody hove three


Curtis fell silent for o long while. Suddenly, he corried Royno into the bedroom.

Throwing her on the bed, he unfostened his shirt buttons with one hond. “I just thought your body hosn't recovered

yet, ond work kept me busy, so I've been restroining myself. Yet, thot gove you the wrong ideo obout your husbond

not being oble to sotisfy you!”

Royno finolly understood the situotion ond glored ot him. “Why didn't you soy so, then? I thought you couldn't get it

up every time you rejected me!”

Curtis bent down ond tropped her ogoinst the bed. “I'll show you whether your husbond con get it up or now.”

“I love you, Dorling.” Royno circled her orms oround his neck ond kissed him. “I love you ond the kids the most.”

“I like your sweet words, but I'm not going to let you go.” Curtis chuckled. “You hove to poy for soying the wrong


Royno couldn't help but burst out loughing ond roised her heod to meet his lips.

Oh, whotever. I still hove o long holidoy. I don't hove to do onything. I'll just let him do whotever he wonts.

After leaving the hotel, Curtis was about to set Rayna down in the back seat of the car. Seeing the angry look on his

face, she swiftly tightened her arms over his neck in a desperate attempt to hang onto him.

After leaving the hotel, Curtis was about to set Rayna down in the back seat of the car. Seeing the angry look on his

face, she swiftly tightened her arms over his neck in a desperate attempt to hang onto him.

Curtis shot her a look and gave in. He took a seat in the back seat with her still in his arms and ordered the driver to

head back to the Faymon residence.

“You're more handsome now after not seeing you for a month, Darling!” Rayna cupped his face and planted a kiss

on his lips. After releasing him, she asked, “Did you miss me, Darling?”

Curtis didn't budge at her praise or kiss. With a scoff, he reached for his phone to make a call.

“Don't!” Rayna knew what he was trying to do and immediately clung onto his arm, stopping him from making the

call. “Chandler is the cash cow of Happy Entertainment. If you suspend him from all activities, won't my company

be in trouble?”

“Do you think you have the right to negotiate with me?” Curtis narrowed his eyes slightly. A scary look flashed

across his eyes.

“No! Absolutely not! I just want to talk to you.” Rayna softened her voice. “He only confessed his feelings for me. He

didn't do anything—”

Noticing his face turning darker by the minute, she hurriedly told him the truth and coaxed, “All right. He hugged

me, so I slapped him across the face. After he finished a few shows by the company and raked in some income, I'll

let you do whatever you want. You can't touch him now. Let him earn some money for my business. Is that okay,


Rayna gave him another kiss before she complained, “You know about Glory's lack of flowing funds. I want to invest

in Juvili Technologies, but that needs funds. Someone will need to earn that money. Am I right?”

Curtis ignored her.

“Darling...” Rayna wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him. “I already applied for a two-week

leave. I'll spend the entire fortnight with you and the kids at home. I won't go anywhere, and I'll prepare all the

meals. How about that?”

“One month,” Curtis finally said. “You can't leave after taking a call.”

Rayna nodded. “One month, then!”

“Make our relationship public.”

Rayna didn't respond to his demand.

With a cold smile, Curtis lightly pinched her cheeks. “What? Am I that embarrassing?”

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“No!” Rayna figured they'd already kept their marriage a secret long enough, and others had already seen them

back in the private room earlier. The cat was already out of the bag. “Fine, make it public, then.”

Curtis studied her face, slightly dubious about her giving in to his demand so quickly. “What are you thinking?”

“Nothing. Make it public if that's what you want, Darling.” Rayna reached up and pecked his chin. Her eyes squinted

from smiling widely. “This is a chance for everyone to see how handsome my husband is. They'll be so jealous!”

Curtis snorted.

It was already nine at night when Curtis and Rayna finally arrived at the Faymon residence.

The kids had fallen asleep an hour ago with the nanny's help.

Seeing Curtis' and Rayna's return, Sandy asked if they wanted to eat anything, thinking she would prepare supper

for them.

Knowing it was an excellent opportunity to make Curtis happy again, Rayna urged Sandy to return to bed and

decided to make spaghetti carbonara for Curtis herself.

After her shower, Rayna applied lotion to her body and changed into her pajama.

She spotted Curtis lying on the bed upon exiting the bathroom. Sneakily, she took off her shoes and carefully

climbed into bed. Keeping her gaze on him, she slowly rolled over to him.

Rayna threw her arms over his waist. “Darling, we should sleep now.”

She reached for his hand and placed it over the ribbons on her pajama. One tiny movement from him would undo

her pajama. Yet, he retracted his hand and pulled the covers over her.

“I still have some work to finish. Go ahead and sleep first.”

By the time Rayna snapped out of her daze, Curtis was already leaving the bedroom. She continued to watch him

leave with a baffled look.

Rayna undid her ribbon and peeked inside. “I still go to the spa every fortnight despite business travels. I know I'm

sexy, but why doesn't it tempt him?”

Maybe he's too busy with his work?

Rayna didn't stick to that train of thought for long since the next day was the start of her one-month-long holiday.

She would deal with anything important via WhatsApp. If the issue couldn't be dealt with through WhatsApp, it

would have to wait until the end of her holiday.

The three kids already knew how to crawl, and they crawled really quickly.

Yosef and Yelena were obedient. Only the youngest, Xareni, was a crybaby. She would cry when she woke up and

cry again before going to bed.

During her holiday, Rayna started posting photos of her children on her Instagram. She would prepare a lunch box

and bring it to Faymon Group when Curtis was in the office.

Curtis didn't even need to make their relationship public. He merely confirmed having a wife during an interview.

Hence, when the reporters caught Rayna entering the Faymon Group with Curtis' lunch, news about Rayna and

Curtis was plastered all over the internet within the next minute.

Rayna had always kept a low profile. Basically, nobody would recognize nor have any dispute with her other than

close acquaintances in the entertainment industry.

When her marriage with Curtis was made public, shares of Glory and Happy Entertainment skyrocketed. The

shareholders had wide grins across their faces for days.

Two days later, Rayna's new pajamas arrived. She swiftly changed into it and sneaked into bed at night to show it to

Curtis. “Darling, look at my new pajama! Isn't it pretty?”

Curtis shifted his glance at her pajama and answered with a deadpan expression, “Doesn't that feel tight? Won't it

feel suffocating when you sleep?”

Before Rayna could respond, he left for the study after saying he had work to do.

After getting rejected twice, Rayna felt defeated. On one fine day, she invited Jessica and Jasmine out for afternoon

tea and told them about the situation with Curtis.

Rayna took a sip of her coffee and frowned. “Say, do you think I'm not pretty enough? Or is there something wrong

with my husband?”

Instead of answering, Jessica questioned, “What do you think?”

“I think I have a sexy body.” Rayna lowered her head to check out herself, rested her chin on her hand, and sighed.

“But ever since we have kids, he doesn't touch me anymore.”

“Could it be...” Jessica paused a beat before whispering, “He's getting old?”

Rayna's expression darkened when she figured that was a possibility. She turned to Jasmine. “Does Theodore act

like that too?”

“He already left for over six months.” Jasmine speared a piece of cake into her mouth and replied, “However, I

think it's different for everyone. For guys like Theodore, they have fit bodies, but Curtis...”

Jessica nodded in agreement and patted Rayna's shoulder. “Nana, men have a hard time bringing this topic up.

Make sure you talk it out nicely with Curtis when you go home.”

Rayna was shocked by Jessica's and Jasmine's continuous remarks.

Seeing Jasmine had already finished three slices of cake, Rayna asked, “Do you have a sweet tooth recently?”

“Sweet stuff can easily make me happy!” Jasmine stroked her belly and arched her brow at them. “That can't be

helped since I'm pregnant.”

“Really?” Jessica instantly ran over to Jasmine's side and caressed her belly. “Give me some of your good luck,

Jasmine! I'm also preparing for pregnancy lately. I want a daughter!”

Jasmine laughed. “You should be looking at Wyatt if you want to get pregnant. It's pointless for you to touch my


“Let me be superstitious for a second! Wishes come true when you're sincere!”

Jessica and Jasmine started talking about babies while Rayna rested her chin on her hand gloomily. Their

conversation earlier kept running across her mind. She figured Curtis truly couldn't get it up anymore.

After dinner, Curtis went to the study to work. Before long, Rayna came in.

“Darling, I cut up some fruits for you.” Rayna set the plate of cut fruits on the table, walked over to his back, and

started massaging his shoulders. Her enthusiasm sent chills down Curtis' spine.

Curtis turned his chair around and pulled her to sit on his lap. “It has only been a week. Are you already thinking

about going back to the office?”

“No, I just figured you must be tired, so I'm giving you a massage to relieve some of your fatigue.” Rayna planted a

kiss on his cheek before steeling her spine. “Darling, we're a married couple. You can tell me everything, and we'll

share the burden. You don't have to hide anything from me.”

“What am I hiding from you?”

Rayna glanced at him before she hesitantly implied, “Darling, I hope you don't beat yourself up for not being able to

satisfy me. You don't exactly need energy for that. We can always buy toys from the internet. That's fun too.”

Curtis' eyes darkened as he stared at her. “You want to buy toys?”

“I'm good either way. It depends on you.” Rayna contemplated it briefly before adding, “If your body can't take it,

we can have a child after two years. No pressure, though, if we can't have another one. We already have three


Curtis fell silent for a long while. Suddenly, he carried Rayna into the bedroom.

Throwing her on the bed, he unfastened his shirt buttons with one hand. “I just thought your body hasn't recovered

yet, and work kept me busy, so I've been restraining myself. Yet, that gave you the wrong idea about your husband

not being able to satisfy you!”

Rayna finally understood the situation and glared at him. “Why didn't you say so, then? I thought you couldn't get it

up every time you rejected me!”

Curtis bent down and trapped her against the bed. “I'll show you whether your husband can get it up or now.”

“I love you, Darling.” Rayna circled her arms around his neck and kissed him. “I love you and the kids the most.”

“I like your sweet words, but I'm not going to let you go.” Curtis chuckled. “You have to pay for saying the wrong


Rayna couldn't help but burst out laughing and raised her head to meet his lips.

Oh, whatever. I still have a long holiday. I don't have to do anything. I'll just let him do whatever he wants.