Chapter 168 Chapter 168 In the darkness of the room, | watched the man that I loved sleep and the more |
watched him the faster and harder the Tears fell from my eyes. 1 failed him. ell He had been so excited to have a
child with me, he had been looking forward to it with everything and | had dashed those hopes. Greyson had
tried so hard to hide it but since I got back, | alway caught his eyes moving to my stomach and the sadness that
would cloud within his grey orbs when he would find the space empty usually madehate myself even more.
We were supposed to be a happy family, with two extra children along with Jessy, but now not only did I loose
our twins, | had also lost my womb. There was no greater pain that the one that | was currently faced with. Not
even the stabs cclose to the pain that | felt now. As much as Greyson wanted to pretend, | knew that there
had been a change between us and things were not as normal as they used to be. He was of course still the
sweetest, most supportive, loving man the world but | just couldn’t bring myself to believe that he was really
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtokay withlosing the twins and also losing my womb. When Clara had broken the news to me, | had been
more than devastated and had cried for hours straight. It was three weeks after | got the news and | still cried
every night when | thought about it like | was doing now. Nothing felt the sto me. | felt like such a
disappointment. And when Jessy had innocently asked my about ‘her babies’ | had nothing to tell her but cry
bitterly. | didn’t think that there was ever anything that could take away the pain in my heart or makefeel
better and | feared that if | carried on like this then | would eventually just lose any connection with life and then
fade away. It didn’t feel like | had much to live for anyway. To make matters worse, | had been unable to sleep
since | got back home. Terrible nightmares after nightmares haunted my sleep since | got back from the hospital
and none of Greyson’s remedies had worked for them and so to save him the stress, | would usually go to bed
really early and pretend to have fallen asleep, just so he could also go to bed without worrying about me. Sighing
heavily, | moved from the bed and walked in the direction of the closet to find something warmer to wear. Once |
was properly clothed, | exited the closet and with a last look at Greyson 1 left the room. It was a pain moving
down the stairs since although my wounds were fully healed, | could still feel the pain from them. | had missed
the house so much and | was glad to be back home, but being back didn’t beingas much joy as | had really
thought it would. | moved towards the kitchen and after taking a cold glass of water, | exited the kitchen and into
the garden to settle on the only bench that occupied the space. The moon was full and shining brightly upon the
space and the cold night air along with the light helped to calmdown. | raised my knees to my chest and just
buried my face within it. | didn’t feel safe anywhere or with anyone that wasn’t Greyson, knowing what had just
happened. A part ofjust knew that it wasn’t entirely over. 12:10 Fri, Jan 31 B B Chapter 168 Greyson had
claimed that when he got into the room that night it had been to find only Roman and Matthew and that they
that there had been no one like that in the room had both been killed and when | asked him about Zoe/Estel,
head said and had assuredthat his mate was dead and there was just way for her to cback to life. at
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmwould have been able to back u | knew what | had seen, it had not been made up in my mind. The only person
my claims had been Naomi as she was the only other person that has been there withbut before | got back
from the hospital the girl had killed herself. She had gotten her hands on a large broken piece of glass and he cut
herself with it. The wound had been so deep and it had cut through an important vein. She was locked up for a
while and before any help could cto her, she had bled to death so there was no hope in that regard.
Greyson still sent out men after men everyday to find Zoe and no matter how much I told him that he wouldn't
find her because she was no longer in her body, he refused to listen to me. Not in a stubborn way, more in a way
that said that he didn’t believe that Estel’s body could be used in that manner. In his words, “No magic could
ever do that.” | watched as the skies cleared up little by little and darkness case. The morning birds and
creatures of the day began their tunes and | watched as slowly light brought life to the world around me. Finally,
the sun began rising. ©