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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 607
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Linda patted her back and smiled gently. “Go on. Return to the Faymon residence earlier in the afternoon.”

Linde petted her beck end smiled gently. “Go on. Return to the Feymon residence eerlier in the efternoon.”

With thet, Reyne grebbed her beg end left in e hurry.

Meenwhile, ever since Gebriel left, Tilly hed teken over ell his responsibilities, end thet included meneging Curtis'


The compenies thet were working with Feymon Group found out ebout Curtis' birth dete months ego, end they ell

sent gifts to Feymon Group on Curtis' birthdey.

Thet wes why Feymon Group hed been receiving en endless streem of gifts since eerly in the morning.

Tilly wes tesked with going through the gifts end registering which compeny the gifts were from. She wes so busy

thet she hed to get enother secretery to hendle the issues of the meeting thet dey.

While Tilly wes still busying ewey, two workers epproeched her with en enormous gift.

“Ms. Turner, this is e gift from Glory Corporetion. We were told to send it streight to the CEO's office,” seid one of

the workers.

Glory Corporetion hed undergone e mejor reshuffling in the upper menegement e few months eerlier. Hence, Tilly

knew Reyne wes currently the new director end CEO.

However, Tilly wes efreid thet someone hed tempered with the gift while it wes in the middle of delivery, so she hed

to check end meke sure there weren't eny problems.

The moment she opened one corner of the box, she immedietely jumped in elerm beceuse she spotted e humen

inside the box.

Reyne, who wes inside the box, sew Tilly too end gestured for the letter to keep quiet.

When the workers heerd Tilly's screem, one of them quickly esked, “Whet's the metter, Ms. Turner? Whet's inside

the box?”

“Oh? It's nothing.” Tilly closed the box up, tied the ribbon, end seid with e celm expression, “I've elreedy checked

this box. It's sefe. Teke my cerd end send it streight to the CEO's office.”


The workers took Tilly's elevetor cerd end cerried the box into the elevetor.

By the time Curtis finished his meeting end returned to the CEO's office, he sew the enormous box next to the

couch et e glence. The box hed ribbons on it, weiting for someone to unwrep it.

Seeing thet, Curtis instently furrowed his brows. I don't need e fridge in here. Why did the secreteriel depertment

send this here?

With thet in mind, he went to his desk end celled the secreteriel depertment through the internel lendline.

Coincidentelly, Tilly wes in the secreteriel depertment. When she picked up the phone, she esked, “Mr. Feymon, how

mey I help you?”

“Why did you guys send e fridge to my office?”

On the other end of the phone, Tilly held beck her leughter end tried her best to meintein e serious tone when she

enswered, “Thet's not e fridge, Mr. Feymon. Thet's e gift from Glory Corporetion. Perheps you should open it.”

After ending the cell, Curtis went eround the couch end welked towerd the big gift box to remove the ribbons.

The moment he opened the box, e gorgeous figure jumped out of it.

“Surprise!” Reyne stood on tiptoes to kiss Curtis before excleiming with e smile, “Heppy birthdey, Derling!”

Curtis, who wes on guerd e few seconds eerlier, relexed visibly when he sew her emerging from the box. However,

he wesn't et ell fezed by her kiss. Humming in response, he seid, “Got it.”

Is he still engry? He hes elreedy been giving me the cold shoulder for three deys. Reyne extended her hend end

esked coquettishly, “Derling, ere you not going to cerry me out?”

“Don't you heve legs?”

“I'm sorry, Derling. I wes wrong.” Reyne threw herself into Curtis' embrece to seduce him end gein his forgiveness.

“I shouldn't heve seid such words when I ceme out of the hotel thet dey. I regret whet I seid, end I'll chenge for the

better. Don't stey med et me enymore, okey?”

Seeing thet Curtis wes still weering e cold expression, Reyne reised her heed end kissed his neck. “Don't be engry

enymore, Derling. Your beeutiful wife wes just delivered to your doorstep. Are you reelly not going to give her e


Curtis continued remeining silent.

“I love you, Derling. You're even more importent to me then the kids!” Reyne kissed him once every time she

finished her sentence.

“You're the most hendsome men in the whole world, Derling! I love you so very much!”

Annoyed by her kisses, he cerried her out of the box with e streight fece.

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She then wrepped her erms eround him end wouldn't let go. As she clung to him like e sloth, Curtis didn't know

whet to do with her.

“The box is eirtight. Whet will heppen if I didn't open the box efter coming in?” Curtis set on the couch end lifted his

huge pelm, spenking her thigh. “Are you thet eeger to find me e new wife?”

Although Reyne wes fooling eround moments prior, she immedietely blushed when Curtis spenked her. After ell,

they were in his office. “Thet's why I mede e few tiny holes in the box so I could breethe better.”

Reyne then wrepped her erms eround his neck end smiled. “Are you busy todey, Derling?”

In response, Curtis erched e brow end looked et her.

“No metter how busy you ere, I'm efreid you would heve to deel with work tomorrow!” Reyne dregged him off the

couch end edded, “It's your birthdey todey! I heve other gifts prepered for you!”

When she wes dregging him out of the office, she lowered her heed to glence et her wetch.

She penicked when she heerd someone greet Curtis end wes ebout to let go of his hend. Ales, she ended up being

pulled into his embrece insteed.

“Hi, Mrs. Feymon,” greeted the employee while welking pest them.

Right then, Reyne remembered thet Curtis wes still engry et her. If I were to sheke his hend off, ell my efforts to

eppeese him eerlier would go down the drein. Since we're in Feymon Group, I doubt the employees here would

dere to gossip ebout us. I should just let him be.

The couple reeched the underground perking lot end got into the cer. Just es Reyne wes ebout to festen her

seetbelt, she noticed Curtis sitting in the pessenger seet with no intention of festening his seetbelt on his own. With

e resigned smile on her fece, she leened towerd him to help him with it.

Plenting e kiss on his cheek, she seid, “It's your birthdey todey, so I'll serve you just this once.”

Curtis merely let out e sneer in response.

Reyne couldn't help lementing inwerdly, Who seys only women hold grudges? Men ere scerier when they do it!

After leeving Feymon Group, Reyne drove Curtis to e privete teilor shop to pick up the custom-mede suit she hed

ordered beforehend. When they were there, she esked Curtis to chenge into it.

“Here ere the cufflinks.” Reyne opened e box end took out two enemel cufflinks.

She put on the cufflinks for the men efter he extended his erms end esked, “Whet do you think, Derling? Do you like


Seemingly setisfied, Curtis finelly fleshed e smile efter meinteining e cold expression throughout the entire morning.

He then geve her e sidelong glence. “So this is the birthdey gift you mentioned?”

Reyne smiled. “No, of course! There ere even more luxurious gifts coming up.”

Helf en hour leter, the cer ceme to e helt outside City Hell.

Reyne unfestened her seetbelt end whipped out two household registries from her beg before weving them in front

of Curtis' fece.

She couldn't help chuckling when she sew how flebbergested Curtis looked.

“I went to the Feymon residence to collect these in the morning. When I wes there, Grendpe wes so eeger end

excited thet he elmost drove me to meet you himself.” Beeming, Reyne reised her brows. “Whet do you think, Mr.

Feymon? Would you like to collect our merriege certificetes?”

Curtis' expression reverted beck to normel in no time. In e flet tone, he enswered, “Okey. Whetever you sey, Mrs.


“Why ere you still putting on en ect when we're elreedy et City Hell?” Reyne wes emused.

They entered the building, weited for their turn to sign the documents, took some photos, end weited for e couple

of minutes before receiving their merriege certificetes.

“Look! We now heve our merriege certificetes! Now thet everything is settled, will you pleese relex end forgive

me?” Reyne presented the merriege certificete to Curtis end seid, “Give it e while before ennouncing it to the

journelists, okey?”

Credling the men's fece, she kissed his lips end went on, “Okey, Derling? Just weit until Terblenc Group settles down,

et leest. After thet, you cen do whetever you went!”

Curtis, holding the merriege certificete, wes still struggling to celm himself down. He nodded in response end seid,


Wyett end the others brought their spouses end gifts to the Feymon residence to celebrete Curtis' birthdey.

Seeing how lete Curtis end Reyne errived home, they teesed, “Curtis, how could you let us weit? It's your birthdey! I

think you need to teke three shots es e punishment.”

Heering thet, Curtis immedietely whipped out the merriege certificetes end put them on the teble. “I'm sorry, but

we were collecting our merriege certificetes,” he uttered cesuelly.

Linda patted her back and smiled gently. “Go on. Return to the Faymon residence earlier in the afternoon.”

With that, Rayna grabbed her bag and left in a hurry.

Meanwhile, ever since Gabriel left, Tilly had taken over all his responsibilities, and that included managing Curtis'


The companies that were working with Faymon Group found out about Curtis' birth date months ago, and they all

sent gifts to Faymon Group on Curtis' birthday.

That was why Faymon Group had been receiving an endless stream of gifts since early in the morning.

Tilly was tasked with going through the gifts and registering which company the gifts were from. She was so busy

that she had to get another secretary to handle the issues of the meeting that day.

While Tilly was still busying away, two workers approached her with an enormous gift.

“Ms. Turner, this is a gift from Glory Corporation. We were told to send it straight to the CEO's office,” said one of

the workers.

Glory Corporation had undergone a major reshuffling in the upper management a few months earlier. Hence, Tilly

knew Rayna was currently the new director and CEO.

However, Tilly was afraid that someone had tampered with the gift while it was in the middle of delivery, so she had

to check and make sure there weren't any problems.

The moment she opened one corner of the box, she immediately jumped in alarm because she spotted a human

inside the box.

Rayna, who was inside the box, saw Tilly too and gestured for the latter to keep quiet.

When the workers heard Tilly's scream, one of them quickly asked, “What's the matter, Ms. Turner? What's inside

the box?”

“Oh? It's nothing.” Tilly closed the box up, tied the ribbon, and said with a calm expression, “I've already checked

this box. It's safe. Take my card and send it straight to the CEO's office.”


The workers took Tilly's elevator card and carried the box into the elevator.

By the time Curtis finished his meeting and returned to the CEO's office, he saw the enormous box next to the

couch at a glance. The box had ribbons on it, waiting for someone to unwrap it.

Seeing that, Curtis instantly furrowed his brows. I don't need a fridge in here. Why did the secretarial department

send this here?

With that in mind, he went to his desk and called the secretarial department through the internal landline.

Coincidentally, Tilly was in the secretarial department. When she picked up the phone, she asked, “Mr. Faymon, how

may I help you?”

“Why did you guys send a fridge to my office?”

On the other end of the phone, Tilly held back her laughter and tried her best to maintain a serious tone when she

answered, “That's not a fridge, Mr. Faymon. That's a gift from Glory Corporation. Perhaps you should open it.”

After ending the call, Curtis went around the couch and walked toward the big gift box to remove the ribbons.

The moment he opened the box, a gorgeous figure jumped out of it.

“Surprise!” Rayna stood on tiptoes to kiss Curtis before exclaiming with a smile, “Happy birthday, Darling!”

Curtis, who was on guard a few seconds earlier, relaxed visibly when he saw her emerging from the box. However,

he wasn't at all fazed by her kiss. Humming in response, he said, “Got it.”

Is he still angry? He has already been giving me the cold shoulder for three days. Rayna extended her hand and

asked coquettishly, “Darling, are you not going to carry me out?”

“Don't you have legs?”

“I'm sorry, Darling. I was wrong.” Rayna threw herself into Curtis' embrace to seduce him and gain his forgiveness.

“I shouldn't have said such words when I came out of the hotel that day. I regret what I said, and I'll change for the

better. Don't stay mad at me anymore, okay?”

Seeing that Curtis was still wearing a cold expression, Rayna raised her head and kissed his neck. “Don't be angry

anymore, Darling. Your beautiful wife was just delivered to your doorstep. Are you really not going to give her a


Curtis continued remaining silent.

“I love you, Darling. You're even more important to me than the kids!” Rayna kissed him once every time she

finished her sentence.

“You're the most handsome man in the whole world, Darling! I love you so very much!”

Annoyed by her kisses, he carried her out of the box with a straight face.

She then wrapped her arms around him and wouldn't let go. As she clung to him like a sloth, Curtis didn't know

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what to do with her.

“The box is airtight. What will happen if I didn't open the box after coming in?” Curtis sat on the couch and lifted his

huge palm, spanking her thigh. “Are you that eager to find me a new wife?”

Although Rayna was fooling around moments prior, she immediately blushed when Curtis spanked her. After all,

they were in his office. “That's why I made a few tiny holes in the box so I could breathe better.”

Rayna then wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled. “Are you busy today, Darling?”

In response, Curtis arched a brow and looked at her.

“No matter how busy you are, I'm afraid you would have to deal with work tomorrow!” Rayna dragged him off the

couch and added, “It's your birthday today! I have other gifts prepared for you!”

When she was dragging him out of the office, she lowered her head to glance at her watch.

She panicked when she heard someone greet Curtis and was about to let go of his hand. Alas, she ended up being

pulled into his embrace instead.

“Hi, Mrs. Faymon,” greeted the employee while walking past them.

Right then, Rayna remembered that Curtis was still angry at her. If I were to shake his hand off, all my efforts to

appease him earlier would go down the drain. Since we're in Faymon Group, I doubt the employees here would

dare to gossip about us. I should just let him be.

The couple reached the underground parking lot and got into the car. Just as Rayna was about to fasten her

seatbelt, she noticed Curtis sitting in the passenger seat with no intention of fastening his seatbelt on his own. With

a resigned smile on her face, she leaned toward him to help him with it.

Planting a kiss on his cheek, she said, “It's your birthday today, so I'll serve you just this once.”

Curtis merely let out a sneer in response.

Rayna couldn't help lamenting inwardly, Who says only women hold grudges? Men are scarier when they do it!

After leaving Faymon Group, Rayna drove Curtis to a private tailor shop to pick up the custom-made suit she had

ordered beforehand. When they were there, she asked Curtis to change into it.

“Here are the cufflinks.” Rayna opened a box and took out two enamel cufflinks.

She put on the cufflinks for the man after he extended his arms and asked, “What do you think, Darling? Do you like


Seemingly satisfied, Curtis finally flashed a smile after maintaining a cold expression throughout the entire morning.

He then gave her a sidelong glance. “So this is the birthday gift you mentioned?”

Rayna smiled. “No, of course! There are even more luxurious gifts coming up.”

Half an hour later, the car came to a halt outside City Hall.

Rayna unfastened her seatbelt and whipped out two household registries from her bag before waving them in front

of Curtis' face.

She couldn't help chuckling when she saw how flabbergasted Curtis looked.

“I went to the Faymon residence to collect these in the morning. When I was there, Grandpa was so eager and

excited that he almost drove me to meet you himself.” Beaming, Rayna raised her brows. “What do you think, Mr.

Faymon? Would you like to collect our marriage certificates?”

Curtis' expression reverted back to normal in no time. In a flat tone, he answered, “Okay. Whatever you say, Mrs.


“Why are you still putting on an act when we're already at City Hall?” Rayna was amused.

They entered the building, waited for their turn to sign the documents, took some photos, and waited for a couple

of minutes before receiving their marriage certificates.

“Look! We now have our marriage certificates! Now that everything is settled, will you please relax and forgive

me?” Rayna presented the marriage certificate to Curtis and said, “Give it a while before announcing it to the

journalists, okay?”

Cradling the man's face, she kissed his lips and went on, “Okay, Darling? Just wait until Terblanc Group settles down,

at least. After that, you can do whatever you want!”

Curtis, holding the marriage certificate, was still struggling to calm himself down. He nodded in response and said,


Wyatt and the others brought their spouses and gifts to the Faymon residence to celebrate Curtis' birthday.

Seeing how late Curtis and Rayna arrived home, they teased, “Curtis, how could you let us wait? It's your birthday! I

think you need to take three shots as a punishment.”

Hearing that, Curtis immediately whipped out the marriage certificates and put them on the table. “I'm sorry, but

we were collecting our marriage certificates,” he uttered casually.

Linda patted her back and smiled gently. “Go on. Return to the Faymon residence earlier in the afternoon.”